Hi Ali,
I am still interested in option 2 as I need to match the colour with existing furniture. I will decide once the final measurements are known.
It will help if you call out the measurements as follows: (please edit as you please)
1. Height from floor to top of topmost shelf = 35"
Anywhere between 32-35 inch- i say anywhere because i dont want to be held up for an inch here or there - this is custom fabrication - i decide on the spot many a times depending on the wood
2. Spacing from floor for lowermost shelf = 5"
this i can do whatever everyone (consensus) decides -
i would prefer
the height between the floor AND the lower most edge of the lower most shelf
to be 5 inches - this includes the polymide footers
after that things start getting ugly)
3. Spacing between Shelf 4(lowermost) and shelf 3 =
im looking at 9" - but whatever consensus decides
4. Spacing between Shelf 3 and Shelf 2 =
im looking at 7 inch but whatever consensus decides
5. Spacing between Shelf 2 and shelf 1 =
im looking at 6 inch but whatever consensus decides
6. Size of shelves = 24" x 18"
No this i will decide on the spot
right now you guys only need to decide how much INTERNAL space you want
i will calculate the part that goes inside the slot my own on the spot
currently i would prefer
internal size to be 20.5 inches wide
internal depth to be 18 inches
that allows you to easily place 17 inch wide equipment but also squeeze in 19inch equipment
it is highly probably one would end up with a rack 24*18 (external dimns including the pillars
shelf thickness can be anywhere between 1.5 inch to 1.7inch
Other specs. for option 2
a. Shelf is made of Brazilian teak
this is going to be a the maple equivalent in India. Similar to rubber wood but a natural wood - NOT panels
b. Pillar is made of Brazilian teak
c. Shelf has rods for strengthening
that was only in rikhavs rack
shelf will take on 50kgs -and look exactly as in the pics above that is all i can promise
Rods or not - that call will be mine when i go into manufacturing
d. Pillar has slots which are machined accurately on all four pillars to match
YES.- small amount of filing is possibles - since for a tight fit i will machine the slots slightly undersize
e. Shelf has holes to match the pillars
that your carpenter or you have to handle
f. The top shelf is flush with the top of the pillars.
a small bit of filing may be neccesary during fittamant
that has to handled at your end
SIRs if you think you are looking at a modular furniture setup where all you have to do is assemble everything and everything lines up perfectly as it would when you buy IKEA furniture
then please do not buy into option 2
Understand that a carpenter will be required (3hrs to 5hrs - at least that how long mine took )or a good DIY hand
this is hardwood you are dealing with
NO modular machine made MDF furniture where everything is accurate
option 2
a. The shelves are only cut to size and machined for plane surface
b. The pillars are also machine cut appropriately for the shelf slots
c. No Polishing on either the shelf or the pillars
the above is 100% correct
What we have to do with option 2
a. Sand the shelf
b. Sand and file the pillars
c. Procure wood screws and glue
Pilot drill the shelves and pillars once you are alligned
d. Fix shelves to pillar using wood screws and glue
e. Check levelling shelf by shelf
Of course we will get the professional to do it.
Ali, Please do edit the above and add/delete as you may please. I have just listed them all. Once you spell it out let us get interested members in and close either way,
For option 1 if thecolours agree with most members then it may be good one too.