The Movies I Liked

How is this movie sir? I missed it. In fact I missed 3 of Russell Crowe's recent flicks in Body of Lies, American Gangster, & 3:10 to Yuma.

BTW, check out Russell Crowe's Master and Commander: The Far Side of the World (2003), it will give a proper workout for your Home Theater. The SFX in this movie are great.

Hi Moserw,

Would recommend you watch American gangster. It's worth.

Also Body of Lies, not too much action but decently paced with good screenplay.


A Black Magic Story

It is a Ram Gopal Verma's Movie, this is the best hindi film i have seen in horror, in small metro's and cities many of them believe in black magic, with this movie their faith will go up, it is surprising that in such age also people believe in this magic.


Amazing Fact: The hottest temperature ever measured on Earth was 57.8 degrees Celsius at El Azizia in Libya on Sept. 13, 1922.
Yesterday I saw Angels & Demons in a cinema hall. Certainly a movie worth watching. Though slightly different from the book, Ron Howard keeps you on the edge of the seat all the time.

Though Tom Hanks plays the role of Robert Langdon quite well, Ewan McGregor excels himself as the Camerlengo Patrick McKenna. He plays the role with panache even till the end.

Saw a old movie last night - Death Wish 4. Starring Charles Bronson as Kersey, the film portrays the actions taken by Kersey to wipe out some drug pushers when his friend's daughter dies of an overdose of cocaine.

This is part of the 'Death Wish' series all starring Charles Bronson. Charles reminds me a lot of Steven Segal - the same commitment, the same 'shoot first ask questions later' attitude. I liked the series quite a lot, and am working on collecting the whole series again.

Since this is an old movie, most probably shot in 35 mm, this can only be seen in a 4:3 aspect ratio. If you want the movie to fill the screen, you have to set the upscaling to 420P. In any case the print I got was good, and I thoroughly enjoyed Charles Bronson again.

I have all the 5 parts but parts 1 & 2 are my favorites. Other Charles Bronson movies that are a must are The Mechanic, Cold Sweat, Once Upon A Time In The West, & Red Sun all my childhood favorites.

Saw a old movie last night - Death Wish 4. Starring Charles Bronson as Kersey, the film portrays the actions taken by Kersey to wipe out some drug pushers when his friend's daughter dies of an overdose of cocaine.

This is part of the 'Death Wish' series all starring Charles Bronson. Charles reminds me a lot of Steven Segal - the same commitment, the same 'shoot first ask questions later' attitude. I liked the series quite a lot, and am working on collecting the whole series again.

Since this is an old movie, most probably shot in 35 mm, this can only be seen in a 4:3 aspect ratio. If you want the movie to fill the screen, you have to set the upscaling to 420P. In any case the print I got was good, and I thoroughly enjoyed Charles Bronson again.

This weekend i watched two movies
1.The Reader
The 2008 oscar winner movies is goes into my top 10 movie list with the superb performace of Kate winslet and the amzaing way of storing telling.If you still not watched this movie please watch this movie with outout reading any reviews.
With World War II over, Germany, a young pubescent teenager-Michael- haven fallen ill, is helped by Hanna Schmitz (Kate Winslet), a hard working woman who is twice his age. Taken by her generosity, Michael revisits Hanna to offer his gratitude. What begins as an awkward reunion escalates into a seductive, forbidden affair that intensifies when Michael begins reading to the distant, empty Hanna, who is deeply awakened by Michael's spoken literature.

2. All the Good ones are married.
A family melow dram type movie .but still enjoyable.
Today again I went to a cinema hall and watched the new Star Trek. What can I say about this movie? Simply superb in everything. If you are a Start Trek fan like me, please do not miss this movie.

I had got so used to William Shatner as James T Kirk, Leonard Nimoy as Spock, DeForest Kelley as Bones, and James Doohan and Scotty. Fortunately then came the Next Generation with Patrick Stewart as Jean Luc Picard, Jonathan Frakes as William T. Riker, and Brent Spiner as Lieutenant Commander Data. Of course Gates McFadden as Beverly Crusher and Marina Sirtis as Deanne Troi brought in a lot of womanliness and a sense of family to the set of the Next Generation.

But the subsequent series - Voyager, Deep Space Nine, and Star Trek - Enterprise were completely alien and clinical. I just could not emote with the actors and actresses who played various roles in these series.

Now a completely new series of actors have been brought in to re-create James T. Kirk, Spock, Bones, Scotty, Sulu, Chekov, and Uhura.

