Man OF Steel my take, not that it counts much, but will share .......... first I cannot understand how this movie did not, stay close to Superman comics and cartoon series,(as some of the audience has been pointing out) now I admid, I have not read superman comics, but I have seen couple of superman cartoons and movies of the current gen, and my first reaction after the first fight sequence that came after first half break was, its exactly choreographed as was in the animated movie. The chaos, the super speed, the clutter, mess all was very reminiscent of the Superman cartoon. Though this for me might not necessarily be the worthiness to rate it, but its still close.
Characterization is the biggest virtue for this movie, the first complete first half is just dedicated to build the character and provide the much needed background for a Superman reboot. The movie is super serious, infact too serious at points for its own good, there was only a handful of (infact only one I remember, when Clark is handcuffed and taken in to custody) light moment. Avengers (a clear comparison) had much more humor than MOS, and this for me clearly went in favor of Avengers.
Action was top class, had to be, it was the pivot of this super hero presentation, and as I said was very closely cheoreographed, to have that animation like chaos and clutter. How ever I still missed that Awe Struck!!!! moment, I was expecting, (Avengers had quite a couple of them, infact SuperMan Returns, had one as well (infact the only one action sequence).
I love how they did not bring "SuperMan" phrase in the entire movie and the only time it was brought was in a very light way somewhere in the middle, which added to the seriousness of the movie.
Music was epic, had that magnitude which was needed, no wonder it was done by Hans Zimmer. The only time I was blazed by music in a movie prior to MOS was
Tron:Legacy, which is BTW is my all time fav background score in a movie, after Terminator.
Over all the movie landed true to my expectations, but was not something that blew me of the grid ...

...... Sequel is on its way ..... let see.
6.8/10 for this