Panasonic DMP-BDT220 Review

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"Panasonic DMP-BDT220 Review"

Playback compatibility: The specs say a lot of things. The only stuff I tested were donwloaded DVix movies (via USB and burnt to DVD) and 3D-SBS movies. Compared to the DVD upscaling, the DVix (700mb AVIs) upscaling was not that great. The HDD mkv format was supported. So are there any limitations? Well, the player player will not play DVD-Audio and SACD and vinyl records are also out of bounds.

No word about the fact that you own a non-US model which leads other members to expect their imported US devices to play DivX...

As I already said: You don't have any idea what you are talking about.

Hmm. @Nuckster, I don't know from which country you are but I can only make out that you appear to suffer from some serious mental illness, which is evident from your obsessive compulsive disorder to attack others.
Nobody here is claiming to be an expert as you said and we are here to learn from experts like you.
If you feel that some information is not being highlighted, please provide your valuable posts so that all of us can benefit.
Say, for example if a particular chip has more/better algorithms for pic processing, highlight them in a true spirit.
But just attacking somebody to prove that you are a better expert will spoil the sportsmanship and joy of these forums.
Hope you see my point.
Thanks for understanding.
Forget it, Dirac. It is pointless to argue with such folks. In my very first post, I mentioned the price as Rs. 12,000 which should indicate pretty clear that this Indian model even if I never explicitly said so. I also never claimed to be an expert at anything.
In fact most of us are sharing experiences rather than giving any expert advise. So KIX, chill. He may be an expert, but he is trying to give inputs based on wrong analogy and attacking you on personal front.
Anyway, we want both experts and user experiences in this forum. As eventually, we are more concerned about the user perspective, rather than an experts perspective.
Hi there Jice !!

The error that's showing is "cannot play" after doing all the "reading" stuff.

And no, I don't as of now have any discs from the US.

So it seems am pretty much screwed becos as just4kix had suggested way earlier in this thread I couldn't get the Mac Adress either for my Panny (as is mandatory for Firmwareinfo site) and so couldn't download the region-unlocking code !!

Thanx anyway and please tell me that you have something to get me out of this mess.
If you are trying to play DVDs that are PAL, they won't play in your US sourced BD player, which is NTSC. Besides, your player will be restricted to region 1 discs.
I have been planning to get a BDT500 from the US and this has got me worried.:confused:
Are all blu rays discs, DVDs and BD/DVD players marketed in India PAL? Can one check if a disc is PAL or NTSC?
As for DVDs, I have bought a few from the US but never have had a problem playing any on an Indian DVD player. My current DVD players are a Marantz DV4001 and a Philips DVP3007 both of which have been in use for several years.
Don't have a BDP as yet nor have bought any blu rays from the US.
US made players - all of them, be it DVD players or BD players, from any manufacturer, conform to the following:

  • 110V/60Hz for electricals
  • NTSC for analogue video
  • Region 1 for DVD
  • Region A for Blu-ray

This means that an "unmodded" player (DVDP or BDP) can play:

  • Region 1 DVDs with NTSC video; cannot play PAL DVD of any region
  • Region 0 or Region Free DVD as long as it is NTSC
  • Region A Blu-ray disc
  • Region Free Blu-ray disc
I have been planning to get a BDT500 from the US and this has got me worried.:confused:
Are all blu rays discs, DVDs and BD/DVD players marketed in India PAL? Can one check if a disc is PAL or NTSC?
As for DVDs, I have bought a few from the US but never have had a problem playing any on an Indian DVD player. My current DVD players are a Marantz DV4001 and a Philips DVP3007 both of which have been in use for several years.
Don't have a BDP as yet nor have bought any blu rays from the US.

For Blurays you don't have to worry about PAL etc. since it is just HD out via HDMI. It's the DVDs that can have PAL content and it then is an issue only if the frame rate is at 50 fps and more such madness. See this thread on another forum How well (if at all) do PAL based blu-rays play in North American blu-ray players? | Steve Hoffman Music Forums There also was a long discussion on this at avsforums. I don't remember the link, but Google is your friend.

