The Movies I Liked

I have read a number of threads where people were complaining about the lack of DTS on Indian movies and DVDs made in India.

I saw Chapter 6 of Sivaji first on Dolby 5.1 and then on DTS. I tried the same a few times mentally noting down sound that I thought were special. In this chapter called 'Instrumental Fight', Rajnikanth fingts with a set of goondas inside a musical shop. A lot of musical instruments are used to bash each other. At the end of the chapter, Rajni and the goondas jump over a set of large floor standing drum, and there a cacophony of sounds all around.

Frankly I could not make out any difference between Dolby 5.1 and DTS, excepting that Dolby seemed to exercise the LFE more.

2) Hostel : Well this one is something different all together. One needs a very strong gut just to sit and watch it. It is based on how some wealthy people are torturing guys in eastern europe and young guys are lured over there.But its a very unique way of describing perversion. I guess in a way it can be compared with Passolini's Salo.

Hostel is one of my fav in the weirdo category. There is also a sequel to it as well as a rumored third installment.

Another one that really impress me was the Saw series. Give it a shot!

Hostel is one of my fav in the weirdo category. There is also a sequel to it as well as a rumored third installment.

Another one that really impress me was the Saw series. Give it a shot!


Wow great to meet you bro. Even I liked them. My wife was so squeamish she wanted it shut off. But not everybody's cuppa chai...
X MEN --WOLVERINE-saw it in theatre --the action is amazing

How does it compare to the X-Men trilogy? The last part of the trilogy was a let down for me personally, but then director Bryan Singer left after the first two parts to make the horrible Superman Returns.
I have read a number of threads where people were complaining about the lack of DTS on Indian movies and DVDs made in India.

I saw Chapter 6 of Sivaji first on Dolby 5.1 and then on DTS. I tried the same a few times mentally noting down sound that I thought were special. In this chapter called 'Instrumental Fight', Rajnikanth fingts with a set of goondas inside a musical shop. A lot of musical instruments are used to bash each other. At the end of the chapter, Rajni and the goondas jump over a set of large floor standing drum, and there a cacophony of sounds all around.

Frankly I could not make out any difference between Dolby 5.1 and DTS, excepting that Dolby seemed to exercise the LFE more.


hi , venkat you are right the difference btw DD/DTS is difficult to make out , but there is a considerable difference as u mentioned abt the LFE , DTS is less compressed compared to DD so the LFE will sound tighter so does the other frequencies (the size of DTS audio is almost double that of DD)
How does it compare to the X-Men trilogy? The last part of the trilogy was a let down for me personally, but then director Bryan Singer left after the first two parts to make the horrible Superman Returns.

i have enjoyed the entire X-MEN series and this ones better --------but then centerd on only the Wolverine character ,SFX is great
jst saw the movie BABYLON AD, *ng vin diesel ,, i had actually given up on this movie going through the bad reviews but to my surprise this one turned out to be not that bad , its a fast paced action movie that will give your system a solid work out , its released by excel SQ/PQ is very good---do chk this one out
Here is some nice films that I liked watching last week:
  • The Brave One
  • What lies beneath
  • The Full Metal Jacket
  • The International
  • The Paycheck
  • Taxi Driver 1976 With Robert De Niro
i have enjoyed the entire X-MEN series and this ones better --------but then centerd on only the Wolverine character ,SFX is great

Thanks for mentioning it. Saw the movie and liked it. After a long time I visited a theater and caught up on a movie and really enjoyed it too.
Hi Guyzz I watched the Bluray rip of RED CLIFF - 1 & 2 couple of weeks back and the movie was like a classic.The movies (1 & 2) are in chinese and the entire cast is chinese and is directed by one of the best Action movie Director John Woo and with these films he has proved once again that he is a MASTER when it comes to directing Action flicks.Unlike his earlier films the RED CLIFF saga doesnt use Guns or modern gadgets but its based on a clan feud that happens in Imperial China.The war sequences were brilliant and I really wished we could have asked him to make a MAHABHARATHA for us (coz watching the movie I recalled the fighting scenes in Mahabharatha and how those scenes could be picturised by John Woo)...

If possible watch it in big screen and with good audio system and I am sure that you will agree with me....2nd part of the movie starts were the 1st part ends (A continuation so u have to watch both)..the movie is a bit long but once u are hooked u will sit through the entire movie....
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Saw a good movie after quite some time. The International stars Clive Owen as Louis Sallinger, an Interpol Agent who loses a colleague when he meticulously tries to trace a large arms deal. The film has been shot exceptionally well and has a reasonably good sound track.

