Panasonic V20 Owners Thread (Settings, Problems, Impressions, Questions)

guys you should enjoy the television. I don't know how a little bit of asymmetry is going to harm tv watching or picture quality in any way. It might be a deliberate design inclusion by Panasonic but I really dunnohow much it matters to us
My advice is, lets stop noticing small stupid things and enjoy the fabulous tv that the v20 is. What say guys?
guys you should enjoy the television. I don't know how a little bit of asymmetry is going to harm tv watching or picture quality in any way. It might be a deliberate design inclusion by Panasonic but I really dunnohow much it matters to us
My advice is, lets stop noticing small stupid things and enjoy the fabulous tv that the v20 is. What say guys?

That's rude, I am sure you can say it a little better.
No no, not being rude. Just saying that it could be a purposeful inclusion, that gap. Why worry as long as one gets killer picture quality!

I respect that.

However, the Panasonic team (not the service guys) themselves admitted that its a defect which is not present in other models. Also how can this be a 'purposeful inclusion' as it doesn't serve any purpose other than distracting the view. I have not seee such a design flaw on any panels that I came across including the LCDs TVs that I own, Laptops, and LCD monitors.

Apparently, this has been communicated to their HQ, and I will await their response.
As far as I see it, Panasonic service guys do not know ANYTHING. This might just be one of the things that made them panic.
Let's see what the higher honchos have to say about it.
My Panasonic X20 does not have that problem at all. There is no gap in the panel either in any of the side.
I respect that.

However, the Panasonic team (not the service guys) themselves admitted that its a defect which is not present in other models. Also how can this be a 'purposeful inclusion' as it doesn't serve any purpose other than distracting the view. I have not seee such a design flaw on any panels that I came across including the LCDs TVs that I own, Laptops, and LCD monitors.

Apparently, this has been communicated to their HQ, and I will await their response.

I got the same story, about escalating to higher ups.

But theres nothing that can be done to fix this. Coz even a replacement will have this problem. I have not seen this report on anyother forums, so it looks like that only the indian models might be having this problem.

I find this as distracting and frustrating as you, unlike most of the V20 fans who seem to overlook and trivialize all the problems that this TV has.
I bought a TH-P42V20D today for 67K from Panasonic brand shop - Kothrud, Pune. Got a set of 50 Movies in 20 DVDs (Moser Baer). Initially got offer of 70K from Kothrud brand shop. Called up Daruwala Pool store (Both run by Rajesh Trading Company : Mr. Rajesh Parmar) to get the final offer. In Sunday's TOI, the offer price was 71K with Old 29" TV exchange. I got this deal without the exchange. Anyway not sure what to do with my 15 year old 21" Sony CRT TV now :)

Connected Tata Sky (RCA composite video :o ) and the PQ was good, not WOW. But I think it was better than what I saw on various LCD/LED TVs (Sony/Samsung/LG/VU) on display in Chroma - Aundh (Pune) showroom. My viewing distance is about 13 feet. I am thinking of going for Tata Sky HD when they have more HD channels than what they have today.

Next, hooked up my Sony HT (DAV-DZ290K) on HDMI and watched 2012. It was a WOW experience!!! The picture now complements the sound quality of the HT. I think there is some color banding seen, but I am using just basic settings. The Panasonic guys will come tomorrow for wall mounting and other formalities.

I have ordered Panasonic DY-WL10E-K Wi-Fi Dongle from one of my relatives in Japan. They don't sell it here. It should be available to me in next 10 days. Will post wireless Viera cast experience after that. I am anyway going to connect the TV on Ethernet in the meantime.

Still need to play around with various features and settings. Also need to watch in daylight tomorrow. Will post some pics later.

Overall I am quite satisfied with my first HDTV experience. :yahoo:

Got my WiFi LAN adapter (DY-WL10-K please note the correct part number) from Japan for JPY11000 (INR 5896/-). Its pretty costly. Connected it to the TV's USB port. It immediately recognized it and went into setup of the WiFi dongle. It supports 802.11a/b/g/n. My BSNL router is using 802.11g. I had purposefully kept the AP hidden, hence the TV could not detect it. I entered all the parameters manually and it connected to the AP within a couple of seconds. I am using WPA-TKIP. The TV also supports WPS push button and WPS PIN. But my BSNL router did not have these features as well. So did all the manual stuff as above.

