LG 50PK550R Owner's Discussion Thread


As shredder rightly mentioned both C550 and PK550 are reflective. Why don't you audition both in a well lit store - side by side - and see which one is better? The lighting conditions at home will be much better controlled than that at stores.

Media player will be very useful in the long run. It's firmware can be upgraded unlike TV where you may have limited option.

I did a detailed side by demo of 42C450, 42PJ350, 50PK550 and 42V20. Must admit the Panasonic blew away the other displays - PK550 by lesser extent but surely the differences were very much noticeable. I hadn't realized until today's extended demo that the Panasonic looked so awesome - simple yet solid. It is too easy to fall in love with the Panasonic. Unfortunately 50V20 was not on display.

Also, I checked the difference between 42C450, 42PJ350 and 50PK550. The PK550 wins hands down. The full HD and upgrade does make a difference IMO. Less of flicker, moire and judder.

While at the store I took some time to demo the LG LE5500, Samsung C7000, C530 and C650. The LE5500 and C7000 had very poor viewing angles but made up in color and contrast department. The C650 and C530 really impressed me. They are excellent VFM. Once calibrated well these displays are better than the hyped LEDs. For LCDs and LEDs watch out for viewing angles and motion judder.

I did not demo the Sony, saw them from a distance and they all looked gorgeous.

So everyone it's a tough choice buying a TV. If given a second chance I did ditch the PK550 in favor of the V20 but the PK550 is such VFM. Also waiting for Panasonic to reduce the price and build on their NeoPDP tech in 2011/2012. As for the rest there are hardly any bad displays (except a sore few) - it is a matter of price, size vs. performance, features.
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I got the PK550 delivered and installed yest. Technician wall mounted it . the set was running fine, noticed the same "dancing green pixels" phenomenon up close, but I figured that was probably the way the set renders the video. anyhow after 3 hours of watching I had to go out. I put the plasma breakin images on slideshow with a sleep timer for an hour. I came back (gone out to buy cables for hooking my PC and a av stabiliser :( ) and I switch it on from standby and poof! dead panel, no images but only the sound from the dth stb is coming.

Any of you guys faced a dead panel on the pk before?
Okay so i got the 550 replaced, this was the 4th replacement, LOL, i couldn't update about my side of the progress since i was busy with some work of my own, so anyways mine is still the april model, but the good thing is this screen is flawless, no dead pixels, flashing pixels, hot pixels, no specs of dust, no uniformity issues, plus even the green pixels don't show up till level 57 of brightness.

I guess everyone else has got a call about the firmware update except me, does the new firmware do anything regarding the green pixels ?

Also i am not breaking this one In using the break in images, just regular TV viewing and gaming with no HUDS, since i won't be getting it calibrated, cos we don't have high tech calibrators in INDIA, and i don't want LG touching the display, cos i know how those people are.

Dude...my PK550 died on me the 1st day, how long did it take you to get a replacement and which city are u from?
I am planing to buy LG 50PK550R but it is out of stock:sad: in ezone ,corma in chennai, do u ppls know where can i buy it in chennai? what would be the best price for it in chennai?
Hey HeyHeyNow,

Did you raise a complaint with LG. Please ensure to inform your dealer as well. LG customer service is pretty good. You should be hearing from them within a day. Make sure you make enough noise about your issue.

Don't stress. Plasmas sometimes die early, in your case a day!

