The Movies I Liked

Deja Vu

It stars two big names, Denzel Washington and Val Kilmer. Val Kilmer has not much to do in the movie. The story is based on how a big terrorist attack is foiled. This is done by altering events in the past.
Nice plot but not convincing at times.

Here is a link for more information on the movie
Déjà Vu (film - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia)
A movie I greatly enjoyed in recent years is "Big Fish" by Tim Burton. His best yet I think. Highly recommended.

Not too many recent movies (this year/last year) have been memorable. "The Prestige" was quite interesting and "The Dark Knight" was an excellent action movie.
here s my recommends

Kingkong(test ur sub)
stealth(awsome surround effects)
Saving private ryan(DTS)
Final destination 2(the pile up scene in dts!!!)
Spidey 3
Jurassic park
pearl harbour(DTS)

more to add later
Today I saw 'Thoda Pyar, Thoda Magic' starring Saif Ali Khan and Rani Mukerjee.

I was quite impressed with the clarity of the DVD. More impressive is the graphics of a couple of scenes:

1. Rishi Kapoor acts as God and walks on clouds. He conjures up a control panel with an heads-up display that show scenes on Earth. The control panel is just floating in thin air (or should I say Sky), and the camera pans from all angels to reassure you there are no tricks.

2. In the song 'Beetey Kal Se', Rani Mukherjee and the kids are romping through the National Museum in Delhi. Rani Mukherjee, who is an angel, constantly changes the scenario by waving her hand. The way the backgrounds change is very smooth without any artifact or blotchy patches. There is even a small Dinosaur that joins the dance for a few minutes.

The background music is smooth without too much noise. Dialogues are clear and Saif's voice comes out with a additional gruffness. The DTS is well mixed.

In close ups (particularly in a court scene) you can see Saif's beard growing. He must have shaved a couple of hours before the scene was shot !!

I enjoyed the technical aspects of a Indian movie after a long time.

I am adding a original DVD of 'Thoda Pyar Thoda Magic' to my collection.

Guys if anyone is into oldies and classics check out 'cat on a hot tin roof'.Paul Newman and Liz Tailor-fantastic performances.Also check out 'come september'.Nice romantic flick.
Watched both this week and absolutely loved them.
Couple of movies i watched last week:

Fargo - a classic thriller (1996) didnt know how fast the 140 mins went
Blow - story aboyt a drug dealer - johny depp proves himself again

both of these are real stories and if you get a change grab'em
Need to get a copy of 'Fargo'. Heard it is a excellent movie. I have visited the city that has the same name. It is so flat that during rainy season, the whole town gets submerged. The tallest building is a small Hotel with 2 floors.

Just finished watching 'In The Line OF Fire'. Superb performances by Both Clint Eastwood and John Malkovich. The way John needles Clint on the phone calls is really very well done. The cinematography is very good, and you can clearly see the way Clint sweats and tires out when he is running along the President's limousine. I am dying to see a Blu-Ray version.

The bulk of the dialogues between Clint and John is on the phone, and has been recorded at low volume. The movie is a good test of a HT system. You really have to increase the volume to hear the dialogues well.

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do you turn the subtitles on when the voices are low..
i have tried that but i keep on reading the lines without loking into the video :) and i turned it off again

btw - Fargo is the city name itself. Fargo and twin towers the story happens there during a winter

Also I watched 'Dead Mans Shoes' - kind of slasher movie but its been shot really well
I hate turning on the sub titles for the same reason. You lose the emotion in the dialogues. For example in the 'In the Line Of Fire', dialogue delivery by both Clint and John is simply superb, and the words have special meaning. Once when he is needling Frank Horrigan (played by Clint), Mitch Leary (played by John Malkovich) says, 'People die for silly reasons such as being from Minneapolis'. Later on when Frank is trying to find out who the killer actually is, he comes across a banking clerk who had been murdered. He sees a photo of the clerk wearing a T-Shirt that says 'Minnesota'. He is able to put the two together then.

Some of these movies are worth watching more than once. Again in this movie, the President's chief of staff hates Frank and is constantly fighting with him. Towards the end when Frank takes a bullet for the President, the Chief Of Staff, as all politicians do, tries to welcome Frank with a big smile and open arms. Frank just whizzes past him after showing him his middle finger for a fraction of a second. The way Frank shows the finger and merges it into a act of waving his hand is extremely subtle but meaningful.

