Samsung 64F8500 Plasma Discussion Thread

Thanks Shaiju, will bump up the brightness. Tv is too bright the pic really pops out, for a minute i was wondering if its a LED or a Plasma. Any luck on the Netflix part, has anyone tried the same.
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Dushie: Can you post your impression on regular SD channels, if possible with few screen shots?

Hey Ram, sure, once it is set up. As of now yesterday i got time to play with the TV and post reducing the PQ settings and putting cell light to 7, turning motion judder and other stuff off. I am seeing a flickering on the screen in the middle and at times the bottom portion of the top image on the TV. for example if i am watching star movies hD.

In the center of the screen from left to right there would be a 4 inches strip of the top of the image which will flicker in background for couple of seconds and go away. So on this image i would see the top logo again showing up in the middle. This keeps on happening on all channels, for few seconds after every couple of minutes.

Tried catching a photo but it is not coming up, very difficult to capture the underlying flickering image behind the original one.

Finally after 20 clicks got it in 2. Look at the middle right center till the end, you would see a white flicker with the Star movies HD logo. The same thing appears from left to right at middle bottom and at times in between.It will come up flicker for 30 odd seconds and go off. More visible in dark scenes. Dunno if other have tried their sets at lower settings to see if this issue comes up. I have mine set to 50 Birghtness and 50 Contrast, Cell light is 7.



Done all troubleshooting from my end now engineer is coming down:

1. Tried multiple sources, Tata sky HD box and WD tv, same issue.
2. Tried multiple cables for hDMI bandridge and couple of others same issue.
3. Tried different resolution settings on the box and wd tv player same issue.
4. Did a fatory reset also and tried , still same issue.
5. Tried multiple HDMI slots same issue.
6. Removed the cable from the back and tried separately from the front to check if electrical intereference was causing the issue. But still problem.
7. Checked the TV is already on the latest firmware 1111.2 nothing new available.

When any media content is being played by the tv through usb there is no issue. Through external sources on HDMI the problem is coming. Guess i would ask them to replace the set and get a new one as repair is something i would not be interested in.

Update: Googled it another using having same issue.
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Then it might be a problem with the HDMI port perhaps ? Have you tried with RCA jacks ? See if you're getting the same problem.
Nope have not tried RCA, as HD won't work through RCA and i did not want to experiment further with this. Samsung engineer is coming down to have a look at this same. As far as i am concerned i would ask them to replace the set as i am not interested in repair and this tv is not even 48 hrs installed.

Maybe if you bump the Contrast and Cell light high this would not even show up. But ideally it should not be there at all, so its a flaw and needs to be fixed. Some other users watching HD channels through set top box, can try using these settings and see if this issue comes up. Watch the pic closely and you would be able to see it, thats the best i could capture in the mobile camera.

The fun begins....
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I am game for it. Transfer 350,000 to my account and, more importantly. convince me that at double the cost the LCD will match a Plasma :)

The contrast, brightness and cell-light is kept to the lowest possible for first few hours. That's why it is dark.
Dushie: Thats bad man, after waiting for so long this is really a nightmare now.

invisible: Can you elaborate on your statement. Is brightness the only aspects one needs to decide on a TV?
pictures look very dim.. avoid it .go for LED

Are you saying the TV owners here should return their TVs and go for LED?
I think this is the wrong thread to post your suggestion. You can post it in some plasma/LED buying decision thread with proper justification to why LED why not plasma etc.

Brightness is not the only thing to look in a TV.
I agree, the picture i posted is for a dark scene kept at 50 contrast and brightness, cell light at 7 and most of the other features turned off. I had to click nearly 20 pictures to capture the issue. Will post a regular picture later on to show the PQ of the set. Going for LED no way, this beast puts out a awesome PQ.

Coming back to the issue Samsung engineer came down, did the same things again, factory rest, went to standard mode and said sir it looks fine. When selecting source or when no cable is connected it was still doing the same.He checked firmware was latest.He also got convinced the problem is with the TV but he was unable to click and capture the same in a photo, even tried a video with no success then he says sir we need to change the motherboard, i said no doing, i called my escalation point in Samsung and the engineer spoke to him. I told him its been just 48 hours that TV has been installed and the issue is there and its a DOA. Finally they agreed to replace the TV.

Now the problem is that the TV is already 30 days old as per Bill date, due to late delivery. They are not being able to follow the DOA process and are asking me for the cancelled cheque , NOC from Bajaj finance and ID proof. I told them i have gone through that process earlier and it is very time consuming and lengthy also i would not want to give the documents again. Made lot of noise, as of now they have taken my invoice copy and are looking at how to get the replacement processed.

So the ordeal continues .. meanwhile at least i have a TV at home to watch. So i am less worried now. It will take time for the replacement to come till then would enjoy this one.
I suggest you to on the motion judder to ON and then try. A little soap opera effect might not be as distracting that we think.
No change, it happens irrespective the Motion Judder canceler is on or OFF. In fact even with no HDMI connected to the TV. If i click on Source option its doing this and showing one more flickering image at bottom. Same for HDMI no cable connected message it is showing another at bottom.

Guess, will live with it for now till the time they send my replacement set.
Last edited: nobody can believe a TV from a sealed box. Better is a demo piece. At least one is sure that it's in working condition.
We pay so much for a flagship plasma and Samsung packs a defective tv into the box. At least for their flagship plasma won't they test a bit before packing?

Kudos to you Samsung.
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