Is E6 the best LED that Panasonic has ever produced?

Booked for 77k.Mostly will get on tuesday :)

Need to get extended warranty later.Missed the 3 yr warranty during diwali time :sad:

That seems to be very high, let me know if you need any dealer reference. Some of my friends picked it for a good price recently. PM me for details.
went to the panasonic showroom at alwarpet, chennai today...42" e6d at 61k and 50" e6d at 83.5k :(

some one pls tell me where to get it cheaply in chennai....
Try Chandra traders in velacherry.price quoted was 55k for 42 e6d in phone.Just go in person and bargain.New years eve bound to have discounts.Make sure that you get a fresh piece.

First post here...:D Thanks everyone for the wonderful information available here.

Just purchased a 42ET60D in Bangalore from reliance digital in Indira nagar. No other stores, including the brand shop were having this model.

Delivered and installed and to my utter shock, the panel (again thanks to the tips available here) was used for about 180 hours and turned on about 60 times:mad:

Panny service is yet to respond on whether this is normal ( isn't much given that this amounts to 6 hours usage for 30 days) and reliance says that up to 600 hours is normal for testing by panny engineers.. (Sounds like bull...).

So they're happy to take this back and adjust for any other television that we choose to buy from them. They're also saying that we could use this until they replace it with fresh stocks expected by the 20th of Jan 2014.:rolleyes:

We also purchased additional warranty for two years from reliance!
Im thinking of going with option 2, given that this is the best model out there in terms of PQ and 3D. And yeah, we paid 70k for this when reliance was quoting a price of 75k. At the time of purchase, snap deal was selling this for about 63k.

First post here...:D Thanks everyone for the wonderful information available here.

Just purchased a 42ET60D in Bangalore from reliance digital in Indira nagar. No other stores, including the brand shop were having this model.

Delivered and installed and to my utter shock, the panel (again thanks to the tips available here) was used for about 180 hours and turned on about 60 times:mad:

Panny service is yet to respond on whether this is normal ( isn't much given that this amounts to 6 hours usage for 30 days) and reliance says that up to 600 hours is normal for testing by panny engineers.. (Sounds like bull...).

So they're happy to take this back and adjust for any other television that we choose to buy from them. They're also saying that we could use this until they replace it with fresh stocks expected by the 20th of Jan 2014.:rolleyes:

We also purchased additional warranty for two years from reliance!
Im thinking of going with option 2, given that this is the best model out there in terms of PQ and 3D. And yeah, we paid 70k for this when reliance was quoting a price of 75k. At the time of purchase, snap deal was selling this for about 63k.

It could be a display piece or a refurbished one.
There are instances when such a thing could happen. In order to fix an issue in hardware or software that manifests itself randomly, they put the TV on a continuous test for hours. Even after applying the fix, they have to run the TV for days to verify whether the fix has really worked.
Thanks Dirac. Is it then safe to accept this piece and is there a chance that some of these hardware or software issues crop up on a new set?
Why would you accept a demo piece when you've paid for the new piece. Ask for some refund or ask for replacement with a new unit.
Yeah - I have asked for a replacement and since stocks aren't there, I get to use this until the replacement arrives :)
I was just checking if this is something normal. I'd definitely want something with zero hours clocked for the money I paid. :D
Yeah - I have asked for a replacement and since stocks aren't there, I get to use this until the replacement arrives :)
I was just checking if this is something normal. I'd definitely want something with zero hours clocked for the money I paid. :D

I pity reliance folks, guess they are still not knowledgeable and passing around demo sets. Enjoy your TV till you get a replacement.
Also if buying extended warranty, please buy from the company directly and not from reliance.
Im looking for a 32" E6D in Mumbai, any suggestions on the best price and dealer in Mumbai....

Further looking forward to connecting my desktop computer to the same, however since it does not have a PC input, can i connect it with a VGA to HDMI Cable??? I need to connect the computer to the LED as I do-not have sufficient space in my bedroom for 2 monitors...
Folks, it seems fresh stock of the panny et60d are yet to arrive and so I'm considering buying an Lg LA6910 instead. Reading great reviews about that product on these forums and the price quoted is 82.5k. Considering that websites like snap deal are quoting 78k, do you think it is a wise choice to go in for the LG at this price, given that fresh panny stocks don't have a clear ETA.
I shall be finalizing on the 32E6D tomorrow morning, got a final price quote of 35,600/- is it a good price or is there ant scope of further negotiation??? Also got a quote for LGLN571 for 32,500/- which seems to be a good price.

The sales man said that I need to contact Panasonic directly for the extended warranty. Is it true???
E6D is available in Croma, Vijay Sales etc.. in pune. average price for 42" E6D is 58K. with one year warranty. However, I am getting Sony 42W670a for 60K. I am bit confused between the two. The E6D's screen is not as bright as Sony or compared to other brands. Is this a natural or it by default has soft picture quality? Experts please comment which one is better. Both are Smart TVs and have similar features. Need to finalize today itself.
Brightness is just a setting. It can be pumped up easily atleast for led tvs.
What we need to look for is accurate colours, ability of the screen to go truly black without losing details.
The easiest way to check for blacks is to see how black are the black bars above and below the picture. Just check this aspect between sony and e6.
And the word "soft picture" does not mean less means a poorer picture quality...
All that shines is not gold...
I received my Panasonic 50DT60 as replacement and had to pay the difference amount. It's 1.28L now and they billed me 1.10L from Panasonic India.




I'm really impressed with the 3D it delivers and overall PQ is good as I only use it as monitor and no TV viewing. But I was having a plasma for past 6-months and so I am little disappointed when it comes to black. The dark scenes are showing clouding at the corners and PQ is really affected when you see from an angle and it shows especially when in dark room. I haven't played any BDs yet but I was watching the HD-rips and I wasn't impressed. I really miss the liveliness of plasma. My 46K plasma delivered double.

The clouding in the semi-dark scene.

Sad to hear that you are facing clouding issues. Just check if it is only this panel.
Your plasma background is "clouding" the joy of this led, maybe. :)
Anyways, hope you see the best part of the tv and ignore the clouding issues if they are minor.
Today, I booked 42E6D!! Thanks to this forum and active members.

Can't wait to get it installed. It would be delivered tomorrow. Also, upgrading to HD Setup box now ;)

I bought it for 57K at Pune with bill and 1 year warranty.
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