Best Price - 2011 Samsung Plasma 3D PS51D550

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yes thats right. but as ces 2012 is so near it would make sense to wait a couple of weeks or a month as the price decrease will be massive in late jan and feb.
How much do you think it'll drop ? As I've never seen that big change in prices.

It might go other way, stocks may drop and prices may increase ?
Then the 2012 model would be superior to the 2011 and by waiting a couple months, say until Dussera, it's price will come down too :p

It's a cycle :D

He He you are right. One thing is - even in CES if new models are shown,they take several months to reach our shores.But, the 2011 model production will be minimal and hence though the price may decrease , you would have stocks no where.Have seen this in the past..
He He you are right. One thing is - even in CES if new models are shown,they take several months to reach our shores.But, the 2011 model production will be minimal and hence though the price may decrease , you would have stocks no where.Have seen this in the past..

This too...due to low production and less stocks, dealers will see this as the perfect opportunity for a price increase...the best time is in last quarter (oct-dec)...offers start in oct and continue until new year.
It seems that the no stock phase has already started;

Samsung Plaza quoted a price of Rs 67000(!) and said no one can give it at a less price since Samsung isn't allowing anyone to sell at a lower price (!).
They also said they have only 2 in stock.

Khather electronics said they don't have stock left but will get it an hour after booking...when said to confirm he told that it wasn't possible today but will get by Monday for sure...quoted a price of Rs 63700 but said will reduce it to Rs 63000.

Both include 2x3D glasses.

Dunno what's happening, are the prices gonna go up or down ? Should one wait, and for how long ?
Thats true but the price for the last year's models are lowest during March to June cycle though we should have our source lined up for that ;)

We can expect the price of 51D550 to fall till around 50k levels by March! Though we may not get freebies like 3D glasses then as they usually sell dead stocks at that time.

Oh ! That would be a sweet deal :D
But by then Samsung might have introduced a better VFM model...we need to be sure about everything, lol !

Don't bother much about it. These dealers had a meeting with Samsung 3 days back when Samsung seems to have announced withdrawing support for online retailers like letsbuy and flipkart to sell at lower than MOP pricing. Thats how they are pushing higher pricing on us by restricting our choices.

I don't get it, the online retailers are not giving any freebies so isn't Samsung getting profit from that ?

I was trying to reach the resellers yesterday but somehow one's number was coming unreachable and other's had network busy issue throughout the day! I will try again today or visit them if I still have phone trouble.

Maybe God doesn't want us to buy the D550 right now ;)
Anyways please update here regarding the progress, I have waited this long and will wait a bit more if prices are coming down FOR SURE.

As of now, I thought of contacting the Khather fellow to purchase the TV on Thursday, the 29th (63k, will try for 62k).
Prankey, can u plz check wit d dealer today for the best price as its christmas time n der will b loads of offers for Christmas every year. I personally prefer to capitalise d offer rather than waiting for price drops til march. Who knows wat may happen in march. Plz wrap up the group buy by this weekend and do consider me as d 1st among d buyers list..
Interested in picking up this TV from Bangalore. Where can I get it at 62k ? Can someone share some contact details.

The price abroad is much much lower esp in Australia but I personally believe the TV will stock out before the price drops.

Hey guys just neede to know, does this TV heat too much? Or just a bit more than an average CRT or desktop? Because the guys at reliance digital are pushing hard for an LED.
I am getting the TV at Rs 65000 with two 3D glasses in mysore.
I guess I am going to buy this.
Please help me out if any one from bangalore have better price for this model? 65k is the price quoted in devi international. They say as a week before it was 62k but now its 65k as they have very less stock of this model. :indifferent14:
Please help me out if any one from bangalore have better price for this model? 65k is the price quoted in devi international. They say as a week before it was 62k but now its 65k as they have very less stock of this model. :indifferent14:

Hi, 65k seems to be a better price as the stocks might not last for long!
In HYD too the same situation is prevailing.....
better to book it as you are getting 2 glasses 2 cents!
Bangalore guys,sameer,praveen, if u guys are looking for this TV, why dont we team up and do a small group buy ourselves? atleast at 60-61k, we can group up and approach a dealer like Devi..
Just got these from some Korea seller on ebay real fast fedex delivered in 2 days.


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