Yamaha AVR owners thread

i am thinking of changing the PSU as per Indian standards (220V) and thereby called up yamaha service center. They replied it can be done and asked me to bring the avr...now am a bit reluctant about the result...

Pls.check that your AVR power supply has some internal settings.If there is a option internally(primary coil),without changing transformer ,only by changing primary connection,it can be made 220V.
How much Yamaha gave the price for new powersupply?
HTPC is costlier than media player. But it will play any video and audio formats and is highly configurable. It cost me appx. 12K excluding HDD. If you already have a PC, then you can convert it to HTPC by adding a suitable graphics card and remote control for around 4K.

Here is an approximate breakup of the cost:

Mother board - Gigabyte E350 - Rs. 7050/-
Memory - Corsair 4GB - Rs. 1100/-
Cabinet CM Elite 100 - Rs. 3400/-

It was my first PC assembling and was very easy. I use Windows 7 and XBMC for playback. There are many threads on HTPC. But if you want I will open a new thread with pics showing step by step installation.

yes I know there are many threads but afraid to check as I thought HTPC is a costly affair..but I would really appreciate if you can post pics of step by step installation..that will help us a lot..
I have yamaha 863 connected to Optoma HD 20 with HTPC as source.When I tried with Shutter island BD disc which has DTS HD Master audio through with PDVD 11( Audio output set as Non decoded high definition audio to external device and speaker enviorment as Use HDMI.While playing I am getting onlt DTS in bold and small letters in Yamaha.How to get DTS HDMA as output.
Also while I play BDRip file which has DTS HDMA through MPC-HC with LAV filter I am getting DTS HDMA letters in small letters and STRIGHT in bold letters on Yamaha.Is it correct as I am not familiar with audio qualities when hearing physically.
It happens with me too.sometime I need to change the settings again & again,still get DTS.
On PDVD info,I can see that audio playing is HD in HTPC,but output is downsampled.
hi there i want to know whether
USA yamaha rx v671 works in india this is regarding the power supply i am asking or need to use converter
pls some one let me know regarding this
hi there i want to know whether
USA yamaha rx v671 works in india this is regarding the power supply i am asking or need to use converter
pls some one let me know regarding this

Gentleman, please avoid posting the same query in several threads. Not a good idea.
Yes you need a step down converter for almost anything you buy from US unless the product offers dual voltage selection.
hi thanks for the reply
can any one help me regarding speakers for yamaha rx v671 i also want to know regarding the price and name
my sub is working fine with help of digital coaxial cable..no additional settings..
It was only due to my RCA cable which may not be recognized by sub..
My SINCERE thanks to Santy, Baiju, Spiro and all others..
@Spiro, you are right..I had to increase sub level to 5 db to perceive bass at -15 vol..eventhough I am not after earthshaking bass..
don't know whether due to yamaha itself or weak sub..
Also while I play BDRip file which has DTS HDMA through MPC-HC with LAV filter I am getting DTS HDMA letters in small letters and STRIGHT in bold letters on Yamaha.Is it correct as I am not familiar with audio qualities when hearing physically.

I installed MPCHC( & installed ffdshow(3996).
Now I can get bitstreaming done perfectly.LAV are not working with me,it fails some time.
Another issue-

When I bitstream HD-master audio & select movie DSP(spectacle),the Display on AVR changes to DTS.With straight OR 7ch stereo mode(music),it come back.
So does that mean,DSP downscale HD audio?
Guys I purchased a Yamaha RX V371 this weekend. Need a quick suggestion. I want to have the option of directing the audio from set-top box to either the speakers connected to the AVR or to the TV. I need to have the connection set up permanently so that I dont have to change the cabling everytime I want to listen through a different output speaker. I only have RCA inputs in TV.
Guys I purchased a Yamaha RX V371 this weekend. Need a quick suggestion. I want to have the option of directing the audio from set-top box to either the speakers connected to the AVR or to the TV. I need to have the connection set up permanently so that I dont have to change the cabling everytime I want to listen through a different output speaker. I only have RCA inputs in TV.

How many RCA inputs in TV and how many outputs in Set top box? If you set top box has HDMI out then connect it to your AVR and the RCA outs from it to TV. When you want to hear sound from TV just keep the AVR off and when through speakers connected through AVR just mute the TV. this is possible only if set top box has more than one outputs. If the set top box has RF output alongwith RCA then connect RF output of box to TV and RCA outs to AVR.
Another issue-

When I bitstream HD-master audio & select movie DSP(spectacle),the Display on AVR changes to DTS.With straight OR 7ch stereo mode(music),it come back.
So does that mean,DSP downscale HD audio?

Cinema DSP modes won't work in HD audio. But why you want to change the original audio. Rather keep it straight.
@ sukhjit_bhullar - The set top box (Airtel, non-HD)has a one set of Component video output ( I guess no Audio) and one set of RCA only.
Is there any way I can do it through the AVR? Does the AVR has two audio output.
Cinema DSP modes won't work in HD audio. But why you want to change the original audio. Rather keep it straight.
To my surprise ,I could see DSP working (spectacle)with DD+ audio on BD close encounter.DSP creates wide surround stage,but dialog can sound soft.

I was just trying different settings.7ch stereo sounds powerful than other DSPs.
Else pure direct only.
It looks like we have quite a no. of members in the Yamaha family now. Why not a dedicated thread to discuss the features and performance, reviews and impressions, modes and settings, cost and availability, queries and worries etc..

OP wanted a thread regarding Yamaha *67 *71 series discussing about

1) features
2) performance
3) reviews
4) impressions
5) modes
6) settings
7) cost
8) availability
9) queries
10 worries

regarding this AVR series.

Six pages on this thread with 58 posts and still no reviews, impression & sonic performance aspects regarding these amps. WHY?

It takes five minutes to write down a 10 line review of how you felt the AVR sounds both in music & movies.

Ultimately it is the sound that you felt in your ears & loved in your heart that matters, and all the Dolby f@c&ing north east & the dts HD audio f@c&ing north west cannot eclipse that.

Please write reviews regarding these amps who have them. All i can picture is a list of features with zero assessment of how the AVR sounds.
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Hmm... just finished reading the post now & thanks for the good insight. It seems the Yamaha came back as the winner this time. And also so many amp & speaker combinations. Good work spiro, keep it up.

Yams are always known for big sound stage with a clear & distinctive sound signature. Maybe this is due to their extensive knowledge in designing concert halls since 1970's. You found this as a plus in both movies & music. Good.

What are the power output claims of the 7.1 Yamaha RXV-677 & how much does it costs in India?
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