On a separate but related note, my US import BDT-220 was able to play the few PAL DVD's I tried with the exception of one before I region-freed it. That one DVD refuses to play both before and after the region-free, so there :confused:. Almost all other PAL DVD's play fine on the region-free BDP.

IIRC another FM said, don't worry too much about DVD's since the standard is on its way out with Bluray available now and 4K on its way. Just get an el cheapo DVDP for PAL DVD's or rip the DVD's and stream them via DLNA (if your TV supports it). I see you already have a Philips DVDP,so just keep that since those things play almost anything thrown at them.

To check if a DVD is PAL or not look at the rear of the case.
I have been planning to get a BDT500 from the US and this has got me worried.:confused:
Are all blu rays discs, DVDs and BD/DVD players marketed in India PAL? Can one check if a disc is PAL or NTSC?
As for DVDs, I have bought a few from the US but never have had a problem playing any on an Indian DVD player. My current DVD players are a Marantz DV4001 and a Philips DVP3007 both of which have been in use for several years.
Don't have a BDP as yet nor have bought any blu rays from the US.

1. Blu-ray discs sourced from US and SE Asia will be Region free or Region A.
2. Blu-ray discs sourced from Europe/ME will be Region free or Region B.
3. Blu-ray discs sourced from India will be Region free and under exception cases Region C.
4. DVDs sourced from US are NTSC and Region 1. The reason why you can play them on your player is because your player is able to playback NTSC and is also region free.

You should google about region codes and learn about it.
I think most (if not all) Indian players can play both PAL/ NTSC, though our standards are suppose to be PAL. So if you have an Indian player, it is most likely to play both NTSC & PAL.

Regarding US players, there few from LG and others, which has the capability of playing PAL as well, apart from the US standard NTSC. Please go through the specification clearly before taking a plunge.

Though I agree that DVDs are going out, but a majority of movies are still available in DVDs only and it may happen that they may not be converted to BD at all, due to many reasons, the main being, it may not be commercially feasible to do it. I am expecting not more than 30-40% of the movies to get a BD release. So for balance 70% or so, DVD will be the only option. So please don't write off DVDs totally.
Hi there Kix!

Yes it is possible that's its a PAL vs NTSC issue, but is it possible to get free of these shackles ? or shud I sell this off and get hold of a new India-compatible one 'cos my kids are getting restless to see the DVD's I've stacked up for them.

Would appreciate any help.

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Hi there Kix!

Yes it is possible that's its a PAL vs NTSC issue, but is it possible to get free of these shackles ? or shud I sell this off and get hold of a new India-compatible one 'cos my kids are getting restless to see the DVD's I've stacked up for them.

Would appreciate any help.


Only with the region free firmware update, it will be possible to playback PAL DVD on your NTSC player.
I am totally confused now:mad:

When I asked the below question 10 days back:

Is there any workaround to Play PAL DVD's on this player apart from updating the region free patch?

I have been using this for the past 4 -5 months without any issues and suddenly when trying to play recent 2 DVD titles had this issue.

Like is there any setting that can be changed? or any free software to convert the file from PAL to NTSC?

You can always remove the region choose by ripping the DVD via software such as DVD decrypter or DVD Shrink and then reburning the DVD on a DVD-R. Of course this is a lot of extra work. But PAL/NTSC is entirely different matter and no firmware/software can do that.

Now again:

Only with the region free firmware update, it will be possible to playback PAL DVD on your NTSC player.

1.So if I update my Panasonic Blu ray player purchased from US with the region free pack will I be able to play my PAL DVD's?

A yes or No would do?

2.In case the update does not go well then will I still be able to use the player without any issues with the current setting that is Region A and NTSC DVD playback?

3.I have not updated the recent firmware from Panasonic so will it be better to update first and then contact the firmware team?

