Panasonic V20 Owners Thread (Settings, Problems, Impressions, Questions)

Finally a v20 owner with eyes.

What your talking about is banding and V20 suffers terribly with this, especially with skin tones.

not much you can do about this.


Well I don't really think its banding. Banding, as I understand, is discoloration seen on the panel in bands when viewing a light color on full screen. This seems to be more a signal strength issue (too strong), or a settings issue. Have tried many different settings but couldn't improve the skin tones. Still looked like cartoon figures. But then viewed StarCricket in HD and voila, the skin tones are normal. Looks like TS in SD is causing these skin tones. Shall try out a DVD to confirm.

Any one else have this problem?
@vramak - past experience says that this conversation is not going anywhere. :indifferent14:

Its just gonna die here. Right after this post, with a post of another gullible person asking whats the best price for abc model in xyz location? :)

Please dont get me wrong here. I own one too remember.

I started noticing the problems on day 2 and had posted here but i think other than me, shatanshu no ones posted anything -ve about this plasma.

All I m saying is that there are plenty issues with the V20 but not much get discussed here, unlike on other forums like AVforums and avsforums.

@shaiju - Wish I had your patience and optimism. I mean it. :thumbsup:
My 42v20 screen is not symmetrical by an mm or two. My tv has more gap on left hand side from the frame compared to right hand side. Has anybody observed this on your tv?

Thank you.
Finally a v20 owner with eyes.

What your talking about is banding and V20 suffers terribly with this, especially with skin tones.

not much you can do about this.


Shall try out a DVD to confirm.

Any one else have this problem?

Well I tried out a DVD and the skin tones are OK. So it looks like the problem was with the input signal from several SD channels.

My 42v20 screen is not symmetrical by an mm or two. My tv has more gap on left hand side from the frame compared to right hand side. Has anybody observed this on your tv?

Thank you.

Yes, I've noticed it too. The little gap had some sort of circuit board like pattern.
I bought a TH-P42V20D today for 67K from Panasonic brand shop - Kothrud, Pune. Got a set of 50 Movies in 20 DVDs (Moser Baer). Initially got offer of 70K from Kothrud brand shop. Called up Daruwala Pool store (Both run by Rajesh Trading Company : Mr. Rajesh Parmar) to get the final offer. In Sunday's TOI, the offer price was 71K with Old 29" TV exchange. I got this deal without the exchange. Anyway not sure what to do with my 15 year old 21" Sony CRT TV now :)

Connected Tata Sky (RCA composite video :o ) and the PQ was good, not WOW. But I think it was better than what I saw on various LCD/LED TVs (Sony/Samsung/LG/VU) on display in Chroma - Aundh (Pune) showroom. My viewing distance is about 13 feet. I am thinking of going for Tata Sky HD when they have more HD channels than what they have today.

Next, hooked up my Sony HT (DAV-DZ290K) on HDMI and watched 2012. It was a WOW experience!!! The picture now complements the sound quality of the HT. I think there is some color banding seen, but I am using just basic settings. The Panasonic guys will come tomorrow for wall mounting and other formalities.

I have ordered Panasonic DY-WL10E-K Wi-Fi Dongle from one of my relatives in Japan. They don't sell it here. It should be available to me in next 10 days. Will post wireless Viera cast experience after that. I am anyway going to connect the TV on Ethernet in the meantime.

Still need to play around with various features and settings. Also need to watch in daylight tomorrow. Will post some pics later.

Overall I am quite satisfied with my first HDTV experience. :yahoo:
Mine has this problem too.

Yesterday, I talked to Panasonic installation guy about this problem, he told me that all Panasonic plasmas have this problem and asked me to look at the demo TV at any shop. If I think it's really a problem, I was asked to call up the customer service.

I am planning to talk to customer service today, and see what they would say.

Thank you.
Yesterday, I talked to Panasonic installation guy about this problem, he told me that all Panasonic plasmas have this problem and asked me to look at the demo TV at any shop. If I think it's really a problem, I was asked to call up the customer service.

I am planning to talk to customer service today, and see what they would say.

Thank you.

I have done this. Got two different so called technicians visit my place.

After that, got a call from Panasonic that someone will come to take a photograph of the TV.

No one's showed up yet.

Let me know how it goes for you.
I have done this. Got two different so called technicians visit my place.

After that, got a call from Panasonic that someone will come to take a photograph of the TV.

