The Movies I Liked

Since there are a few stephen king fans, how would you compare 'The Shawshank Redemption' to the Stephen King short story "Rita Hayworth and Shawshank Redemption".

I loved the movie but havent read the story, hence the question.
Since there are a few stephen king fans, how would you compare 'The Shawshank Redemption' to the Stephen King short story "Rita Hayworth and Shawshank Redemption".

I loved the movie but havent read the story, hence the question.

Ah, unfortunately, I have not read the story, but only seen the movie - same as you. If I have a vice, it is about not reading or preferring short stories. I tend to focus on bigger stories and novels:). But you have raised my curiosity, i will read this and get back in a bit.

The movie was very good.
Again no offense but if you do get a chance do read the Lord of the Rings Trilogy. It is simply masterful. Tolkien's inventiveness would take your breath away. But I will understand if you are not into books.

As regards Harry Potter, again, my opinion is that the movies are no match for the books. The single biggest advantage in the case of the Potter movies is having a hero who would satisfy most people's idea of how Harry would look:).

No no. I am DEFINITELY going to read LOTR, no question about it. But I just want to see it first on a hi-def screen with good audio. I am very much into books (unfortunately only fiction).

And yes, none of the Harry Potter movies appealed to me as I had read (am reading :)) the series multiple times already. But as you said, the actors selected in the movie do give a face to the characters and quite well I should say.

I am waiting for someone to make a movie on Tom Clancy's Debt of Honor - it had all the movie making requirements, but it's such a long book - wonder how the movie would be made.

Recommendations required: Can anyone recommend me good spy CIA/KGB kind of flicks? Even fast paced thrillers like State of Play would be appreciated.
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No no. I am DEFINITELY going to read LOTR, no question about it. But I just want to see it first on a hi-def screen with good audio. I am very much into books (unfortunately only fiction).

And yes, none of the Harry Potter movies appealed to me as I had read (am reading :)) the series multiple times already. But as you said, the actors selected in the movie do give a face to the characters and quite well I should say.

I am waiting for someone to make a movie on Tom Clancy's Debt of Honor - it had all the movie making requirements, but it's such a long book - wonder how the movie would be made.

Recommendations required: Can anyone recommend me good spy CIA/KGB kind of flicks? Even fast paced thrillers like State of Play would be appreciated.
chk out BREACH
the reviews are good ,but have not watched it

Derek Charles is a hard working man, employed as a asset manager in a private company. He is very happy with his beautiful wife, Sharon, and only son, and because of his hard work he just got a huge promotion. But suddenly he gets a temporary worker who is both attractive and smart, and Derek is understandably impressed with her and also finds himself physically drawn to her. However, this new girl is desperate to get close to him - at any cost.

Obsessed (2009)

Recommendations required: Can anyone recommend me good spy CIA/KGB kind of flicks? Even fast paced thrillers like State of Play would be appreciated.

3 excellent Hitchcock spy films, but you may have already seen them -
Torn Curtain (1966), starring Paul Newman.
North by Northwest (1959), starring Cary Grant
The Man Who Knew Too Much (1956), starring James Stewart
Revolutionary Road

It's 1955. Frank and April Wheeler, in the seventh year of their marriage, have fallen into a life that appears to most as being perfect. They live in the Connecticut suburbs with two young children. Frank commutes to New York City where he works in an office job while April stays at home as a housewife. But they're not happy. April has forgone her dream of becoming an actress, and Frank hates his job - one where he places little effort - although he has never figured out what his passion in life is. One day, April suggests that they move to Paris - a city where Frank visited during the war and loved, but where April has never been - as a means to rejuvenate their life. April's plan: she would be the breadwinner, getting a lucrative secretarial job for one of the major international organizations, while Frank would have free time to find himself and whatever his passion. Initially skeptical, Frank ultimately agrees to April's plan. When circumstances change around the Wheelers, April decides she will do whatever she has to to get herself out of her unhappy existence.

