Best Price - 2011 Samsung Plasma 3D PS51D550

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Working on getting approval for 51D550 with 2x 3D glasses at 58k by Friday. Lets start the group buy to gather as many members for the same. South India Shipping is not an issue for a max of 1k and I am working for National Shipping option as well for around 1 to 2k. I have committed for 15 to 20 units to be sold through this group buy, but we may be able to utilize this offer on a first come first served basis till stocks last for December.
Working on getting approval for 51D550 with 2x 3D glasses at 58k by Friday. Lets start the group buy to gather as many members for the same. South India Shipping is not an issue for a max of 1k and I am working for National Shipping option as well for around 1 to 2k. I have committed for 15 to 20 units to be sold through this group buy, but we may be able to utilize this offer on a first come first served basis till stocks last for December.

I'm a newbie, so asking the obvious question...we won't receive a demo piece or anything, would we ?
i am definitely in for one. Is the shipping insured ?

Insured shipping attracts 2% premium. Its better to pay the bottom cost for shipping and if needed get the replacement locally from Mysore or Bangalore if needed. This will also save us the hassle of insurance claims.
Insured shipping attracts 2% premium. Its better to pay the bottom cost for shipping and if needed get the replacement locally from Mysore or Bangalore if needed. This will also save us the hassle of insurance claims.

I am not aware of how this works so please clarify.
If i go for non insured shipping and in case i receive a damaged piece, you are telling me that local samsung service center would replace it for me ? free of cost ?
why would they do that?
When is the deadline planned for this group buy?

I am planning to start releasing orders from Saturday if things worked out well by Friday. Will try not to wait for more folks to join and run as a regular group buy like before ;)
Who is responsibile for things like

Delivery damages ,Used/Refurbed/Demo units,Cost of return shipment incase of above

Dealer or Samsung?

Could you confirm whether or not Samsung will take responsibility in case of transit damage, open-seal boxes, etc. locally ?

Is this deal through Samsung or a Bangalore dealer ?
Well, prankey ,with the hopes gone on LG PZ550, I am definitely the part of this discussed with u earlier
I would like to be part of even. I am from bangalore

Guys. M sorry, m withdrawing as had seen the plasma demo in girias which is not convincing when compared to other 3D models.. Also, the glass is an ordinary one due to which this model is quite glossy / reflective. Adding to that plasma have certain drawbacks like less longevity and more power consumption.

Checked the price on Girias - jayanagar, bangalore. Its 58k. guess doesnt require group buy in this case wen u get 58k deal straightaway. :)
Who is responsibile for things like

Delivery damages ,Used/Refurbed/Demo units,Cost of return shipment incase of above

Dealer or Samsung?
Damages to be claimed at Samsung locally at Bangalore. Trying to get Samsung agree for it locally at Customer's city as they did last year.

I am working on getting the lowest cost for shipping, so return cost if any will be born by the customer. This way the effective cost will be lowest and Dealer also do not take a hit for honoring damage claims through Samsung.


Could you confirm whether or not Samsung will take responsibility in case of transit damage, open-seal boxes, etc. locally ?

Is this deal through Samsung or a Bangalore dealer ?
Its through a Samsung Dealer at Bangalore. Will ensure a sealed unit and transit damage may have to be claimed back to Bangalore as we discussed (will confirm if it can somehow be handled locally atleast at Hyderabad and other nearby cities in South India).

Can I join in on this deal ?? I am from New Delhi...???
You can, however I am still investigating on a feasible shipping option to North India.
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