Vinyl I am listening to...

Around 20. I guess.
I think i should have started a new thread with this news. This is big for us in kolkata. What say U Mahiruha?:rolleyes:





Got them from Rhythmhouse. It is really disspointing to see these guys doesn't know how to pack vinyls and ship them. They managed to warp all the LPs..:mad: I will be very skeptic to get anything from them unless it is a thick one.
mahiruha, you have a VPI Classic right?

Please buy this whenever you can....almost ALL warped LP problems will be over (except for pinch warps...the ones in the middle)


Have fun!

Remember to get the matched center weight as well. The ring and center weight MUST be used together:


Hi Shaizada,
yes I have a VPI classic. Actually this ring clamp is in my to be procured list since warping can't be avoided in vinyl world. I can't convice my mind that just an stainless steel ring costs this much.I can appreciate the fact this are very low volume product for VPI. Is there any cheaper alternatives available? I read somewhere some guys were using some copper frame but couldn't get the pricing of it. Is there any used market for these products.
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The ring has a very expensive tooling expense. It is made to extremely tight tolerances and is very expensive to make. It is made out of one solid block of stainless steel, so you can appreciate the work that went into it.

The copper ring you are mentioning is made by the company ttweights. It is cheaper, but with VPI, you will find that the OEM products are absolute world class in build, fit and finish. I was faced with the same dilemma, but then I found out that the weight of the VPI ring is almost twice the weight of the ttweights ring, I coughed up the dough.

Regardless, you are DEFINITELY going to need this ring and centerweight. They are a VERY VERY important part of the sound and the improvement in sonics is jaw dropping good.
The ring has a very expensive tooling expense. It is made to extremely tight tolerances and is very expensive to make. It is made out of one solid block of stainless steel, so you can appreciate the work that went into it.

The copper ring you are mentioning is made by the company ttweights. It is cheaper, but with VPI, you will find that the OEM products are absolute world class in build, fit and finish. I was faced with the same dilemma, but then I found out that the weight of the VPI ring is almost twice the weight of the ttweights ring, I coughed up the dough.

Regardless, you are DEFINITELY going to need this ring and centerweight. They are a VERY VERY important part of the sound and the improvement in sonics is jaw dropping good.

Thanks for the pointer towards TTweights. I wrote tham an email and they suggested the following TTOuterRings 600 Gram - Medium . I confirmed it from two different sources. I am not sure but I am very much inclined to use it with the stock clamp maybe later I will get the VPI one and this can do its duty in the other TT. I am looking to get some genuine telefunken ecc83 for my phono pre. Can you suggest me some good shops in US who are reliable.
Hi Rajiv,
thanks for the suggestion. The shop seems to be selling good tubes at resonable prices. I will try to get some Shuguang ECC83 as well and they are really cheap but only available in ebay.
Got them from Rhythmhouse. It is really disspointing to see these guys doesn't know how to pack vinyls and ship them. They managed to warp all the LPs..:mad: I will be very skeptic to get anything from them unless it is a thick one.

The problem usually is with the record stores. You should come and see the way Reliance in Bangalore is stacking and demo'ing the records. I even showed those jokers how to stack them, but...
Nice ones Shaizada!
If you see 'countdown to ecstacy' and 'two against nature' pick 'em for me as well! I will wire you the $$$! These are the only two that I don't have on vinyl.
If I see them, should I pick them up for you? Is there a price point you care about or should I just pick them up if I see them? Let me know and I'll keep a look out for them.
Bro, i can pay up to USD 15 for each (if pre-owned)... if you see them sealed and new, then whatever is the MRP, is fine by me! I'll give you my sis's address in Texas, you could ship 'em to her!
And thanx in advance buddy!
I know this is an old thread, but it is worth reviving as many forum members are inclined to listening on vinyl. Yes, there's another lively thread (Right now I am Listening to....) but that thread is an omnibus one (including Youtube videos). So considering the relatively smaller number of LP listeners, let's continue to make this one a vinyl exclusive.

Here's what I was listening to last night - Donna Summer's Bad Girls double LP. Giorgio Moroder features prominently on this album and does duty as producer and writer.
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Hi jlsoo1,

Giorgio Moroder is my favourite composer, if you can get his Cat People and Scarface OST film soundtrack give them a listen.

Giorgio Moroder is my favourite composer, if you can get his Cat People and Scarface OST film soundtrack give them a listen.

Hi Murali,
Will surely look for these LPs. The first number of Moroder I'd ever heard was "Electric Dreams". It was so different from the usual rock and roll stuff I used to listen in those days. Did you know this Moroder dude even designed a car? Link here:
1994 Cizeta Moroder V16T Images, Information and History |
Wharfedale Linton Heritage Speakers in Red Mahogany finish at a Special Offer Price. BUY now before the price increase.