The 2013 Plasma Discussion Thread!

The biggest problem of high quality TVs like Plasma (Panasonic, Pioneer, Sharp) is declining sales in bigger markets like US.

In US there is only one chain where you can demo such high end TVs. Actually it is not even in the whole chain, but selected stores of a chain. Even they too are shutting down that section in favor of mass electonic products.

If you do not have a place to demo how will people know if something is better. I have never realised that there is so much difference between high end tvs and regular ones until couple of years ago. I did not know all the audio brands too, I was not a av afficianado.

Problem in US is that not only high end TVs but even high end audio is facing issues. I was talking to a guy from a famous speaker company, he did admit that for a regular person on street Bose is best, most people have never heard of brands like B&W, Martin Logan, Def Tech, KEF, Klipsch, etc in US. The numbers are rapidly reducing. If they cannot sell more quantity they can never recoup the cost of R&D, to keep new technology and costs low, volume has to be there.

Unless some company like Apple gets into retailing these products, they are gonna die out soon. Whether it is a high end plasma TV or a high end speaker maker, the future looks bleak. This is in US. Europe is also facing same conundrum.

When developed markets are having hard time, the low volume sales in India would not help the division to stay afloat.
@Soum, go for ST60 and you won't regret. Who quoted you 1.04L ? Brandshop ?

Its not from brand shop but "great eastern" and "kshola electronics" from kolkata. Brand shop price is too high they quote 82000 for S60. I did not asked for st60 there.
Re: The 2013 Plasma Discussion Thread! [Updated with Information]

That's exactly the reason why buyers derive their confidence from AV forums.
You can interact with owners of a product and read comparisions.
That's the price we need to pay when buying high end products.
Also, it is better to get hold of a member who already bought it in your city and asking for a demo in his house.
All the forum members here as far as I know will be more than happy to give a demo at their homes.
Yes, I like the AV forums too, but the number of actual buyer knowing these and reading through is miniscule.

Problem is US is not like India. People do not demo for strangers.
Retail stores are critical, to do side by side comparison, get info, compare pricing ad then make a good decision.

Internet analysis, AV forums are all just a small part.
When I got my set last year, I did analysis for 3-4 months, then went and bought it from a store, got a good price below the online price. For me I had to see the price before I buy. If you do not experience it and realise the difference the cheapest one or the one that is most heavily marketed one will get sold.

Remember most buyers are not highly informed. They are housewives, farmers, blue collar wrokers, office workers who got a bonus, etc. Hard to convince them the pros of product.

Revamp of retail will mean end days for high end products.

Focus is now more on Mobile phones, Mass market products, Feature rich products and most important cheaper products. This is happening in US and Europe.
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@Dirac @Just4kix @anubisX Thanks for reply.
Today I booked 50st60. The shop don't have stock.
They called some pana guy and confirm that they can deliver 50st60 but it will take time. Pana guy told that they will get 50st60 within 20 days and I may receive that after 25 days. that was not a problem for me. Owner also have concern if Panasonic can deliver it or not. But the pana guy confirmed him he can deliver it.
Few day back when I went to the shop Its price was 1.04 MOP. today shop receive a new MOP list where its price is 1.15.
As they quoted me earlier The price there are asking from me is 1 L.
As I am not a hard bargainer I couldn't reduce the price more, so final price is Rs. 98500.
Is this is a fair price?
Co-incidentally today is my birthday. So this is the best gift to me from myself :) .
Thank you guys for helping me to choose the TV.
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Re: The 2013 Plasma Discussion Thread! [Updated with Information]

That price is excellent as long as you get a fresh piece. This is USUALLY not a problem with ST60 because there are no demo/refurbished stocks. But verify anyway.
@Dirac @Just4kix @anubisX Thanks for reply.
Today I booked 50st60. The shop don't have stock.
They called some pana guy and confirm that they can deliver 50st60 but it will take time. Pana guy told that they will get 50st60 within 20 days and I may receive that after 25 days. that was not a problem for me. Owner also have concern if Panasonic can deliver it or not. But the pana guy confirmed him he can deliver it.
Few day back when I went to the shop Its price was 1.04 MOP. today shop receive a new MOP list where its price is 1.15.
As they quoted me earlier The price there are asking from me is 1 L.
As I am not a hard bargainer I couldn't reduce the price more, so final price is Rs. 98500.
Is this is a fair price?
Co-incidentally today is my birthday. So this is the best gift to me from myself :) .
Thank you guys for helping me to choose the TV.

