Best Price - 2011 Samsung Plasma 3D PS51D550

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Today (just now came back)... I went to
PAI international jayanagar, they dont have samsung plasma
Girias Jayanagar, (they dont have for display), but he said 68k.
Ezone jayanagar, (they also didnt have in display), but he said 75k :)
Devi international jayanagar, (I told abt prankey.. the guys who are working there didnt know.. may be Prankey is dealing with the dealer directly.. ) I was asking for 60k, But they didnt come below 62.5k(with two 3D glasses)....
I talked with BOSS( tha'ts how salesperson there called him), he said Dollar exchange price is the problem, companies(like LG... i dont know abt samsung) asked to hold the sales as of now itseems. He told they are getting 18% from company.... he can give for 16% at the maximum of dealer price..(75K * 16% = 63k) atlast he came to.. 62.5k. but I did not buy...

should really appreciate Prankey here... for whatever groupbuy he arranges and the best price he gets.... wow great prankey..
I am GLAD you dint buy without checking with me :D

Don't worry about Devi. I can get 62k or less from them. Their owner knows me by my real name only ;)

Because of this dollar appreciation even they have stopped buying from the vendors (like they told you, its true).

Let me know if anyone is interested for 62k and I can arrange from Devi (probably even without the group buy).

:D :lol: :ohyeah: :yahoo:
Yeah, so you have started enjoying the rides these dealers give me, huh? :D

I am still positive that we can get a price of less than 60k very soon. I am actively working on that :)

So, Devi seems to be the one giving best prices..(still not the best :sad:). Maybe if we are taking many pieces he may reduce..Thanks praveen for making a survey :clapping:
No buddy, I have already tried for 20 units. Devi Owner is basically demotivating me in going ahead with the purchase right now and whenever they do so, we see price correction shortly. So I believe the best bet is to wait for few days.

If someone still wishes to go ahead, I suggest they contact me instead of doing on their own so I take the credit for that sale. I can arrange it for 62k with 2x glasses if someone wants it immediately.
Prankey, while we are waiting for the Group Buy price, could you please post the best prices for available plasmas from Panasonic and Samsung?

More specifically the U and the X series ones, if possible.
Just met with the dealer. Got them to agree for 61.75k. Also asked them to check for more feasible options for out of Bangalore shipping.

Let me know if anyone's interested.
Prankey, while we are waiting for the Group Buy price, could you please post the best prices for available plasmas from Panasonic and Samsung?

More specifically the U and the X series ones, if possible.
I dint check on U and X, but got better price than I got before for ST30, will post on appropriate thread :)
Devi Owner is basically demotivating me in going ahead with the purchase right now and whenever they do so, we see price correction shortly. So I believe the best bet is to wait for few days.
Any idea about how many days one should wait for a decrease in price...either from a dealer or a group buy ?
i just decided to buy D550.. but in some other thread few of our members discussed about the image burn in issue (though it is temporary one) of dth logo and all.. and how hard it is to maintain that initial burnin period.. so plz owners of D550 throw some info on this.. bcoz i want to use it with full freedom as i am using my CRT. i want to get best out of it and enjoy it fully..
Just got my 51D550 yesterday sept 2011 manuf with firmware ver 1020 is this the lastest ver for the Indian model.

Also wanted to know what warranty does samsung provide and is the warranty card needed.

Do they give the slim wall mount with this tv.
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Just got my 51D550 yesterday sept 2011 manuf with firmware ver 1020 is this the lastest ver for the Indian model.

Also wanted to know what warranty does samsung provide and is the warranty card needed.

Do they give the slim wall mount with this tv.

at what price u have purchased it?
Just met with the dealer. Got them to agree for 61.75k. Also asked them to check for more feasible options for out of Bangalore shipping.

Let me know if anyone's interested.
Prankey, Do we require to wait till christmas or new year for the 58k or close to 60k deal. Please confirm after speaking to the dealer. Plz do consider me for the group buy as after reading the reviews and thorough exploring about PS51D550 , i am very much excited to get this magic tv :) as early as i can.

Also, i hav a basic query like currently m using InCable DTH STB for my Sony Wega CRT TV. Will that suffice to samusung plasma PS51D550 or do i really require to shift to any HD connections. Incable DTH STB is very clear in terms of audio and video (not a single spot to point) and broadcasts 230+ video & 17 radio channels for a mere price of 200k per month. Any of you plz suggest on this?
Prankey, Do we require to wait till christmas or new year for the 58k or close to 60k deal. Please confirm after speaking to the dealer. Plz do consider me for the group buy as after reading the reviews and thorough exploring about PS51D550 , i am very much excited to get this magic tv :) as early as i can.

Also, i hav a basic query like currently m using InCable DTH STB for my Sony Wega CRT TV. Will that suffice to samusung plasma PS51D550 or do i really require to shift to any HD connections. Incable DTH STB is very clear in terms of audio and video (not a single spot to point) and broadcasts 230+ video & 17 radio channels for a mere price of 200k per month. Any of you plz suggest on this?

Well, as you are from Bangalore, I guess InCable is not DTH but cable with STB.I have heard that the SD channels can be good on cable as the compression is less.But,many channels do have a tint and you know the service of these cable guys.But, yes, the number of channels and price is reasonable.But, with the HD 1080i channels coming up ,they alone can do justice to a 51 incher. As an example Airtel HD would give you 10 HD channels + most other SD channels at 280pm.Hence that would justify the extra Rs.80 .. So, I suggest a DTH :)
Prankey, I'm interested in buying 51D550 instantly, could you add me also please?
Sure buddy.
Any idea about how many days one should wait for a decrease in price...either from a dealer or a group buy ?
I can't comment. But will check today and let everyone know. Earlier the dealer seems to had made an error in quoting price for D490 instead of 550, but am still trying. Currently the price without needing any group buy (just need to coordinate) is 61.75k.

i just decided to buy D550.. but in some other thread few of our members discussed about the image burn in issue (though it is temporary one) of dth logo and all.. and how hard it is to maintain that initial burnin period.. so plz owners of D550 throw some info on this.. bcoz i want to use it with full freedom as i am using my CRT. i want to get best out of it and enjoy it fully..
Its almost like your CRT. Dont bother much about it.

hey prankey what about that group deal at 58K that you were discussing earlier?
I am still working buddy, probably the Dollar needs to depreciate for us to get that price. But I am trying to bring the price to around 61k or less.

Prankey, Do we require to wait till christmas or new year for the 58k or close to 60k deal. Please confirm after speaking to the dealer. Plz do consider me for the group buy as after reading the reviews and thorough exploring about PS51D550 , i am very much excited to get this magic tv :) as early as i can.

Also, i hav a basic query like currently m using InCable DTH STB for my Sony Wega CRT TV. Will that suffice to samusung plasma PS51D550 or do i really require to shift to any HD connections. Incable DTH STB is very clear in terms of audio and video (not a single spot to point) and broadcasts 230+ video & 17 radio channels for a mere price of 200k per month. Any of you plz suggest on this?
You can use it, but I suggest going with an HD DTH to enjoy the quality the TV has to offer. Day and Night difference in terms of PQ.
Wait for CES 2012 january 10-13. There all 2012 tv's will be showcased . After that the price will drastically come down for 2011 models !!!
Wait for CES 2012 january 10-13. There all 2012 tv's will be showcased . After that the price will drastically come down for 2011 models !!!

Then the 2012 model would be superior to the 2011 and by waiting a couple months, say until Dussera, it's price will come down too :p

It's a cycle :D
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