Sony HX 820/920 review & discussion

I hope they launch hx820 and nx720 soon.
Yes, I mentioned there will not be any HX720 but HX820 will be launched certainly.

See here - HX820 up on Sony Asia Pacific Bravia page. :)
But HX720 is not listed there, so no hope of HX720 launching in India.

As I said, there is some delay with the HX820 maybe due to the X Reality PRO chip short supply. The HX925 is a premium set that will sell in small numbers so for it supply is not an issue but HX820 is a more affordable set and will sell a lot more than HX925 hence I expect there will be some delay before its launched. Even in USA where it is available, there seems to be a supply issue.
Has anyone tried to hook up a smart TV to BSNL DSL Dataone internet through wifi dongle or builtin wifi?

I am told that if you have to connect a new laptop to BSNL DSL, you will connect to wifi but to actually connect to the internet you will have to create a network connection and provide authentication credentials. If this procedure is correct, then how do you create a network connection in a smart TV?
Who told you that ? Whoever it is, must be clueless. You need to enter the BSNL username/password and other details during the initial WIFI modem setup. There is no need for setting up a network connection in the laptop itself or anything. Once your modem is configured, you do not need to enter anything on any device, just connect using the passcode.
review from HDTVTest is up.
Its encouraging to see that unlike many TV manufacturers, Sony hasnt given up on local-dimming LCD displays, and has managed to build this technology into a slim HDTV design so that it can still appeal to size-zero-inclined buyers. The KDL-46HX923 is a fairly capable 2D HDTV, its biggest strengths certainly being its local-dimming-assisted contrast performance and its impressive viewing angle quality; with colours retaining a good amount of richness even when the TV is viewed from the sides. However, even these impressive attributes still arent on the level of considerably less expensive Plasma TVs.

As such, we do have to say that this 3D-capable HDTVs biggest downfall is its price. Sonys top-end televisions have never been cheap, but that doesnt change the fact that at around 2000 (or 2500 if were talking closer to the RRP), the Sony KDL-46HX923 is a very expensive set even when you consider the bundled 3D glasses (two pairs) and webcam/ microphone unit for Skype calls. For buyers who want the contrast benefits of a locally-dimmed LED LCD TV and simply dont like PDP (Plasma Display Panel) technology, the Sony HX923 is the only choice (at least in the UK at this time of writing), although the cost of entry is high.
Saw the 55" 925 at Croma. Priced at 3L. Blacks are blacks. Period.

Worth 3L. Not IMHO. You will still see lighter areas in dark content. To be fair I did not touch the remote. It was running in store mode.

Sent from my GT-I9003 using Tapatalk
I see... So wats the latest price of HX923 in India!

Btw, that XBR 929 is the only LED LCD that can be compared to top end Plasmas when it comes to Black Level performance and picture quality.
Even the biggies like LG's 2010 Flagship Infinia LX9500 also dosn't match.
You get what you pay for. You will not find a consumer TV with better PQ than the Sony HX925. Plasma or LCD. Only professional displays costing significantly more ( upwards of 4-5 lacs) can beat the HX925
That is an overstatement. I have seen the 925. It is not the best out there. Compared to LCDs it has quite a few strengths but the underlying technology itself has plenty of limitations.

Sent from my GT-I9003 using Tapatalk
What you saw was a store mode HX925 with inaccurate settings. So what you saw was probably half of the potential of the HX925. :)

And its not an overstatement considering its Kuro Elite owners who are making such statements on various forums over the internet and other videophiles.

Everybody has their own opinion but I did not make an overstatement, there are hundreds of credible people related to the AV business/industry who have stated that HX925 is the best TV in the market and by a large margin at that.
It was indeed very good for an LCD but not the best display. Don't think it can handle motion or provide as much viewing angle as a Plasma. If I pay such a premium then to expect the best is a given.

Having said that I would envy anyone owning this model.

About the videophiles... well they will start bickering few months later at the sight of possibly a 935 :-)

Sent from my GT-I9003 using Tapatalk
It does not have as good viewing angles as plasma yes, but in everything else it does better than plasma TVs. Including motion. You can check Cnet review, it has higher motion score than any other plasma or LCD.
I have yet to see a source where quoting that HX925 is indeed the best HDTV of 2011 in terms of PQ,3D and Black Level, which for me are the three imp. factors in deciding to get a HDTV! Even beating the likes of the inevitable Panasonic P VT25/30s and Samsung's D8000/D7000 Models!!! which not only CNET but also many other sites rated as the best HDTV money can buy, if you consider only the quality!

I will be surprised if im proven wrong!
^Chad B says the HX92 is better then the VT30.

From what i hear from the owners,i think there are 2 version of HX92 one that has a sony panel with best viewing angle out there compared to any other lcd,while the second has similar viewing angle as a SPVA panel.

As far as black level , in 2010 according to cnet the older HX909/900 was the best,for 2011 it continues with the HX92x .

HDTVuk says the Sony HX series are the only tvs out there that give full 1080lines of motion resolution in both 2d and 3d.

But the indian prices are quite high,it should be priced similar to samsung D8000 lcd.
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Important note to anyone interested in HX925. There has been a price drop for the HX models.
New prices

46" - 1,53,900 Rs
55" - 2,59,900 Rs
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