Hi Ali
As per earlier email I am also confirming 1 number rack, Option 2- fitting sanding and polishing for 4 shelves by me.
I may request you to send me a single footer (upon payment, and by courier) to see if it works for my application. If it is then I will want five or seven in all. Would that be possible?
hence the total height is achived like this
5+1.5+9+1.5+7+1.5+7+1.5 = 34 inch
if you add footers you get another 1.5 inch at the bottom ( which is the footer thickness)
so with footers you are at approx 36 inch
you can get the rack without footers and load the centre channel on the top shelf
Can it be altered to 5+1.5+7+1.5+7+1.5+9+1.5 = 34 inch
or can the ground clearance of 5" can be reduced, provided every one agrees.
Without footer the top height is 34". Centre speaker height is 7.5". So total height will be 41.5" but my tv is already mounted at 40". So don't think it will be possible to keep centre on the top shelf.
RMCWS ? are you confirmed with the mods i suggested
i.e base clearance 2 inches ?
your name needs to be on the list by thursday