The Movies I Liked

:ohyeah: Angy dude, you are getting crazy with your HT system. in love with this setup....even the music comes alive on it :)!!! But special mention has to be made for Explosions effects in almost all really feels like something exploded right in front of us :)!!!

Have lined up all the movies you have mentioned. I have seen each one of them already....but wanna watch them again on the HT setup :)
Guys any movies which have theme of being nice, good etc. Little too Sweet stuff. I found Ferrari ki Sawari in that league. Barfi no that much.
Guys any movies which have theme of being nice, good etc. Little too Sweet stuff. I found Ferrari ki Sawari in that league. Barfi no that much.

This is also a sweet movie, specially if you have kids, you can watch with them.

The Blue Umbrella

The Blue Umbrella (2005) - IMDb


Such an innocent, well-meaning, fable-like simple movie, which isnt just rare to find in the movies these days, but pretty much impossible to find actually.

Have you watched The Pursuit of Happyness

The Pursuit of Happyness (2006) - IMDb

Django Unchained ... Quentin Tarantino has done it again, what a blazing powerhouse of a movie, I loved Inglorious bastards, specially for Christoph Waltz, his performance there was chilling. Here he and Jamie Foxx have provided some of the top on screen chemistry seen, every scene is iconic, dialogues are a pleasure, and comedy has that black essence in almost every scene its there, and then we have the ultra violent, super cinematographic, heavy duty, bloody, awesome, end climax shootout that made the day for me.

Just loved the movie for everything ......7/10 for this one
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Django Unchained ... Quentin Tarantino has done it again, what a blazing powerhouse of a movie, I loved Inglorious bastards, specially for Christoph Waltz, his performance there was chilling. Here he and Jamie Foxx have provided some of the top online chemistry seen, every scene is iconic, dialogues are a pleasure, and comedy has that black essence in almost every scene its there, and then we have the ultra violent, super cinematographic, heavy duty, bloody, awesome, end climax shootout that made the day for me.

Just loved the movie for everything ......7/10 for this one

I like the way you praised it, Boy! ;)

Really.. a highly entertaining movie. Had watched it in theater on 22nd March when it was released first time in India. Then I watched it 2 more times at home (and you know how)...and now Bluray is on the way :)
Oblivion...... well well well, if I had not had that super high expectations, ....... nonetheless less, no doubt the visuals are stunning, as good as those were of Prometheus, but thats all where it ends ....... action is almost non existent, that leaves with the plot, concept, the story, and it had nothing new. Has anyone seen MOON, if yes I am sorry to burst your bubbles, but that is the crux of Oblivion as well, so there was nothing that shock me at the end twist that everybody is talking about. Rest of the tit bits were loosely taken from Matrix, Independence day. The pace of the movie is slow ....... really slow, I have nothing against it, as long as its building up to something non expected, with an intelligent climax, at the end, here the director thought, and shows as if its intelligent, but its nothing new that has not been done in some or the other way in various other movies.

Oblivion as ok for me ......... 6.5/10
Watched The Boondock Saints yeaterday.

The Boondock Saints (1999) - IMDb

The poetics of Tarentine, is the word that could define this film packed with ultra stylish plans, slow motion action sequences and charismatic actors. With Willem Dafoe's strong role in this tale of the two Irish brothers, who are also very good in their roles as purifier of absolute evil. In short, a good intriguing movie I saw unfortunately a little late compared to its release date.

Not in a mood to write, so a short summary

The Piano Teacher (2001)

Heneke is someone whose films progressively get violent, disturbing and hopeless. This one's no different. But, I felt that the performance of Isabelle Huppert as Erika was head and shoulders above many other good performances I've been exposed to over the years. It's a pity that I haven't seen any other film of hers.

Kind Hearts and Coronets (1949)

A black comedy that features Dennis Price and Alec Guinness in 8 roles. I can't figure out is why I like hearing British English over American! I also don't know if this can be called a 'comedy' the way we normally assume it as it's not 'funny'. But in hindsight it can hardly be called anything else. The film opens up in prison with a Duke on the verge of being hanged. The Duke is the son of an outcast Duchess from D'Ascoyne family who has vowed revenge on the aristocratic family for neglecting his mother. He then goes on to narrate (through his memoir) how the poor son ascends to Dukedom.

The Double Life of Veronique (1991)

There's Irene Jacob, Irene Jacob and then more of her in every frame. The camera work is fantastic and the film largely moves through visuals and sounds rather than dialogue. With Weronika, IJ feels like she's floating through life, but gives a much subdued performance with Veronique.

Next....Decalogue awaits!


Django Unchained (2012): Christoph Waltz and Sam L stood out for me. It was also good to see Walton Goggins, one of my favorites from TV, having a minor role. Everything else has been said above :)

Of Pedro Almodovar's select filmography, I still rate 'All About my Mother' and 'Talk to her' above all else. In general, I feel that most of his films would have lost their charm in the hands of a lesser director. His complex, layered way of unraveling the plot, the strong women characters, the twisted relationships, the sexual identity added with the camera work is a breeze to go through in most cases.

  1. The Skin I live in (2011) is an interesting take on a different genre, but with the usual Almodovar elements mixed in.
  2. Though it was a bit uncomfortable to sit through due to explicit gay thingies, Bad Education (2004) was a good film in the end.
  3. I felt Volver (2006) might find greater approval from the fairer sex, but Penelope Cruz was good to look at, so I didn't mind.
  4. Live Flesh (1997) was decent
  5. But I felt a bit bored with Broken Embraces (2009) - too melodramatic for me.
Not well liked, but though I will mention...