Chapter 11 has a fight in a Museum in NY called The Guggenheim. This museum is built around circular staircase and has a number of LCD/Plasmas displaying various things all the time. As Louis is following a killer, a sudden vicious fight erupts forcing Louis to actually try to save the killer. Running for a couple of minutes, the video and sound effects are superb with bullets flying all around you.

This is another movie that can demonstrate a system well.

I liked Clive Owen in The Shoot Them Up. But he really does very well in this movie. With a simmering anger in his eyes all the time, he breaks all rules to go after the bad guys and protect his own people.

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Saw a good movie after quite some time. The International stars Clive Owen as Louis Sallinger, an Interpol Agent who loses a colleague when he meticulously tries to trace a large arms deal. The film has been shot exceptionally well and has a reasonably good sound track.

Chapter 11 has a fight in a Museum in NY called The Guggenheim. This museum is built around circular staircase and has a number of LCD/Plasmas displaying various things all the time. As Louis is following a killer, a sudden vicious fight erupts forcing Louis to actually try to save the killer. Running for a couple of minutes, the video and sound effects are superb with bullets flying all around you.

This is another movie that can demonstrate a system well.

I liked Clive Owen in The Shootout. But he really does very in this movie. With a simmering anger in his eyes all the time, he breaks all rules to go after the bad guys and protect his own people.


Yup...the visuals of this movie are stunning..and after SHOOTEM'UP I think Clive Owen has become is worth watching if u prefer nice action I am waiting to watch DUPLICITY starring Clive and Julia Roberts (kinda Mr & Mrs Smith!!)
I loved Clive Owen's Inside Man. The ARR track made it even special! Infact, cant wait to see the 2nd part due next year.
Saw another great movie today.

Strangely this movies has two names - The Echelon Conspiracy and The Gift. Starring Shane West as Max Peterson and supported by Edward Sheen and Martin Sheen, the movie has a gripping story and twists and turns till 'The End'. There is really intriguing twist at the very end.

Three ordinary people get the latest mobile phone gifted to them by an unknown sender. They start receiving SMS instructions. When they follow these instructions, they end up earning millions od dollars. Then it is the turn of Max Peterson who install BIOS level protection systems in large database farms. As he is just about to leave Bangkok, he receives a yet unreleased mobile phone that actually saves his life. He then goes to a casino in Budapest where he earns 100s of thousands of Euros. He now has the casino owner, the FBI and NSA chasing him and all trying to kill him.

What really happens and who is sending the SMSs? Let me not screw the suspense. See the movie.

Again good video and good sound. There is small car chase and some really horrible ways of killing people. But, believe me, you will skip your dinner so that you don't miss a scene.

Hats off to the Hollywood story writers. Their imagination is really unbelievable. I am afraid our Indian story writers have a long way to go from just running around trees all the time.

I don't know how many of the members here have seen the movie - Khartoum. If you have not seen it, please do. Sony Pix is showing the movie nowadays.

I would rate Khartoum amongst one of the greatest movies of all time. Sir Laurence Olivier's acting as The Mahdi is stuff of legend and is used in books on acting. Charlton Heston as General Gordon pushes himself to great heights as a devout Christian, a man who loves Sudan, and a man who wants to avoid unnecessary bloodshed. There is a scene where Gordon rides a camel to the tent of The Mahdi and meets him face to face. The tension as these two great people talk is palpable. Gordon realises that The Mahdi is a mad and evil person and, instead of vacating Sudan as instructed, stays on to fight The Mahdi.

Truly a great movie and one not to be missed.

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I don't know how many of the members here have seen the movie - Khartoum. If you have not seen it, please do. Sony Pix is showing the movie nowadays.

I would rate Khartoum amongst one of the greatest movies of all time. Sir Laurence Olivier's acting as The Mahdi is stuff of legend and is used in books on acting. Charlton Heston as General Gordon pushes himself to great heights as a devout Christian, a man who loves Sudan, and a man who wants to avoid unnecessary bloodshed. There is a scene where Gordon rides a camel to the tent of The Mahdi and meets him face to face. The tension as these two great people talk is palpable. Gordon realises that The Mahdi is a mad and evil person and, instead of vacating Sudan as instructed, stays on to fight The Mahdi.

Truly a great movie and one not to be missed.


This is weird. I just saw the movie and thought it was fantastic. Apart from the accented english of the Mahdi sounding a tad weird, it was excellent acting all around.
This is weird. I just saw the movie and thought it was fantastic. Apart from the accented english of the Mahdi sounding a tad weird, it was excellent acting all around.

Well that was Sir Laurence Olivier trying to speak with a Sudanese/Arabic accent. He was trained by Sudanese academics for a long time and each line was rehearsed. Yes, he pronounces Mahdi as 'MakhKhThi', but I believe that is how it is to be pronounced in Arabic.

And both Laurence Olivier and Charlton Heston are legendary actors.

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