Which 55" LED 3D Tv to buy .?

Specifically with 3D samsung have made a lot of improvements this year and D6600 LED is very very good and very bright.
My choice was EX720. I have decided on it for last one month for my son. I compared it with many products, but sony was way beyond. The video was definitely impressive but audio was equally good. It was a holistic experience. Since then I thought I have to buy Tv once, I will buy sony only. Now checking about festive discounts etc but will bring it home before diwali
Guys m having hard time deciding b/w the final 2 choices : Sony 55EX720 or Samsung 55D6600 .....

I'm getting EX720 for 1.38 k & samsung for 1.42 k ...

Which is a better overall package then .??

Individually comparing which is better in terms of SD , HD & 3D PQ .??

Plz brief ..... :)
3D - LG
Everything else - Samsung
The colors are great on the LG but contrast is very poor and blacks are worse than Samsung.
3D - LG
Everything else - Samsung
The colors are great on the LG but contrast is very poor and blacks are worse than Samsung.

Yea i know that with that passive 3D tech they are slightly good than active 3D ....

But i want to consider an overall package ..

So how is the 3D on D6600 .??

I mean if you rate LG 3d a 10/10 how much would you rate D6600 .??

I'm not concerned about the ease to view 3D on LG but the 3D quality .
Is it good on the D6600 as well .?? :o
3d on D6600 is better the Sony EX720.

Compared to the LG the samsung/sony has a better image processing ,higher contrast,better motion enhancing tech.

Most people who buy their 3d tvs have their 3d glasses gathering dust.
3d tech will still some massive changes the future is mostly passive without any glasses.
And how long before we see those Glass free 3D Tv's in India .??

Is it worth to wait then .??

See I don't understand why people are so eagerly waiting for glasses free 3D TVs without understanding the fact that there is a huge difference between 3D that you see WITH glasses and 3D without glasses or Auto Stereoscopy.
The viewing angles in an auto stereoscopic display is much less and also the overall popout effects will not be as good as what you see with glasses.

So yes eventually maybe in an year or two we will start seeing autosteresoscopic TVs but they will not provide you with the exact same experience as an Active Shutter/Passive Glasses TV.
If you have followed 3D, so far no auto stereoscopic display has been impressive. They all have their sweet spot and though there is good depth there is a limit to the pop out effects they can reproduce.

As for your earlier question

2D ratings

LG - 7/10
Sony - 8/10
Samsung - 8.5/10

3D ratings
LG - 8.5/10
Samsung - 7.5/10
Sony 6/10

* LG won't get 9 or 10 in 3D because of the jagged edges and the fact that ghosting is not completely eliminated also the 3D PQ is not the best due to the 2D weakness.
** Samsung and Sony are about equal in 2D PQ but the reason I gave it .5 extra is EX720 is matte and D6600 is glossy and people prefer that. So its slightly more vivid than the EX720. But for someone who likes matte screens and dislikes too vivid images then the scores can be inverted - 8.5 for EX720 and 8 for D6600
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See I don't understand why people are so eagerly waiting for glasses free 3D TVs without understanding the fact that there is a huge difference between 3D that you see WITH glasses and 3D without glasses or Auto Stereoscopy.
The viewing angles in an auto stereoscopic display is much less and also the overall popout effects will not be as good as what you see with glasses.

So yes eventually maybe in an year or two we will start seeing autosteresoscopic TVs but they will not provide you with the exact same experience as an Active Shutter/Passive Glasses TV.
If you have followed 3D, so far no auto stereoscopic display has been impressive. They all have their sweet spot and though there is good depth there is a limit to the pop out effects they can reproduce.

As for your earlier question

2D ratings

LG - 7/10
Sony - 8/10
Samsung - 8.5/10

3D ratings
LG - 8.5/10
Samsung - 7.5/10
Sony 6/10

* LG won't get 9 or 10 in 3D because of the jagged edges and the fact that ghosting is not completely eliminated also the 3D PQ is not the best due to the 2D weakness.
** Samsung and Sony are about equal in 2D PQ but the reason I gave it .5 extra is EX720 is matte and D6600 is glossy and people prefer that. So its slightly more vivid than the EX720. But for someone who likes matte screens and dislikes too vivid images then the scores can be inverted - 8.5 for EX720 and 8 for D6600

Thanks a tonz for that detailed xplaination ....

So I've decided for Samsung D6600 now .

But just wanted to ask you if there is any major difference in PQ nd features b/w D6600 & D7000 & D8000 .

I prefered D7000 but there is no 55" in D7000 for unknown reason ( coz it is available in US ) ....

And D8000 55" is 2lac plus very costly ....:sad:

Also in sony only 2 options for 55" are : Ex720 and HX925 ....

BTW is HX925 3D also bad .?? :O


Samsung D8000 - 8.5/10
Samsung D6600 - 8/10
Sony HX925 - 8/10


Samsung D8000 - 9/10
Samsung D6600 - 8.5/10
Sony HX925 - 10/10

In Bluray 1080p content the Samsung are no match for the HX925 as it has much superior blacks, contrast, better colors, smoother motion and is almost reference grade.
How many years before we see the real OLED tv's in the market .??

Also does the Samsung LED D6600 has a picture frame mode wherein we can preset out pics as slideshow so that the tv can act as a photo frame .??

Sony LED TV's have that mode .... So does Samsung has it .??
OLED is expected by 2014. Major manufacturers like Samsung and Sony plan to launch OLED Tvs by 2014.

Yes I do think it supports photo slideshow but I don't really know specific details about Samsung TVs so maybe someone else can answer this for you.
Thanks .

Can any one answer that Does the Samsung LED 55D6600 has a picture frame mode where in we can preset out pics as slideshow so that the tv can act as a photo frame .??

Sony LED TV's have that mode .... So does Samsung has it .??

Also does Samsung LED support PIP for 2 channels from the same source .??
Sony has PIP for 2 channels from the same source , does Samsung support it .?
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