The Movies I Liked

I haven't browsed through all the posts in this thread, but in my opinion, the "Blade" series deserves a mention here. The story may not appeal to everyone, however the action scenes are very well scripted and directed, the background score rocks, especially during the Fight Scenes.

Some more would be,

"The Day After Tomorrow" - Wave Effects when New York gets flooded.
"Ice Age"
"Three Kings" - Great camerawork in the desert scenes as well as solid acting by George Clooney & Mark Wahlberg.
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The three kings
The peacemaker
Hotel rwanda
kingdom of heaven
In the enemy hands
Hunt for the red october (changed sir )
Sum of all fears
The Alamo
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Hunt for the red octopus

Sounds like a Bond film (Octopussy) or a double X movie :):):)

The correct name is 'The Hunt For Red October'. Starring Sean Connery as Captain Marko Ramius, and Alec Baldwin as Jack Ryan, this is a excellent movie based on the story by Tom Clancy. Sean speaks Russian with a Scottish accent! Alec plays the role of Jack Ryan quite well though Harrison Ford took on the role in other movies such as Clear And Present Danger, and Patriot Games.

This movie should be seen at night with all lights off.

Venkat knows all, Venkat sees all, Venkat sings all, Venkat dances all, Venkat writes all, Venkat captures all, Venkat answers all..........and then Venkat watches at night with all lights off! :D
Bourne series all..

The world s fastest Indian - amazing movie. Anthony Hopkins..a 70 plus new zealander, has a 1920's Indian scout bike, his ultimate aim is to set a land speed record on this vintage bike..his tribulations to achieve this feat are inspiring to say the least.

The man from Earth - No special effects,,just dialogues,,but oh wow,,even the movie continues in yr mind..

The Astronaut Farmer

1408 (horror)

The Death Race

Star wars Trilogy

Well this is about shows...The Russel Peter s show.( no special effect,,just that the laughing will make yr cheek hurt.)
I liked the Memento a lot, hopefully Aamir khan doesnt make a hash of it.
the director is Christoper Nolan who also directed Dark Knight.

I like a lot of action movies -
Kill Bill 1&2
LOTR all series

Another series of films I like are the ones made by Coen Brothers
Yesterday I saw The Transformers along with my cousins. Awesome action and terrific sound all around. It was only a Divx rip in Dolby Digital. Now I am wondering how it will sound in DTS or even higher like True HD.
Hi All,
Iam looking for a list of award winning movies.
Eg: Forest Gump, Castaway and likely.
I remember (that was a decade ago), my friend in US had a list of (movie list - he had photocopied a page from some magazine) award winning movies (including those classics - Elephant Man, Schindler's List, Citizen Kane, Philadelphia - good performance by Tom Hanks award winning!). These movies are good too. (Already added in my home collection list). Every weekend he makes sure that he gets those rented ( (Well again those movies in VHS format - those days)) and watches those movies. If he really likes it, he buy's one for his home collection.. Very recently "The pursuit of Happyness" is also one of those good movies too. (This movie is also based on "true story").
The movie can be in any category - romance, action, thriller etc..
Iam also looking for movies based on "true story".
Do any of you have such list? I plan to go on the same track.. and if i like.. would start building my home collection.
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Hi All,
Iam looking for a list of award winning movies.
Eg: Forest Gump, Castaway and likely.
I remember (that was a decade ago), my friend in US had a list of (movie list - he had photocopied a page from some magazine) award winning movies (including those classics - Elephant Man, Schindler's List, Citizen Kane, Philadelphia - good performance by Tom Hanks award winning!). These movies are good too. (Already added in my home collection list). Every weekend he makes sure that he gets those rented ( (Well again those movies in VHS format - those days)) and watches those movies. If he really likes it, he buy's one for his home collection.. Very recently "The pursuit of Happyness" is also one of those good movies too. (This movie is also based on "true story").
The movie can be in any category - romance, action, thriller etc..
Iam also looking for movies based on "true story".
Do any of you have such list? I plan to go on the same track.. and if i like.. would start building my home collection.


This is a good list and with more links at the bottom 100 Greatest Movies.

A couple of years ago, I and a friend started on a quest to collect all the top movies and we started with the IMDB list of the Top 250 movies voted by users of IMDB. This list is available at IMDb Top 250. We are not yet done completely with the list, but are still working towards it and have not given up.

