The Movies I Liked

Taxi Driver - A must watch.

A quote from the movie as said by "Travis". This has inspired me a lot.

"June twenty-ninth. I gotta get in shape. Too much sitting has ruined my body. Too much abuse has gone on for too long. From now on there will be 50 pushups each morning, 50 pullups.
There will be no more pills, no more bad food, no more destroyers of my body. From now on will be total organization. Every muscle must be tight."

Looper (2012) - IMDb

Year 2044. Time travel will be invented in 30 years and will be utilized by criminal organizations to eliminate potential threat by using 'loopers' in the past. What if you are a looper and you are assigned to kill your own future self? A very good sci-fi, action movie if you like time travel fictions. The story is not mind twisting like other time travel movies.

Up in the Air (2009) - IMDb

Ryan's job is to fire people professionally. The job means a lot of traveling and he is soon to reach the milestone of ten million flier miles. Natalie is a young and arrogant new associate who comes with an innovative idea of 'online firing' whereby the company can cut down on expenses for traveling. Ryan points out the problems and difficulties of the proposed system. Before implementing the system in to force, the company sends Natalie with Ryan to have hands on experience.

3-Iron (2004) - IMDb

The lonely and silent rider breaks in empty houses and lives a normal life while the owners are traveling. He does not steal anything. He cleans the houses, does small repair works and even washes dirty clothes as a payment. However one house he entered was not empty.
A very good sci-fi, action movie if you like time travel fictions. The story is not mind twisting like other time travel movies

Yep! I was not impressed by Looper. I was expecting something more complex and twisted - lot of promise, lot of noise, but failed to back it up.

I like KKD's movies, especially for their (almost) silent protagonists :)
Yep! I was not impressed by Looper. I was expecting something more complex and twisted - lot of promise, lot of noise, but failed to back it up.

I like KKD's movies, especially for their (almost) silent protagonists :)

+1 to your views. Movie kinda dragged too in the middle & towards the end. Story had potential though.

Idealistic lawyers Mike Weiss and Paul Danziger are partners. Mike is a drug-addict and Paul is a family man with a pregnant wife. When nurse Vicky Rogers seeks them out, they learn that she contracted AIDS a couple of years ago when she was accidentally pinpricked with a contaminated needle by a violent patient. Vicky shows a retractable safety needle invented by engineer Jeffrey Matthew Dancort, who owns the Safety Point Company, but is unable to sell his product to any hospital from the United Medical group, apart from San Antonio Memorial. Danziger and Weiss accept the case and go to court against United Medical, defended by powerful lawyer Nathaniel Price. Soon, they see all the doors closed in their fight against the powerful mafia of the medical supply system.

Puncture (2011) - IMDb

Border Run [2013]

Border Run (2013) - IMDb

A nice Crime/Drama movie. Story is good, it's about illegal Mexican immigration to the US. Starring Sharon Stone who is really bad in her performance. But the story builds some good emotions all along, and a good twist in the end makes it even more interesting. A one time watchable.


A young woman grows up to be a stone-cold assassin after witnessing her parents' murder as a child in Bogota. She works for her uncle as a hitman by day, but her personal time is spent engaging in vigilante murders that she hopes will lead her to her ultimate target - the mobster responsible for her parents' death.

Colombiana (2011) - IMDb

I came across the manuscript of "A good day to die hard". Luckily i had seen the movie so I knew this was reads as follows (around 2 pages long only, and I will reproduce some parts here...

- Kaboom!! "Get him...!" Silence, smoke etc... "Got him."

Camera zooms, pans, zooms wildly, and we see a shot of Moscow. Another shooting scene, this time in a disco. Attacker is hauled away by Russian cops.

Bruce Willis " He is my kid, after all..." His daughter in the movie "Papa, don't goof up"...

Two men talking (they were partners in crime, but have fallen out), one imprisoned. "I will get you"...says one. "You can never get me" says the other (who is imprisoned)..

Court scene - Bang Bang Bang...! as the judge, this time, raps the gavel. Then Boom...!!! Crash!! Crash!! - a massive explosion that results in everyone but the assassin and the prisoner getting hurt. They run to a car and are intercepted by Bruce Willis. "Jack - John - Jack - John - Jack - What about Dad - Go Away". Bang !!! Bang !!! more gunfire. Everyone is shooting. Weapons are somewhere between an AK47 and a RPG. Prisoner's arm is broken.

Major car chase. Bruce Willis joins in in a SUV...he doesn't like traffic, so he jumps off a bridge onto the traffic below and drives over all the vehicles, rams into the van chasing the fugitives.

"What are you doing??? Let's get going...Got to the reach the hotel fast". Reach hotel. Prisoner's daughter and him, plus Willis and Son make a cosy foursome. Daughter kidnaps prisoner, her dad. Major helicopter chase - with Willis and Son falling from top floor of the hotel to the bottom. Willis pulls out a bullet from son's thigh, but it does not have any blood on it.

"We got to go home"..."No we got to get the file"..."Fine, lets get the file. We got to stop terrorism"... Bang!!! Bang!!! Bang!!! - more gunfire. Not clear who is shooting whom.

Cut to Chernobyl. Prisoner's arm has healed on its own. He guns down his captors. Neutralizing gas is released which magically eliminates radioactive emissions and soon, Willis and Son walk in without any protective gear (no need).

"Gosh, there is no file. This is weapons grade Uranium".

Kaboom...!! Biff...!! Whooosh...Kaboom...!!! (the last two combined, which means RPG). The entire Chernobyl plant is on fire now.