4.Assuming I am not going to play any other Region Blu ray discs say Region B is it worth to spend the money for the firmware upgrade? or would it be better to go for a New DVD player to play the PAL content with HDMI out(I have 2 dvd players LG and Onida both have only component out and no HDMI ports)

Last question when I purchase a Denon AVR (sometime shortly) can I connect my existing LG DVD player to this AVR via component out and then connect my Epson projector to the AVR via HDMI and will there be a difference in the quality of both video and Audio?
I am totally confused now:mad:

When I asked the below question 10 days back:

Is there any workaround to Play PAL DVD's on this player apart from updating the region free patch?

I have been using this for the past 4 -5 months without any issues and suddenly when trying to play recent 2 DVD titles had this issue.

Like is there any setting that can be changed? or any free software to convert the file from PAL to NTSC?

I am sorry, I confused you. But it is more complex that what it appears.

When I made the first statement, I meant about the discs alone. It is extremely difficult (if not impossible) to convert an NTSC encoded material on disc to PAL and vice-versa. Even if you somehow managed to convert, there will be severe quality loss, rendering the whole process useless.

It is also true that no hardware or software can make PAL playback possible on an NTSC player, if this has not been implemented at all. Reverse, i.e., NTSC playback on PAL players, is possible. But in case of US made Panasonic players (and I am speaking of BD players only for the moment), the PAL playback was always possible. It is suppressed by official firmware for commercial reasons. I have no idea if the same is true with players from other manufacturers such as Sony, Pioneer, Samsung, LG, etc. It is quite possible that it may be the same case with these too. But since there is no firmware for such players, the question does not arise. Please note however that hardware mods available for some players unlock the PAL playback capability.

The region-free firmware update unlocks the PAL playback feature on US made players. So, both my statements are correct when interpreted in context.

As regards to your questions:

1.So if I update my Panasonic Blu ray player purchased from US with the region free pack will I be able to play my PAL DVD's?

A yes or No would do?

2.In case the update does not go well then will I still be able to use the player without any issues with the current setting that is Region A and NTSC DVD playback?
Either the new firmware will update the old firmware or it won't. Note that firmware update is not downgradable, i.e., you can go from version 1.0 to 1.1 but not 1.1 to 1.0. So be sure to request the correct firmware. If the firmware update process fails, your original firmware remains intact. But the player must be kept powered on during the upgrade process. If power fails during the writing of firmware to EPROM, I have no idea what will happen - it is quite possible that you may end up with a large brick!

3.I have not updated the recent firmware from Panasonic so will it be better to update first and then contact the firmware team?
It does not matter as long as the f/w in the player is of lower or same version. In that case, it will update. Request for the latest firmware available. Note that, once you have the region free firmware, YOU MUST NEVER UPDATE IT WITH THE OFFICIAL FIRMWARE, else all region-free and other features (including PAL playback) are lost.

4.Assuming I am not going to play any other Region Blu ray discs say Region B is it worth to spend the money for the firmware upgrade? or would it be better to go for a New DVD player to play the PAL content with HDMI out(I have 2 dvd players LG and Onida both have only component out and no HDMI ports)
I have always maintained the view that while it is convenient to have a single region-free player, it is safer to have two players - one for Region A and one for Region B. There are no worries then. If you are sure never to buy Region B BDs then it is meaningless to update the player. But Region B BDs is not the only aspect to be concerned. What about PAL DVDs (region free or region locked)?

Last question when I purchase a Denon AVR (sometime shortly) can I connect my existing LG DVD player to this AVR via component out and then connect my Epson projector to the AVR via HDMI and will there be a difference in the quality of both video and Audio?
You will get 1080i video in the above case.
Last question when I purchase a Denon AVR (sometime shortly) can I connect my existing LG DVD player to this AVR via component out and then connect my Epson projector to the AVR via HDMI and will there be a difference in the quality of both video and Audio?

This is possible only if the avr supports analog upconversion to hdmi. Most entry level avrs do not have this option. Even avr makers are removing this from mid-budget avrs. For example Denon 1611 has analog upconversion but 1612 doesn't.
Only with the region free firmware update, it will be possible to playback PAL DVD on your NTSC player.

Hi there Kix !

Dumb question maybe but How do I get this "region free firmware update", I have the barest of clues.

Thanks again.
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