The Movies I Liked


Titanic - one of my all-time favorites! The first time ever I had tears while watching a movie!


This movie was released in India when I was in my 10th standard and saw this movie in my long, tension-free summer holidays after my board exam.

Beautiful movie with beautiful memories!:licklips:

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aneel , urvashi theater opens on friday with thier new 3d projector , they are screening A christmas carol and final destination , chk out papers

saves u from going to singapore!!
Re: The Movie I Liked

8MM2 - Thriller

I watched on DVD in 4 x 3 - Full Screen.

A very good movie, a unique ending with a great suspense, the last one minute scene was out of the world. It reminded me of the great last one minute scene of this movie "The Taking Away of Pehlam One Two Three"

It will be nice that other members also post the movies which they have liked.

Hi. u dare watching 2012 ha ha its a junk of all junks no head no tail all is one nice guy with a nice family runs arround and the movie finishes. I curse myself for watching this crap. I had Independenceday. terminator 2 etc in my mind before the movie started. it took 10 minutes to realise its a very low budget movie made in a hurry with total of ten people(overall casting).Its disgusting. I read through 2012 events such as galactic alignment etc etc screwed up watching this movie.:sad:
aneel , urvashi theater opens on friday with thier new 3d projector , they are screening A christmas carol and final destination , chk out papers

saves u from going to singapore!!

Sorry to take over one little bit of line of this thread" I liked""", could not resist to comment by seeing the FD-3D..

PLEASE DO NOT SEE FINAL DESTINATION-4 IN 3D,,, CRAP....Waste of time expecting if it is like part-2.

By the by to do Justice to this thread... I watched "Casino Royale" for the 4th time in BD yesterday and no doubt it is one of the best.....
Last edited: favorites...Check these out
Inside Man : It looked like the perfect bank robbery.
Inside Man (2006)

The Departed:Underworld Police Organised Crime
The Departed (2006)

Body of Lies: CIA espionage & work styles in Middle East.
Body of Lies (2008)

Blood Diamond:Race to death for possession of a priceless diamond in war torn country. Blood Diamond (2006)

Defiance:Jewish brothers revolt against Nazi's
Defiance (2008)

Assasins:One upmanship between to Professinal Killers Assassins (1995)

The above are very good movies with story lines.
Sorry to take over one little bit of line of this thread" I liked""", could not resist to comment by seeing the FD-3D..

PLEASE DO NOT SEE FINAL DESTINATION-4 IN 3D,,, CRAP....Waste of time expecting if it is like part-2.

By the by to do Justice to this thread... I watched "Casino Royale" for the 4th time in BD yesterday and no doubt it is one of the best.....

same story from me too

dont think 3D will suit all ,certainly not me , cudnt wear the glases for 2 hrs its kind of bulky and causes fatigue/head ache

ok the 3D effects are good for some time only, but how many times wud u want to see jim carrey flying, although being a walt disney movie even my 8 yr old kid wanted to walk away

and to top it all the movie, Christmal carol is another total CRAP , kindly stay away
Re: The Movie I Liked

Hi. u dare watching 2012 ha ha its a junk of all junks no head no tail all is one nice guy with a nice family runs arround and the movie finishes. I curse myself for watching this crap. I had Independenceday. terminator 2 etc in my mind before the movie started. it took 10 minutes to realise its a very low budget movie made in a hurry with total of ten people(overall casting).Its disgusting. I read through 2012 events such as galactic alignment etc etc screwed up watching this movie.:sad:
about 2012, the results/openings/box office collections tell a different story:lol:

dont think 3D will suit all ,certainly not me , cudnt wear the glases for 2 hrs its kind of bulky and causes fatigue/head ache

ok the 3D effects are good for some time only, but how many times wud u want to see jim carrey flying, although being a walt disney movie even my 8 yr old kid wanted to walk away


Ya that's true, that the reason James Cameron invented the new setreoscopic technique where in you do not require special glasses to see 3D stereo images. But that technique is not available in India, and may be not for the next 6-7 yrs or so. Throughout Asia only theaters in Singapore is equipped with that technology I guess.

Ya that's true, that the reason James Cameron invented the new setreoscopic technique where in you do not require special glasses to see 3D stereo images. But that technique is not available in India, and may be not for the next 6-7 yrs or so. Throughout Asia only theaters in Singapore is equipped with that technology I guess.


3D images without glases sounds great, but sad we cant experience it here:sad:

going to singapore wud be worthwhile for avataar:lol: i definetly cant watch with the glases and being a james camerron movie it wud surely be a long movie
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