Helicopter takes off piloted by prisoner's daughter...Willis leaps into it and drives the truck inside the chopper. The rear gives away, but the truck does not fall out. The prisoner's daughter can't control the chopper. Willis's son chucks the prisoner onto the chopper blade. One baddie goes. Willis leaps out...Bang...!! Kaboom...!! (continuous gunfire from everywhere). Willis and Son stare at chopper, which takes aim and rams into the building. Willis and Son leap out of the 5th floor, and fall into a pool below. Chopper crashes.

"We killed all the baddies". "We got them all". "How do you do it all the time, dad?"

Shadow Dancer [2012]

Shadow Dancer (2012) - IMDb

A good Drama/Thriller movie. Story is good, which is about Irish politics. Nice performance by Andrea Riseborough and Clive Owen. A good watch.

Switch [2011]

Switch (2011) - IMDb

A very good French Thriller movie about becoming a suspect of a murder after swapping a house with an unknown. The builds tension in the story builds up in every passing frame. Worth a watch.

I came across the manuscript of "A good day to die hard". Luckily i had seen the movie so I knew this was reads as follows (around 2 pages long only, and I will reproduce some parts here...

- Kaboom!! "Get him...!" Silence, smoke etc... "Got him."

Camera zooms, pans, zooms wildly, and we see a shot of Moscow. Another shooting scene, this time in a disco. Attacker is hauled away by Russian cops.

Bruce Willis " He is my kid, after all..." His daughter in the movie "Papa, don't goof up"...

Two men talking (they were partners in crime, but have fallen out), one imprisoned. "I will get you"...says one. "You can never get me" says the other (who is imprisoned)..

Court scene - Bang Bang Bang...! as the judge, this time, raps the gavel. Then Boom...!!! Crash!! Crash!! - a massive explosion that results in everyone but the assassin and the prisoner getting hurt. They run to a car and are intercepted by Bruce Willis. "Jack - John - Jack - John - Jack - What about Dad - Go Away". Bang !!! Bang !!! more gunfire. Everyone is shooting. Weapons are somewhere between an AK47 and a RPG. Prisoner's arm is broken.

Major car chase. Bruce Willis joins in in a SUV...he doesn't like traffic, so he jumps off a bridge onto the traffic below and drives over all the vehicles, rams into the van chasing the fugitives.

"What are you doing??? Let's get going...Got to the reach the hotel fast". Reach hotel. Prisoner's daughter and him, plus Willis and Son make a cosy foursome. Daughter kidnaps prisoner, her dad. Major helicopter chase - with Willis and Son falling from top floor of the hotel to the bottom. Willis pulls out a bullet from son's thigh, but it does not have any blood on it.

"We got to go home"..."No we got to get the file"..."Fine, lets get the file. We got to stop terrorism"... Bang!!! Bang!!! Bang!!! - more gunfire. Not clear who is shooting whom.

Cut to Chernobyl. Prisoner's arm has healed on its own. He guns down his captors. Neutralizing gas is released which magically eliminates radioactive emissions and soon, Willis and Son walk in without any protective gear (no need).

"Gosh, there is no file. This is weapons grade Uranium".

Kaboom...!! Biff...!! Whooosh...Kaboom...!!! (the last two combined, which means RPG). The entire Chernobyl plant is on fire now.

Helicopter takes off piloted by prisoner's daughter...Willis leaps into it and drives the truck inside the chopper. The rear gives away, but the truck does not fall out. The prisoner's daughter can't control the chopper. Willis's son chucks the prisoner onto the chopper blade. One baddie goes. Willis leaps out...Bang...!! Kaboom...!! (continuous gunfire from everywhere). Willis and Son stare at chopper, which takes aim and rams into the building. Willis and Son leap out of the 5th floor, and fall into a pool below. Chopper crashes.

"We killed all the baddies". "We got them all". "How do you do it all the time, dad?"


Thats sums out to be a perfect pop corn entertainer!!!!!!! > A must see I guess.
The Impossible ... Ok finally gave a shot to this one with "high expectations" ..... result is mixed reactions...... The first half of the movie is the backbone and really really well done, what looses out is the second half. However kudos to the director to even try to make a movie with a scale of as large as of tsunami. I liked the movie but for me negatives were a bit more than the positives.

1. Its a story based on the true couple/family focused upon. They were Spanish and not white.
2. Almost all characters are white. I mean it was Asia and most of the time in hospital whenever closeup were filmed, I just found white people and kids.
3. Even though thousands of people were swept away from the event. Naomi Watts is shown to struggle almost alone with his son during the first half, just to find one kid Daniel lying around. Hard to believe.
4. Inclusion, participation of Local residents was almost non existent.
5. As I said the first half was powerful with top of the class effects, mind blowing makeup and cleave close up shots. I was totally immersed in the movie, but second half just became a cat and mouse game of finding the family members, specially where, when the father enters the same hospital where his kids are. The director for some reason chose to film that sequence in the same way as some generic horror, thriller sequence with cleaver but cliched, camera angles, that try to induce tension of 100 times already done scenario of "will he find him, will he see him". With the background score pretty reminiscent of any run of the mill thriller. All this actually made me loose the ultra realistic approach that was shown in the first half (except of the fact of point 3)

This could have been a master piece, but fails at various levels.......still deserves a 7/10 from me, just for the powerful first half with gritty performances from Naomi Watts and his character son Tom Holland.
Sam9s, also note that the SUV driven by Willis is a Mercedes G63, the heaviest one in its stable, and one the heaviest across all names. Willis stops it by merely colliding with it in the middle of the road when it is speeding full tilt.
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