Happy birthday. And yes you gifted yourself the best of things that man can create. Hope you get your st60 soon.
First of all, Happy Birthday. This is for you :)

Secondly, where did you book the ST60 ? Khosla or Great Eastern ? And 50ST60 @ 98.5K is a steal. I don't know how much Panasonic will bill me for the ST60 :'(
@Dirac @Just4kix @anubisX Thanks for reply.
Today I booked 50st60. The shop don't have stock.
They called some pana guy and confirm that they can deliver 50st60 but it will take time. Pana guy told that they will get 50st60 within 20 days and I may receive that after 25 days. that was not a problem for me. Owner also have concern if Panasonic can deliver it or not. But the pana guy confirmed him he can deliver it.
Few day back when I went to the shop Its price was 1.04 MOP. today shop receive a new MOP list where its price is 1.15.
As they quoted me earlier The price there are asking from me is 1 L.
As I am not a hard bargainer I couldn't reduce the price more, so final price is Rs. 98500.
Is this is a fair price?
Co-incidentally today is my birthday. So this is the best gift to me from myself :) .
Thank you guys for helping me to choose the TV.
Belated happy birthday wishes.
First of all, Happy Birthday. This is for you :)

Secondly, where did you book the ST60 ? Khosla or Great Eastern ? And 50ST60 @ 98.5K is a steal. I don't know how much Panasonic will bill me for the ST60 :'(

Thank you .. thank you...
I booked it from Great Eastern. yesterday I found out that MOP increases to 1.15. Previously it was 1.04. I will pay them on 20th (due to CC clearing).
Hi Soum,

I am very much happy with 3D of my 65"ST50 and it's flawless I feel it even better than VT20-30, hence logically ST60 will perform at par or better.

Belated Birthday wishes...Cheers..
What do i do with these TV salesman at showrooms, who sell LCD's like vegetable vendor and give Gyan on Plasma. Had gone to Girias Jayanagar and was doing formalities for purchasing my Sammy 64 F8500. As it was taking time i was looking around, and one salesman comes and asks sir what are you looking for, i said plasma and i am buying one. Suddenly he says, please make sure you have a big room as in a small room plasma generates lot of heat.

I just smiled and said no worries i have a big room. Wish someday would come when the salesman are actually competent and have knowledge rather than taking customers for a ride.
My experience was not different in Girias, Inner ring road, Domlur few months back.
The salesman told Sir plasma is outdated technology and nobody is buying it.
So we are not keeping it in stock. I did not spend more than 5 min in that shop.
What else we can do?

I found the sales team in Devi intl was knowledgable to some extend. They have explained the difference in blacks, viewing angles of plasma in comparison to LEDs side-by-side.
May be because they sell more plasmas compared to other multibrand showrooms.

What do i do with these TV salesman at showrooms, who sell LCD's like vegetable vendor and give Gyan on Plasma. Had gone to Girias Jayanagar and was doing formalities for purchasing my Sammy 64 F8500. As it was taking time i was looking around, and one salesman comes and asks sir what are you looking for, i said plasma and i am buying one. Suddenly he says, please make sure you have a big room as in a small room plasma generates lot of heat.

I just smiled and said no worries i have a big room. Wish someday would come when the salesman are actually competent and have knowledge rather than taking customers for a ride.
Unfortunately, i did not visit Devi this time as for the first time in the last 8 years Devi failed to offer me a lower price than what i got from Girias. Guess it was due to Nirajan who gave awesome pricing and i bought couple of sets from him. As he has quit and gone the new guys are not that great. I did spoke couple of times with Prakash who takes care of Samsung but he was unable to match or offer a good pricing.

Guess times change and probably the Devi international guys are no longer the front runners in offering the best price in Bangalore.
Wharfedale Linton Heritage Speakers in Walnut finish at a Special Offer Price. BUY now before the price increase.