I am now able to enjoy picasa and youtube wirelessly. The Youtube videos sometimes stop for 1 or 2 seconds. But that used to happen even on my PC at times. The Youtube and Picasa applications have a very cool user interface. I can even key-in 10 user name - password profiles and choose one at the time of log-in. It also has a "featured videos" and "featured photos" section which I can view even without logging-in. Somehow the "activity" section does not seem to work. It gives "communications error -52". I am supposed to be able to see my favourites' Picasa activities in this menu. (i.e. my friends uploading a new album etc.)

Quite some bandwidth is consumed due to Youtube and Picasa. So applied to BSNL for unlimited plan (ULF1000). I should get it activated in about a week.
I find this as distracting and frustrating as you, unlike most of the V20 fans who seem to overlook and trivialize all the problems that this TV has.

I don't intend to be rude but this is honestly the silliest complaint I've ever heard.

To be worried about a 2mm asymmetry is understandable but to say that the 2mm asymmetry is distracting is downright silly.

I've been following your posts and I can see that you're using your V20 to watch Tatasky standard def and DVDs only. I seriously have no idea why you bought the V20 when all you watch on it is TataSky standard def and DVDs. (I have no idea why you bought an HDTV in the first place if standard def is all you want to watch.) It's a known fact that V20's SD performance is mediocre and it excels in HD. All of us HD viewers are highly satisfied with this TV. You won't understand what we're talking about unless you watch HD. And stop labeling us 'blind fans'. Most of us own/owned more than one HDTV and have a relative idea what great picture quality is.
I don't intend to be rude but this is honestly the silliest complaint I've ever heard.

To be worried about a 2mm asymmetry is understandable but to say that the 2mm asymmetry is distracting is downright silly.

I've been following your posts and I can see that you're using your V20 to watch Tatasky standard def and DVDs only. I seriously have no idea why you bought the V20 when all you watch on it is TataSky standard def and DVDs. (I have no idea why you bought an HDTV in the first place if standard def is all you want to watch.) It's a known fact that V20's SD performance is mediocre and it excels in HD. All of us HD viewers are highly satisfied with this TV. You won't understand what we're talking about unless you watch HD. And stop labeling us 'blind fans'. Most of us own/owned more than one HDTV and have a relative idea what great picture quality is.

I am not labelling anyone. Sorry if that's what my post insinuates.

Agreed to what you say. But tell me, how many potential buyers actually watch only HD.

Does this TV sell with a disclaimer "only for HD viewing"?

All I am doing here is moderating the hype that is created for this overrated TV.

You bought it, liked it. I bought it, didnt like it. Its a matter of opinion.
Yes, pseudophile, you do have a right to this opinion. But trust me, more TV's all over the world are used for watching HD content everyday. Very few channels abroad are being offered in SD now, and it is changing soon for India too.
My honest advice is not to worry much about it's SD performance (it's a GODDAMN 50 incher, and imagine stretching a VGA image or EVEN lesser over 50 inches and then playing a series of those images at a frame rate of over 100 hz while upscaling it. It's a feat, trust me)
Try watching some TRUE HD content. In cinema mode. You will get goosebumps. Trust me.
I am not labelling anyone. Sorry if that's what my post insinuates.

Agreed to what you say. But tell me, how many potential buyers actually watch only HD.

Does this TV sell with a disclaimer "only for HD viewing"?

All I am doing here is moderating the hype that is created for this overrated TV.

You bought it, liked it. I bought it, didnt like it. Its a matter of opinion.

No one here is creating unwarranted hype for V20. Banding, dithering and floating blacks have all been discussed here. V20 may be a mediocre SD performer but no matter what TV one uses SD broadcasts are never going to look as good as HD content. It doesn't make sense to judge high end speakers+amp based on how well they play FM radio.