As I said, this is one of Clint's best performances. The way his face reacts to the needling by Mitch when he hears about his past life is really worth watching. I always thought that Clint was good only for Western movies, where he keeps a stiff face, chews tobacco, and draws his gun faster than the villains. But after watching In the Line of Fire, I have new respect for that actor.

Lots of movies for me personally, but for this thread I will stick to movies with great sound FX that will rock on your HT System.

1. Lord Of The Rings Trilogy.
2. Matrix Trilogy.
3. Terminator Trilogy.
4. Fast And The Furious Trilogy.
5. Indiana Jones Trilogy and the new India Jones movie.
6. Star Wars Trilogies of both the old and the new, especially the new.
7. Batman Begins.
8. The Mummy series.
9. Pirates Of The Caribbean.

BTW one movie that rocks on the HT and great visuals is The Last Of The Mohicans, a truly great movie. There are a lot more movies, but I guess I will end it for now.
Lots of movies for me personally, but for this thread I will stick to movies with great sound FX that will rock on your HT System.

1. Lord Of The Rings Trilogy.
2. Matrix Trilogy.
3. Terminator Trilogy.
4. Fast And The Furious Trilogy.
5. Indiana Jones Trilogy and the new India Jones movie.
6. Star Wars Trilogies of both the old and the new, especially the new.
7. Batman Begins.
8. The Mummy series.
9. Pirates Of The Caribbean.

BTW one movie that rocks on the HT and great visuals is The Last Of The Mohicans, a truly great movie. There are a lot more movies, but I guess I will end it for now.

Just finished watching Blade Runner Director's Cut and it needs to be added to this list. Great FX and sound FX too and that too for a movie made in 1982.
Yesterday i saw the film " No Country for Old Man " . even though there is no work for the surround speakers in this movie , the film as such is very good. beautiful screenplay.

Lots of movies for me personally, but for this thread I will stick to movies with great sound FX that will rock on your HT System.

1. Lord Of The Rings Trilogy.
2. Matrix Trilogy.
3. Terminator Trilogy.
4. Fast And The Furious Trilogy.
5. Indiana Jones Trilogy and the new India Jones movie.
6. Star Wars Trilogies of both the old and the new, especially the new.
7. Batman Begins.
8. The Mummy series.
9. Pirates Of The Caribbean.

BTW one movie that rocks on the HT and great visuals is The Last Of The Mohicans, a truly great movie. There are a lot more movies, but I guess I will end it for now.

Just started with the Bourne Series. Awesome action, in fact setting new benchmark standards. Great sound on your HT System. A must watch series especially on your HT System.
For those who are interested, here is a list of The Best Movies Of The Millennium by Jon Valin of the Playback Magazine. Against each movie, I have shown the name of the director (after the comma).

Momento, Christopher Nolan
With A Friend Like Harry, Dominik Mall
Mulholand Drive, David Lynch

Secretary, David Shainberg
The Pianist, Roman Polanski
Y Tu Mama Tambien, Alfonso Cuaron

The Secret Lives of Dentists, Alan Rudolph
Bad Santa, Terry Zwigoff
The Fog of War, Errol Morris
Master And Commander, Peter Weir

Kill Bill2, Quentin Tarantino
Vera Drake, Mike Leigh
The Aviator, Martin Scorsese
Intimate Strangers, Patrice Leconte

Cache, Michael Haneke
Downfall, Oliver Hirschbiegel
Kiss Kiss Bang Bang, Shane Black
A History Of Violence, David Cranenberg

United 93, Paul Greengrass
Casino Royale, Martin Campbell
Notes On A Scandal, Richard Eyre
Flag Of Our Fathers/Letter From Iwo Jima, Clint Eastwood
The Lives Of Others, Flarian Henckel von Donnersmarck

There Will Be Blood, PT Anderson
Zodiac, David Fincher
The Assassination Of Jesse James, Andrew Dominik
Eastern Promises, David Cronenberg

Details of each movie and why Jon has chosen them is available at Playback - September 2008. It may not take you to the exact page. If so, click on <Contents> and you will find the article under <Movies>

I find the inclusion of Casino Royale quite strange compared to the other movies.I am also a bit surprised by Kill Bill 2, though it is an excellent movie.

I also wonder if we can make a list of Best Indian Movies Of The Millennium starting with Hindi, Tamil, Telugu, and Malayalam.

heres my list :

Taxi Driver

Spiderman 2
Batman begins
There will be blood
I am a legend
Kungfu Hustle
Indiana Jones trio
Shrek 3

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