Best Price - 2011 Samsung Plasma 3D PS51D550

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Guys. M sorry, m withdrawing as had seen the plasma demo in girias which is not convincing when compared to other 3D models.. Also, the glass is an ordinary one due to which this model is quite glossy / reflective. Adding to that plasma have certain drawbacks like less longevity and more power consumption.

Checked the price on Girias - jayanagar, bangalore. Its 58k. guess doesnt require group buy in this case wen u get 58k deal straightaway. :)

Dunno, how much awareness you have about plasma's having less longevity, or where you have read this, but plasma's have been around for a much more longer time than lcd's and there is no issue on longevity.
I would not comment on power consumption as its one of the most controversial topics here and has been blown out of proportion.

I still have my 5 years old Sammy plasma going strong without any issues.Also i have seen lot of posts of LCD's going Kaput in 3 years of time frame.

Read through the forum and Google it , guess you will find plenty of posts on the same.
Guys. M sorry, m withdrawing as had seen the plasma demo in girias which is not convincing when compared to other 3D models.. Also, the glass is an ordinary one due to which this model is quite glossy / reflective. Adding to that plasma have certain drawbacks like less longevity and more power consumption.

Checked the price on Girias - jayanagar, bangalore. Its 58k. guess doesnt require group buy in this case wen u get 58k deal straightaway. :)

It written 100000 Hrs panel life on my my samsung 51d490, so am not sure why Plasmas have less longevity. Even if its panel life is say 50000 hrs then also u can view TV for around 12 years if ur daily usage is 10hrs. So dont know from where longevity issue comes from.
Guys. M sorry, m withdrawing as had seen the plasma demo in girias which is not convincing when compared to other 3D models.. Also, the glass is an ordinary one due to which this model is quite glossy / reflective. Adding to that plasma have certain drawbacks like less longevity and more power consumption.

Checked the price on Girias - jayanagar, bangalore. Its 58k. guess doesnt require group buy in this case wen u get 58k deal straightaway. :)

Are you sure you watched 51D550 or 51D490?? 51D490 is 720p and is selling for around 58k with dealers.

Also as far as 3D is concerned 51D550 is one the best out there and maybe you did not get proper demo. Take a proper SBS 3d file on a hard disk and get the demo or from a 3d bluray disk. also make sure it is D550 and not D490 !!
Guys. M sorry, m withdrawing as had seen the plasma demo in girias which is not convincing when compared to other 3D models.. Also, the glass is an ordinary one due to which this model is quite glossy / reflective. Adding to that plasma have certain drawbacks like less longevity and more power consumption.

Checked the price on Girias - jayanagar, bangalore. Its 58k. guess doesnt require group buy in this case wen u get 58k deal straightaway. :)
I will try to visit there to confirm the offer and either get them to reduce it or my other contact to come down on the pricing for the group buy.

As Madhav suggested, I hope you did see 51D550 only and not D490. Please try to confirm and let us know. You could also PM any contact info of Girias for me to visit them and negotiate accordingly.

Talking of the glasses, we know that its cheapest and that is the reason we want to buy the TV and the glasses for their price tag on They last longest and are best performing among ALL 3D TVs till date!

It written 100000 Hrs panel life on my my samsung 51d490, so am not sure why Plasmas have less longevity. Even if its panel life is say 50000 hrs then also u can view TV for around 12 years if ur daily usage is 10hrs. So dont know from where longevity issue comes from.
Where do you see that writing buddy? I haven't seen on any literature from Samsung. Curious to know as so far only Panasonic claims such life and Samsung usually claim 60k of half brightness lifetime (equal to LCD/LED TVs).
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Just saw it on my samsung 43D450 not 51D490(having both) ,got confused.
Its written on sticker which is stuck on the bezel of the tv 100000 hrs of Panel life on my 43d450 so i assume it should be same for all samsung models. Peeled off sticker from samsung 51d490 so dont know whether it was written on that too.
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saturday ended and no update yet.
Prankey, waiting to hear from you buddy.
I am calling them atleast 3 times every day. They promise to come back in few minutes and later their mobile becomes unreachable. I will give a visit tomorrow and check. This is the issue with the dealers. Even for single purchase they are equally unresponsive and unorganized. That is the reason such group buys becomes so useful that I shield rest of us from such trauma of dealing with them individually.
I will try to visit there to confirm the offer and either get them to reduce it or my other contact to come down on the pricing for the group buy.