A londoni frfi (2007) was Bela Tarr's take on a noir film. With bad dubbing and a slightly unfamiliar environment, the first hour was hard to get into. I stopped it close to the hour mark on Saturday and watched the rest yesterday. The latter half felt better either because of the break or it actually is. While I liked some bits and pieces (a shot of an overly bright window transforming into pitch black upon closing, the shutting out of audience in the end at the hut, how differently the genre is handled), I didn't like it anywhere near Satantango, Werckmeister or Turin Horse.

Strange thing I find repeatedly happening with long Bela Tarr's long shots is just when I think it has gone long enough and it's time to cut to the next shot, most times, it happens. I also misjudge time - when I think probably 8-10 mins have passed, actually 14-15 mins have passed. I guess my mind too works in slow motion! :o
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^^ I could watch a 7 hour movie of Irene Jacob walking around doing nothing. After I'm done watching it, I'd watch it again. Sighhh...
Not in a mood to write, so a short summary

Django Unchained (2012): Christoph Waltz and Sam L stood out for me. It was also good to see Walton Goggins, one of my favorites from TV, having a minor role. Everything else has been said above :)

Walton Goggins... Dude you caught the nerve. I wished he had more of him in the film. I am loving him in Justified .
His character as Boyd Crowder is one of the most witty and modern villain I have seen so far.
^^ I could watch a 7 hour movie of Irene Jacob walking around doing nothing. After I'm done watching it, I'd watch it again. Sighhh...

Is it just me or did she look (even) better in 'Red'?

It's a pity that Kieslowski is dead. I am not sure anybody else could make that 7 hour movie you dream about ;)

Walton Goggins... Dude you caught the nerve. I wished he had more of him in the film. I am loving him in Justified .
His character as Boyd Crowder is one of the most witty and modern villain I have seen so far.

Precisely what I had in mind. Boyd is one of my favorite characters as well. That man has a silver tongue which can be hardly matched by any other villain :).

I also like Raylan. In today's movies and television, there's a tendency to create protagonists who are troubled, vulnerable and fallible. Raylan is nearly untouchable as far as a gun fight is concerned. He is the modern, ultra-cool 'man with the name' who can walk out of any situation, which makes it fun to watch 'Justified'.


I think my 'understanding' of Bela Tarr seems correct going by this interview: Kinoeye | Hungarian film: Bela Tarr interviewed.

Just parts of it so as to keep this post to a manageable length.

And what about your approach to narrative?

We have a different kind of narration. For us, the story is the secondary thing. The main thing is always how you can touch the people? How can you go closer to real life? How can you understand something about life, because as we talk a lot of other things are happening. We don't know, for instance, what is happening under the table, but there are interesting, important and serious things happening.

So when you say you don't know what cinema is, do you mean traditional cinema, commercial cinema?

No. It's all kinds of cinema, just cinema, all cinema.

All cinema? You just don't feel a part of that?

No, that is the reason why I told you something about a kind of narration. For me, when I see something at the cinema it is always full of shit. This is a meaningful question. The difference is: how we go to the people, how we watch the people, how we work with our actors, that is absolutely different. That's the reason why I like it to do these things. Because on the other hand, the making of movies is very, very boring. We just have the script, but we never use it during the shooting. We have some actors, but we don't use actors that behave like actors. We work with them like friends or work with them using only their personalities. For me, the personality of the actors is always interesting. In this case, it doesn't matter whether you work with professional or non-professional actors.

You don't think there is a difference? Some directors think that non-professional actors bring something different.

No, in our case no difference. If you see some of our films, they need professional actors and non-professional actors because we are always looking at the personality. If someone starts acting in a scene we say immediately what are you doing? Don't play itjust be. That's the reason why we are interested in what is happening inside someone.

How do you respond to the fact that your films are often seen as metaphysical?

We don't think about metaphysics or any philosophical speculation because a film is concrete. We use a camera and shoot scenes. If you are a writer you have paper and can write a lot of things about this table. But if you are a film-maker you can just show this table. You can see immediately the kind of table and how interesting it is, but it is still only a table. That is the reason why I don't understand someone talking about philosophical or metaphysical things. No, it's not true. Please, just watch the movie; just listen to your heart. Please, trust your eyes: everything is very clear and very simple. Watch. That's important. Don't think about it too much. Everyone can understand it if they don't complicate it. It's just a simple film. It's a very primitive language.

Our writer, Krasznahorkai, he doesn't understand why we use this very primitive thing which is a film. He can write thirty pages about this table. Everybody has a fantasy and everybody can imagine a table, but if I show you it using the very primitive language of film it is only ever a table.
Is it just me or did she look (even) better in 'Red'?

I actually think she was better in ...Veronique. She was great in'Red, but to me, IJ in ...Veronique feels a lot more intimate, in terms of connection with the character.

It's a pity that Kieslowski is dead. I am not sure anybody else could make that 7 hour movie you dream about ;)

Indeed! Kieslowski would have been the one to do it! I'm sure he had a few more masterpieces in him. He went soon after he finished his 5 best works: Decalog, ... Veronique, and the Three Colors, and that too, all of them in a row!
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