Call LG, dealer, launch a complaint on their website. That should get you a replacement.
Yes man...even if there is no signal, clicking on the Xstudio button with a usb drive plugged in should bring the usb media manager. SInce thd efault inputs (rca's) are connected to the stb, I can hear the sound of the TV channel being played, but the panel is dead...no image,. basically no change in screen between off/on state
The LG technician who installed it yesterday promised to come during noontime. lets see what he has to say. I am not worried abt not getting a replacement, but what I am worried about is WHEN since the PKs are in such short supply.
Yes man...even if there is no signal, clicking on the Xstudio button with a usb drive plugged in should bring the usb media manager. SInce thd efault inputs (rca's) are connected to the stb, I can hear the sound of the TV channel being played, but the panel is dead...no image,. basically no change in screen between off/on state

Sorry to hear that mate , Hope you get a brand new never dying piece quickly... from LG....
Okay so i got the 550 replaced, this was the 4th replacement, LOL, i couldn't update about my side of the progress since i was busy with some work of my own, so anyways mine is still the april model, but the good thing is this screen is flawless, no dead pixels, flashing pixels, hot pixels, no specs of dust, no uniformity issues, plus even the green pixels don't show up till level 57 of brightness.

I guess everyone else has got a call about the firmware update except me, does the new firmware do anything regarding the green pixels ?

Also i am not breaking this one In using the break in images, just regular TV viewing and gaming with no HUDS, since i won't be getting it calibrated, cos we don't have high tech calibrators in INDIA, and i don't want LG touching the display, cos i know how those people are.

Mannu, did you have panel damage after using the breakin image slideshow by any chace?

Sorry to hear this.

I dont think it would be due to break-in slides as I regularly use them(even with ISM off). Also I do run it for hours.

I had once accidentally pressed "Energy Saving" button which sets to "Screen off" and had panicked for a moment. Hope its not that as you have tried various options/connections.

From the nature of your problem, it seems to be a broken connection between the panel and the board. So it more likely that you got a defective piece (or broke during transport) rather than due to your usage. As LG technician installed the TV, I would believe that the place is well ventilated and TV would not over heat. Also hope you got a good stabilizer in case there is power fluctuation in your area.
hey Thanks dotmac, yeah I tried every button on the remote without success. And I bought a vguard lcd stabilizer too, even though power is OK and drived my monster Gaming PC with just a power strip. .

Speaking of bad connections, the LG technicians came opened up the panel and basically removed and re-inserted every damn connector on the panel. No luck. They said a senior engineer would come, and if that doesnt work they will replace the set. Now since this is a fast moving item, and there are no ready stocks, then I'm screwed for 2 weeks.


Sorry to hear this.

I dont think it would be due to break-in slides as I regularly use them(even with ISM off). Also I do run it for hours.

I had once accidentally pressed "Energy Saving" button which sets to "Screen off" and had panicked for a moment. Hope its not that as you have tried various options/connections.

From the nature of your problem, it seems to be a broken connection between the panel and the board. So it more likely that you got a defective piece (or broke during transport) rather than due to your usage. As LG technician installed the TV, I would believe that the place is well ventilated and TV would not over heat. Also hope you got a good stabilizer in case there is power fluctuation in your area.
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Hi Shaiju,

Gr8 news. I am happy for you. You got thru the problem. Lg also did their bit and solved the problem rather then running away with excuses. Thanks to them also. Many people here are scared to buy PK550 after reading the posts in the forum. It is a good tv. 21 days now since i bought it no problems till now.(touch wood) :D. I am also thinking of buying a player. I am considering Dune BD prime or PS3.

Somebody pls help : Is there anyway i can see the usage hrs of the TV. Thanks in advance.


From which shop you purchased 50pk550?
They said a senior engineer would come, and if that doesnt work they will replace the set.

If I were you, I would ask for a replacement even if senior engineer could get it working. Let the repaired set be with you until the replacement arrives.
Agree with dotMac.

If a Plasma dies so soon it has to be replaced. My experience of LG service guys dealing with Plasma is that they rape the display royally. Do not accept fabricated sets. Get a replacement once stock is available. For time get it repaired - take it in writing from LG.
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Dude...yeah I realise that. The guy who came to install was literally making the tv do acrobatics. He flipped it twice on the sides to cut the white tapes (when a little stooping wouldve had the same effect) . Today they did Greys anatomy. Opened the panel and removed all the ribbons that connects the display to the circuitry with greasy fingers. I almost threw up seeing them do that. will post some pics of the insides if you guys are interested.
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