Karl Urban as Bones uncannily looks like a junior DeForest Kelly. Of course with pointed ears you cannot mistake Zachary Quinto to be anybody other than Spock. With his fast speaking Scottish accent, Simon Pegg also carries himself off as Scotty quite well. The only question in my mind was Chris Pine as James T. Kirk. Looking nowhere near William Shatner or having any of his mannerisms, will he fit the role of Kirk so solidly etched into our minds? Only a couple of more episodes will tell. But JJ Abrams has done exceeding well, both in selecting the actors and choosing a story that is plausible as the very beginning of Star Trek.

Welcome back James, Spock, Bones, and Scotty. Continue taking us boldly where no man has gone before. And to steal a line from Star Wars - may the force be with you.

Don't miss this movie, folks. It really takes special effects to a completely new level.

How is this movie sir? I missed it. In fact I missed 3 of Russell Crowe's recent flicks in Body of Lies, American Gangster, & 3:10 to Yuma.

BTW, check out Russell Crowe's Master and Commander: The Far Side of the World (2003), it will give a proper workout for your Home Theater. The SFX in this movie are great.

American Gangster is pretty good, Moser. Denzel Washington takes the cake there.

Although I do believe that to watch Denzel in full flow you should watch 'The Great Debaters'. Lovely acting, lovely movie.
American Gangster is pretty good, Moser. Denzel Washington takes the cake there.

Although I do believe that to watch Denzel in full flow you should watch 'The Great Debaters'. Lovely acting, lovely movie.

Have not seen The Great Debaters. But have seen most of Denzel's movies beginning from Glory that I saw on HBO. My favorite Denzel movie for his performance is Training Day. Simply awesome...
Some of the movies in which Denzel excelled (according to me) includes Deja Vu, The Manchurian Candidate, Man on Fire, Remember the Titans, The Bone Collector, and The Siege. I particularly liked Man on Fire as I have most of the books written by AJ Quinnel and he was simply superb in the John Creasy series. In The Siege, Denzel is pitted against Bruce Willis and he carries himself off very well.

Though I did not like the Bone Collector as a movie, it was extraordinary to see Denzel act the whole movie lying in a bed. That takes some courage.

Body Of Lies

A good action movie, this is among the top 20 movies, the review about this movie was given earlier by the members.

I think the movie had a perfect star cast, with special mention to the lead female, i have never seen her earlier in the movies.


Amazing Fact: Human saliva has a boiling point three times of regular water.
John Q. - Drama

Denzel Washington

The story is about how the son gets into heart failure and how the hospital refuses to treat him because the father being poor and lack of insurance cover.

The movie exposes the wrong happenings in the hospital industry and how the doctors are hand in gloves.


Amazing Fact: Dolphins sleep with one eye open.
Body Of Lies

A good action movie, this is among the top 20 movies, the review about this movie was given earlier by the members.

I think the movie had a perfect star cast, with special mention to the lead female, i have never seen her earlier in the movies.


Amazing Fact: Human saliva has a boiling point three times of regular water.

Vinay i didn't like this movie at all.There are soo many movies like this in recent times.nothing particular about this movie.The only thing i liked in this movie is the lead actress .she is beautifull :licklips:
Watched two Tarantino movies. I like his movies a lot as he always has something different to say.

1) Jackie Brown: Very interesting story about money trafficing. Samuel Jackson played very well.IUnfact it is avery wholesome experience overall. Didn't like De Niro.Never seen him playing such a stupid role. Not sure why Tarantino choose him and De Niro agreed to do it.

2) Hostel : Well this one is something different all together. One needs a very strong gut just to sit and watch it. It is based on how some wealthy people are torturing guys in eastern europe and young guys are lured over there.But its a very unique way of describing perversion. I guess in a way it can be compared with Passolini's Salo.
51%2B79d9-JoL._SS500_.jpg Gone with the Wind (70th Anniversary Ultimate Collector's Edition) [Blu-ray]: Clark Gable, Vivien Leigh: Movies & TV

Simply awesome on Blu-Ray...

I had requested one of my friends to get me a copy of the Ayngaran DVD from Singapore. This comes as a three DVD set. There are two DVDs with the full movie - one with Dolby Digital 5.1, and the other with DTS. Should be a good set to compare and decide which one you like. The third DVD is a 'Making of Sivaji'.

Though this a standard commercial film that pushes Rajnikanth's style and his popularity, the reason I am mentioning it here is the quality of the DVD. This is the first Indian movie I have seen with level of film-to-digital transfer and DVD printing. Each DVD is about 8 GB, has 16/9 Anamorphic 720P files with full DTS / Dolby Digital. The Audio is superb and the dialogues and music are excellent. So is the video with pristine colours, clear motion, and no jaggies.

The Man from Earth is the best movie that I have watchef of-late. Not an active poster here but compelled to comment on the movie so that those who haven't watched will sure do.

AWESOME MOVIE:clapping::clapping::clapping:
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