Revolutionary Road (2008)
Revolutionary Road

It's 1955. Frank and April Wheeler, in the seventh year of their marriage, have fallen into a life that appears to most as being perfect. They live in the Connecticut suburbs with two young children. Frank commutes to New York City where he works in an office job while April stays at home as a housewife. But they're not happy. April has forgone her dream of becoming an actress, and Frank hates his job - one where he places little effort - although he has never figured out what his passion in life is. One day, April suggests that they move to Paris - a city where Frank visited during the war and loved, but where April has never been - as a means to rejuvenate their life. April's plan: she would be the breadwinner, getting a lucrative secretarial job for one of the major international organizations, while Frank would have free time to find himself and whatever his passion. Initially skeptical, Frank ultimately agrees to April's plan. When circumstances change around the Wheelers, April decides she will do whatever she has to to get herself out of her unhappy existence.

Revolutionary Road (2008)

A movie I have been planning to watch, but never did. I am going to watch it soon and come back with comments.
Pretty darn depressing with the undercurrent of sadness and silent frustration in the characters. The breakfast scene is definitely worth mentioning where Leonardo is rather upbeat with the sudden change in attitude of Kate while she smiles and serves his favorite breakfast with the sort of emptiness, probably only she can portray. An excellent movie imo.
This was a huge let down for me, personally. But the movie had potential.

Same here. I watched the movie for the brainless action sequence - and that was good!

Another major let down was Knowing. What a disaster of a movie. If only I can bring back the lost time. Stupid movie and stupid acting imo. Especially the actress who played the girl Abby's mother. She drove me nuts! It seems like the actors were just sleepwalking through the script screaming once in a while. The glowing fluorescent aliens dint help either.

Wonder what happened to the guy who gave us Leaving LA, Conair, Rock, Faceoff, Gone in 60sec, National Treasure etc. His latest ones I had the misfortune of watching like Bangkok dangerous, Ghost rider, Next etc were pathetic. Wish he gets his act together.

Same here. I watched the movie for the brainless action sequence - and that was good!

Another major let down was Knowing. What a disaster of a movie. If only I can bring back the lost time. Stupid movie and stupid acting imo. Especially the actress who played the girl Abby's mother. She drove me nuts! It seems like the actors were just sleepwalking through the script screaming once in a while. The glowing fluorescent aliens dint help either.

Wonder what happened to the guy who gave us Leaving LA, Conair, Rock, Faceoff, Gone in 60sec, National Treasure etc. His latest ones I had the misfortune of watching like Bangkok dangerous, Ghost rider, Next etc were pathetic. Wish he gets his act together.


I am with you although I would say 'Knowing' is OK for watching once. But I actually thought Cage did a decent job in 'Next'. Recently what I have been noticing is that Nicholas Cage is not able to generate any onscreen chemistry with his fellow actors and that is letting him down big time. Him as well as the movie in a few cases.


I know Stevan Segal is thrashed all over the net as an actor who can't really 'act'. But i like the way he fights and love the way he delivers his dialogues without moving a single muscle on his face.:D The story ambles along on a country side with frequent action scenes. One of the better Segal movies IMO.

The President is Coming

Surprisingly good movie. An Indian English language movie with lot of black humour.

Good dialogs although some characters are a bit stereotypical.

Got Xmen 3 in DTS from Crossword sale at Rs. 299 felt it was a good deal, will see that next.
I was unable to decide whether to call this DVD a documentary, a movie or a live album, because it has something of all three.

So much has already been said about Iron Maiden that I am at a loss for words here. These guys have been rocking for almost 30 years now, and still going strong.

The biggest thing was, the "Somewhere Back in Time World Tour" as it was called, started with the first show right here in Mumbai at Bandra-Kurla Complex. I was there, headbanging alongwith all the metalheads gathered to see these Legends of NWOBHM. And the experience was, for lack of a better word, "Incredible". Bruce Dickinson was at his vocal best, churning out all the old numbers, starting with "Aces High", "The Trooper", "The Number of the Beast", "Can I Play with Madness?" and finally culminating with what I consider Maiden's best song ever, "Hallowed Be Thy Name".

Some of the firsts for this tour:

1. Iron Maiden toured the whole world in their own customized Boeing 757 named "Ed Force One".
2. Bruce Dickinson, who is also a qualified airline pilot flew the plane.

The two DVD set is a must have for every Maiden fan. The first is a documentary on the tour, and the second disk contains one song each from each performance on the tour.


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