As Madhav suggested, I hope you did see 51D550 only and not D490. Please try to confirm and let us know. You could also PM any contact info of Girias for me to visit them and negotiate accordingly.

Talking of the glasses, we know that its cheapest and that is the reason we want to buy the TV and the glasses for their price tag on They last longest and are best performing among ALL 3D TVs till date!

Where do you see that writing buddy? I haven't seen on any literature from Samsung. Curious to know as so far only Panasonic claims such life and Samsung usually claim 60k of half brightness lifetime (equal to LCD/LED TVs).
Well.. m sure as he quoted the price as 58k for 51D550. Will reconfirm tomorrow after visiting the same girias branch.
Well.. m sure as he quoted the price as 58k for 51D550. Will reconfirm tomorrow after visiting the same girias branch.

Please do check and let us all know. If needed we will get the group buy through Girias if they are really offering that price.

Now this new dealer I was interacting finally confirmed the price is taking a U turn and giving a best price of 63k claiming stock unavailability and borrowing 5 days time! When I told that his sales executive had confirmed 58k 3 times in 3 days and I have already quoted the price accordingly, he is telling their pet and most irritating words "I will buy 100 in cash!". Same thing he is telling for Girias offer. He has promised to check with his sales contact and come back (he is telling they must have quoted for D490!).

I am going back to my older Samsung contact to see if they can better the offer from Girias or atleast give the same price of 58k. Its really horrible to work with these sales folks! :mad:
Please do check and let us all know. If needed we will get the group buy through Girias if they are really offering that price.

Now this new dealer I was interacting finally confirmed the price is taking a U turn and giving a best price of 63k claiming stock unavailability and borrowing 5 days time! When I told that his sales executive had confirmed 58k 3 times in 3 days and I have already quoted the price accordingly, he is telling their pet and most irritating words "I will buy 100 in cash!". Same thing he is telling for Girias offer. He has promised to check with his sales contact and come back (he is telling they must have quoted for D490!).

I am going back to my older Samsung contact to see if they can better the offer from Girias or atleast give the same price of 58k. Its really horrible to work with these sales folks! :mad:
Guys.m sorry 58k price is for PS51D490A1 but not for PS51D550. @ girias the best price for PS51D550 is 64k . Will try today if they can negotiate below 60k for group buy option of PS51D550. Will keep posted with the updates.
Aww I knew it. Girias quoted 69k for it with 2 glasses and scratch card over phone.Hence 64k is expected..But below 60K, we need to seriously bargain guys!
Today (just now came back)... I went to
PAI international jayanagar, they dont have samsung plasma
Girias Jayanagar, (they dont have for display), but he said 68k.
Ezone jayanagar, (they also didnt have in display), but he said 75k :)
Devi international jayanagar, (I told abt prankey.. the guys who are working there didnt know.. may be Prankey is dealing with the dealer directly.. ) I was asking for 60k, But they didnt come below 62.5k(with two 3D glasses)....
I talked with BOSS( tha'ts how salesperson there called him), he said Dollar exchange price is the problem, companies(like LG... i dont know abt samsung) asked to hold the sales as of now itseems. He told they are getting 18% from company.... he can give for 16% at the maximum of dealer price..(75K * 16% = 63k) atlast he came to.. 62.5k. but I did not buy...

should really appreciate Prankey here... for whatever groupbuy he arranges and the best price he gets.... wow great prankey..
Today (just now came back)... I went to
PAI international jayanagar, they dont have samsung plasma
Girias Jayanagar, (they dont have for display), but he said 68k.
Ezone jayanagar, (they also didnt have in display), but he said 75k :)
Devi international jayanagar, (I told abt prankey.. the guys who are working there didnt know.. may be Prankey is dealing with the dealer directly.. ) I was asking for 60k, But they didnt come below 62.5k(with two 3D glasses)....
I talked with BOSS( tha'ts how salesperson there called him), he said Dollar exchange price is the problem, companies(like LG... i dont know abt samsung) asked to hold the sales as of now itseems. He told they are getting 18% from company.... he can give for 16% at the maximum of dealer price..(75K * 16% = 63k) atlast he came to.. 62.5k. but I did not buy...

should really appreciate Prankey here... for whatever groupbuy he arranges and the best price he gets.... wow great prankey..
So, Devi seems to be the one giving best prices..(still not the best :sad:). Maybe if we are taking many pieces he may reduce..Thanks praveen for making a survey :clapping:
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