This is a good list and with more links at the bottom 100 Greatest Movies.

A couple of years ago, I and a friend started on a quest to collect all the top movies and we started with the IMDB list of the Top 250 movies voted by users of IMDB. This list is available at IMDb Top 250. We are not yet done completely with the list, but are still working towards it and have not given up.

Oh!! That's one of the list iam looking for such a long time. Well i shall start my journey. thanks so much.
I saw this really crazy movie yesterday called 'ExitSpeed'. Produced by some unknown company, the only actor I recognised was Fred Ward. The rest of the faces were all new to me.

I don't know if the Director was trying to be realistic or just slapping us on our faces for believing the invincibility of our regular heroes and heroines.

The story revolves round one Ms. Meredith Cole who is running AWOL from the US Army. She is being chased by an Army sergeant played by Fred Ward. She get into a bus in Texas which is going to El Paso.

The bus leaves and in a little while is attacked by a group of bikers who are addicted to Methane. One of these bikers keeps rotating a large bike around himself holding it by just its accelerator. Another believes in only the rear wheel and always rides his bike with the front wheel off the ground. Another believes in riding the bike by standing erect on the tank.

Now here is the beauty of the director. No heroes, nor heroines. All very ordinary people. A reasonably handsome guy starts off as the bus driver, but is short in a few minutes. You think someone lease is the hero, and he is also shot. The Director very clearly shows how vulnerable both sides are to bullets. The good guys and bad guys keep getting killed without an compunction. A couple show some affection to each other and the man is shot immediately.

Even our so called heroine, Ms Cole, is shot. She survives. In the end, after taking a bit of hospitalisation, she runs away instead of getting clapped for bravery.

Very different from our regular movies. Crazy but watchable for the way it is has been taken differently.

Taken, a really good movie after a while, well at least after The Dark Knight. It stars Liam Neeson who really comes into his own with this one. Really good, don't miss it.
you absolutely must must see Merry Christmas...tis a world war II movie..but its not so much about war as about the emotions of soldiers...its a superb mumbai its currently running only in a few PVR theaters...look it up
hi guys jst chk out this awesome movi -real hitchcock style with a nail bitting finish,,quality -10/10 for video and sound on dolby digital 5.1
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hi guys jst chk out this awesome movi -real hitchcock style with a nail bitting finish,,quality -10/10 for video and sound on dolby digital 5.1


Is this movie DVD released in India? I also saw Moser mentioning "Taken" as another very good movie. "Traitor" is also mentioned.

These are not yet available on Big Flix rentals, I do not know whether other libraries are stocking it.

I also heard that some newer movies are available in gray market, but I am sure quality will be poor.

So, how and where from are we getting these discs?

Is this movie DVD released in India? I also saw Moser mentioning "Taken" as another very good movie. "Traitor" is also mentioned.

These are not yet available on Big Flix rentals, I do not know whether other libraries are stocking it.

I also heard that some newer movies are available in gray market, but I am sure quality will be poor.

So, how and where from are we getting these discs?


D/l on the internet. We get in 5.1 Dolby Digital, but no DTS really. If you need more details then PM me your email and I will send the details you need.

BTW Taken is a very good movie. I really loved it. Must watch especially for Liam Neeson alone...

D/l on the internet. We get in 5.1 Dolby Digital, but no DTS really. If you need more details then PM me your email and I will send the details you need.

BTW Taken is a very good movie. I really loved it. Must watch especially for Liam Neeson alone...

Thanks Moser,

I have sent you a PM


Is this movie DVD released in India? I also saw Moser mentioning "Taken" as another very good movie. "Traitor" is also mentioned.

These are not yet available on Big Flix rentals, I do not know whether other libraries are stocking it.

I also heard that some newer movies are available in gray market, but I am sure quality will be poor.

So, how and where from are we getting these discs?

hi,dont know if this movie is released in india ,here in blr ,i get it for rent from a library called channel 9 and also sometime from mohtays block busters,these guys get the ntsc formats from either US or singapore,will find out and keep u posted,and they are region 1,they get them within a week after US release,,,,and i hav compared these with the indian releases and found them to be far far superior in video and audio qualities
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