The Movies I Liked

hi do chk out the jst released dvd of DOSTANA,its from yashraj co ,the quality of dvd is fantastic both video and audio on DD 5.1 ,well i cant comment on the movi ,judge it for yourselves ,,but quality of DVD is top class!
Some of my fav movies of all time:

1. Shawshank Redemption
2. Pulp fiction
3. Fight club
4. Memento
5. Jerry Maguire

The best movie I've seen in 2008 is 'The Dark Knight'. The worst has to be 'Hellboy2'.
TROPIC THUNDER --------its a must watch comedy/action ,it simply blows u offf ---- quality of DVD 10/10 for both video and audio on dolby digital!!!
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Dejavu - Action - What if you could change the past?

Starring : Denzel Washington


Amazing Fact : The word "listen" contains the same letters as the word "silent".
Hi Vinayji, welcome back!
Really missed you on the forum.
Where had you gone?
Hope ypu'll be with us from now on.
Any changes/upgrades in your HT setup?
Hi & Happy new year to all,

I saw Hulk yesterday & liked it for-
1.Sound Q(even surr)
2.Picture Q.

It reminds me of PC game -FARCRY

I joined Bigflix last month & m offered n no. of DVDs to rent only for 99/month.(I purchased Rs.1000 @ Big bazar & got offer)
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Anyone here watch asian cinema (not bollywood) ?

Oldboy, My sassy girl - movies like that ? They are some really brilliant movies. Must-see for a movie buff.
guys...there s one movie that really touches chord anyone who appreciates passion for one s beliefs. You just have to watch 'The worlds fastest Indian'. No no..sad part is..its nothing about us Indians..its about an iconic marque of motorcycles older than Harleys..actually a competitor brand for Harley Davidson motorcycles. But its more about a man s spirit than about motorcycles...its an absolute must watch. Trust me, you must watch this today!!
Hi & Happy new year to all,

I saw Hulk yesterday & liked it for-
1.Sound Q(even surr)
2.Picture Q.

It reminds me of PC game -FARCRY

I joined Bigflix last month & m offered n no. of DVDs to rent only for 99/month.(I purchased Rs.1000 @ Big bazar & got offer)

Hope you are talking about 'the incredible hulk', the one with edward norton. The first hulk was pretty much avoidable.
THE INTERPRETER _ Action / Thriller

Starring, Nicole Kidman - Sean Penn

The story is about a UN interpreter overhearing a plot to assainate an african head of state and how the plot thickens in form of suspense.

Kamal & Sumit,

Thank you very much for having me back.

I too missed the forum to core. on silent I have always been around, daily looking at the posts. We all have been one big family.

I hope others also who have been missing in the recent past will board the forum.

My mini theatre remains unchanged.


Amazing fact: A chameleon's tongue is twice the length of its body.
Hi & Happy new year to all,

I saw Hulk yesterday & liked it for-
1.Sound Q(even surr)
2.Picture Q.

It reminds me of PC game -FARCRY

I joined Bigflix last month & m offered n no. of DVDs to rent only for 99/month.(I purchased Rs.1000 @ Big bazar & got offer)

yes ,INCREDIBLE HULK (edward norton) had some amazing action scences and mind blowing sound!! i saw the region 1 disc it was jst fantastic on both video/audio
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Random Hearts - Drama

Starring, Harrison Ford - Kristin Scott Thomas

The story is about how 2 people become entangled
in a shocking mystery followed by an unexpected
romance, after their spouces are killed in a plane crash

Amazing Fact: Elephants are the only animals that can't jump.
My all time favorite movies are "A bug's Life" and " Cars" both for visual and audio. And "Ratatouille" for colurs and characters and concept. "Harrypotter" series is also one of my favourite series.
Vinay, it is good to have you back after such a long time. I had actually done a lot of research and got an article half way through for you. Now that you are through, I will complete it and publish it.

I recently saw Hijack. What surprised me most was the quality of the DVD. On the Oppo 983 it came across superbly even in fast action scenes. In the first scene where they show a truck moving at high speed, the movement of the road is very clearly visible without any artifacts.

Based on the 1999 hijack of the IC 814, this has Shiney Ahuja playing the lead role of Vikram Madan, a Pilot turned ground maintenance officer in Chandigarh airport. When the hijacked aircraft lands in Chandigarh, Vikram fights a lonely battle with the terrorists to save the passengers. The movie has no songs or romance. The cinematography is very good. My only gripe is that Shiney looks as if he has just woken up and unshaven all the time. But then maybe I have started expecting all Bollywood heroes to look like made up dolls all the time. This is movie I thoroughly enjoyed.

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Vinay, it is good to have you back after such a long time. I had actually done a lot of research and got an article half way through for you. Now that you are through, I will complete it and publish it.

I recently saw Hijack. What surprised me most was the quality of the DVD. On the Oppo 983 it came across superbly even in fast action scenes. In te first scene where they show a truck moving at high speed, the movement of the road is very clearly visible without any artifacts.

Based on the 1999 hijack of the IC 814, this has Shiney Ahuja playing the lead role of Vikram Madan, a Pilot turned ground maintenance officer in Chandigarh airport. When the hijacked aircraft lands in Chandigarh, Vikram fights a lonely battle with the terrorists to save the passengers. The movie has no songs or romance. The cinematography is very good. My only gripe is that Shiney looks as if he has just woken up and unshaven all the time. But then maybe I have started expecting all Bollywood heroes to look like made up dolls all the time. This is movie I enjoyed.


hi,if u liked the quality of hijack DVD ,do check out Jane tu ya jane na,, and also Dostana both are very well engineered DVDs for both audio/video ,jane tu ya ----- has DTS too
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