And yeah, I use my V20 exclusively for blurays, downloaded movies and PS3 games. For watching TV broadcasts I still use a Sony CRT.
Guys, hello again from singapore...just adding my cents here about the 2mm pattern on the left of the screen
my set is assembled in singapore, i too can spot the 2mm pattern on the left and right of thr screen..not sure if this is a flaw or just design

as far as i know the glass neo pdp panels are made in japan, parts are obviously procured from everywhere...i assume their plants in Thailand , china etc the sets are finally assembled in singapore, thailand , mexico etc

Understand sets in India are assembled in Thailand...

i am not calling panny about it cause it does not bother me

also like to update my initial impression abt the TV playing SD

I was unfair in my earlier assessment for SD...its really quite good compared to my old LCD

- issues i faced before were self imposed, i was using the wrong zoom to prevent burn in, image retention and also uneven plasma wear and tear for channels with black bars

when i am fair use the correct zoom,,,this picture is actually really a lot better than the previous LCD

to be honest i am still paranoid abt the right aspect because of the issue mentioned above so mostly when i watch SD i meddle with the zoom...reduces the PQ ...will wait for the first 100 hrs before i change...

i do notice that this TV has no special programs to prevent burn in or image retention from broadcast logos etc....

anyways if you guys dun have a Blu ray player yet...seriously you ain't seen nothing yet!!

for those thinking of making the plunge

the V series is awesome but i have a feeling that the U series would suffice nicely..i saw the set 46U20 side by side with the 46V20

yes the diff was apparent but those were the shop settings and back home if you picked up the U series and had no v series at home it also be just as jaw dropping..we are talking 13th gen plasmas after all

anyways hope you chaps are enjoying the TV, those on the a Panny owner i am still loving it...we have blu ray rental store nearby they have seen a lot of me recently...

yes undoubtedly some will see issues with the set if they look hard enough. ...for others it be easy too spot..i am thankful i cannot see or remain oblivious to the imperfections....just too busy enjoying the movies !!
Seriously, HD is where it's at.
On a side note, I think SD looks bad because I have been watching it in zoom mode. I am paranoid about the black bars too. But looks like this TV has zero issues with burn in at the contrast levels I am watching it at.
I will switch to 'just' scan/16:9 mode after the next 25 hours. Then will enjoy SD too.
I don't intend to be rude but this is honestly the silliest complaint I've ever heard.

To be worried about a 2mm asymmetry is understandable but to say that the 2mm asymmetry is distracting is downright silly.

I've been following your posts and I can see that you're using your V20 to watch Tatasky standard def and DVDs only. I seriously have no idea why you bought the V20 when all you watch on it is TataSky standard def and DVDs. (I have no idea why you bought an HDTV in the first place if standard def is all you want to watch.) It's a known fact that V20's SD performance is mediocre and it excels in HD. All of us HD viewers are highly satisfied with this TV. You won't understand what we're talking about unless you watch HD. And stop labeling us 'blind fans'. Most of us own/owned more than one HDTV and have a relative idea what great picture quality is.

It is silly to say 2mm asymmetry is a problem while it doesn't have any affect on viewing experience :)

Anyways, as you and others said, it is good to enjoy the positives rather than feeling bad about negatives. However, one need to understand, we have paid premium for this TV (almost 50% more than an average LCD/Plasma) and it is all about precision when we talk about LCDs/Plasmas. I am very sure that Panasonic never sell TVs with such a defect in any other country.

Otherwise, I am not regretting for choosing this TV.

On a side note, I had to change my curtains, white curtains are doing a good job for me.

I am expecting some action as the Panasonic guys responded very reasonably when they visited my house. Apparently, they sold around 400 units in Bangalore and I am the only one who complained about this. And they never knew that there exists such a problem.
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The V20s (especially 42" TVs) imported in August 2010 and manufactured in July 2010 as per the stickers on the card box and the TV seems to be perfect wrt panel symmetry. The v20s having June 2010 and May 2010 as import and mfg dates seems to have the more gap between frame and the panel on the left hand side.
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hehehe.... now you have opened the floodgates...... I am sure that now even people who have ignored or failed to notice this 2mm asymmetry problem, will be looking for ways to replace their sets:D
Is any of you facing problems with judder on your V20?
I am seeing a lot of it when watching DicoveryHD or Natgeo HD on my TataSky. Switching ON/OFF the IFC does not make any difference. I tried setting the TataSky output to 720p but that also does not help much.
Please help as unconsciously I have started observing this issue in all the panning shots. I could not observe any such issue in SD channels from TataSky, I did not do any critical observation though.
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