No one's showed up yet.

Let me know how it goes for you.

Registered my complaint, CSR (customer service representative) will be visiting my place by tomorrow morning. I will post the update here.
I bought a TH-P42V20D today for 67K from Panasonic brand shop - Kothrud, Pune. Got a set of 50 Movies in 20 DVDs (Moser Baer). Initially got offer of 70K from Kothrud brand shop. Called up Daruwala Pool store (Both run by Rajesh Trading Company : Mr. Rajesh Parmar) to get the final offer. In Sunday's TOI, the offer price was 71K with Old 29" TV exchange. I got this deal without the exchange. Anyway not sure what to do with my 15 year old 21" Sony CRT TV now :)

Connected Tata Sky (RCA composite video :o ) and the PQ was good, not WOW. But I think it was better than what I saw on various LCD/LED TVs (Sony/Samsung/LG/VU) on display in Chroma - Aundh (Pune) showroom. My viewing distance is about 13 feet. I am thinking of going for Tata Sky HD when they have more HD channels than what they have today.

Next, hooked up my Sony HT (DAV-DZ290K) on HDMI and watched 2012. It was a WOW experience!!! The picture now complements the sound quality of the HT. I think there is some color banding seen, but I am using just basic settings. The Panasonic guys will come tomorrow for wall mounting and other formalities.

I have ordered Panasonic DY-WL10E-K Wi-Fi Dongle from one of my relatives in Japan. They don't sell it here. It should be available to me in next 10 days. Will post wireless Viera cast experience after that. I am anyway going to connect the TV on Ethernet in the meantime.

Still need to play around with various features and settings. Also need to watch in daylight tomorrow. Will post some pics later.

Overall I am quite satisfied with my first HDTV experience. :yahoo:
You will need the Panasonic Communication Camera to use the Sype feature, isnt it? Do you have it already?
Yesterday, I talked to Panasonic installation guy about this problem, he told me that all Panasonic plasmas have this problem and asked me to look at the demo TV at any shop. If I think it's really a problem, I was asked to call up the customer service.

I am planning to talk to customer service today, and see what they would say.

Thank you.

Mine too has got this problem. :sad:
Any feedback after talking to the customer service?
Mine too has got this problem. :sad:
Any feedback after talking to the customer service?

Yep, the CSR visited my house, he tried to convince me initially that it is just 2mm. I did not accept, I showed him from 8ft distance a black vertical strip visible on left hand side and nothing on right hand side. He then told me that he would back and check other TVs at show room and would inform me if it is the problem with all TVs or not. Irrespective of whether it is a common problem or not, I told him I will not accept it.

As usual he did not call me back, so I called him up yesterday, he told me that he is coming today to take the photograph and send it to Panasonic guys. He said he would be acting according to as per the directions to be given by the Panasonic guys.

The service guys are panasonic authorized service men.

My stand is that they MUSAT replace the unit with new one, otherwise I will definitely sue them.

Like in US, I think we can go for a class action suit if there are many guys having this defect. Only one guy from Delhi reported that his TV doesn't have this problem.

Others please advise.
The CSR just called me to inform that every TV has this problem, so he says it is not a problem. The I asked him if every person has a desease, whether he is going to consider that people have desease or not.

Finally he agreed to report this to Panasonic as I insisted that it is defect whether My TV alone has this or all TV has this problem which is affecting my viewing experience.
I have bought a Panasonic TH-P42V20D plasma a few days back.But nobody here knows about DV to HDMI connector including the dealers.As you know the PC input has to be given through the HDMI port in order to get the Sharper picture. Any idea?
DVI to HDMI converter should be easily available in any computer shop. Some graphics cards have them bundled in the original packaging. Though you will not get sound in the TV if you are connecting to the PC's DVI out.
By the way, are you trying to connect your new plasma to a computer? That's a really bad idea, considering that your set can get burn-in...
Will other V20 owners please confirm if your display pannel is symmetrical from the frame? The panasonic team visited my house, and they said every V20 is having this problem.

They said, they will be communicating this to the factory guys and would comeback with (hopefully) some action plan.
guys you should enjoy the television. I don't know how a little bit of asymmetry is going to harm tv watching or picture quality in any way. It might be a deliberate design inclusion by Panasonic but I really dunnohow much it matters to us
My advice is, lets stop noticing small stupid things and enjoy the fabulous tv that the v20 is. What say guys?
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