The Movies I Liked

The Joneses (2009)

This is another terrific stuff ,there is a real felt message that there is more to life than material things .

The chemistry btwn Deemi moore and David duchovany is splendid

This is something very different, do watch
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The Blind Side (2009)

Hi Guys,

Like most of the sports movies this is a true story too.Yeah its a feel good movie.I liked watching it.Like a reviewer says its a dignified portrayal.And watch it for Sandra Bullock.She is awesome as Mrs.Tuhoy.

Watched 'The Expendables' today,

Cold Turkey!!! Pls Avoid!

PS: Sly Stallone, Jet li, Dolph Lundgren, Arnold Schwarznegger(Blink & You Miss him Role) look fossilized!!!
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Watched 'The Expendables' today,

Cold Turkey!!! Pls Avoid!

PS: Sly Stallone, Jet li, Dolph Lundgren, Arnold Schwarznegger(Blink & You Miss him Role) look fossilized!!!

Hi denom,

I haven't seen this one but saw some some snippets and trailers on a TV channel; here is my two cents, open to debate.

Sly has made an action movie casting most of the stars from the last 2 decades - Dolph Lundgren, Jet Li, Bruce Willis, Mickey Rourke, Eric Roberts, and last but not the least, Arnie.. And we all know that all of them are past their prime, except Jason Statham. Now expecting these guys to look young and energetic and do mid-air somersaults is tough, if not impossible. Probably our very own Rajnikant is the only guy who can pull off such an act (remains to be seen in "Robot" ;)).

But try looking at it this way. Sly is as old as my Dad; he's 63; and look at him. Isn't it amazing for a guy his age to act in an action movie, and also do all those action scenes? I appreciate and respect him for that. At his age, most guys are strolling in a park surviving on their monthly pensions.

I am thinking of going and watching this one just for Stallone, without expecting the rampage that was First Blood.
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Hi denom,

I haven't seen this one but saw some some snippets and trailers on a TV channel; here is my two cents, open to debate.

Sly has made an action movie casting most of the stars from the last 2 decades - Dolph Lundgren, Jet Li, Bruce Willis, Mickey Rourke, Eric Roberts, and last but not the least, Arnie.. And we all know that all of them are past their prime, except Jason Statham. Now expecting these guys to look young and energetic and do mid-air somersaults is tough, if not impossible. Probably our very own Rajnikant is the only guy who can pull off such an act (remains to be seen in "Robot" ;)).

But try looking at it this way. Sly is as old as my Dad; he's 63; and look at him. Isn't it amazing for a guy his age to act in an action movie, and also do all those action scenes? I appreciate and respect him for that. At his age, most guys are strolling in a park surviving on their monthly pensions.

I am thinking of going and watching this one just for Stallone, without expecting the rampage that was First Blood.


With respect to your comments, true in part but also do not forget that sly doing all this at his age does not suit him at all! I mean just look at his face:o It looks horribly disfigured:sad:

The thing that is more disappointing is that the movie fails due to its poor script, lack of any connection of the story in between scenes & just a waste of 'past their prime' action hero's filled in by the collective pounds of their weight! I mean take a look at Jet Li's role, made him look like a fool:mad: who can't fight for his life! Dolph again totally wasted in his 'wasted' role portrayal! Mickey Rourke doing a bit role:mad: with no conviction or any action, eric roberts yet again portraying evil in a bit role, kinda lifeless, David Zayas doing a wicked role without any conviction... the list goes on....

The bottom line is that when you assemble such a 'deadly' star cast you would definitely expect more from the movie & that is exactly where it FAILS!!!

Yet another Cold Turkey like 'Grown Ups', which also fails miserably inspite of the 'comic' starcast.
Incidentally both movies have the 'spotlight' on 2 actors with the rest of them just fillers!

My humble 2 rupees:p

PS: First Blood was a classic(Watch it & then The Expendables, like 'Then & Now' of VH1) :D What a depressing feeling will be created by doing so :(
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With respect to your comments, true in part but also do not forget that sly doing all this at his age does not suit him at all! I mean just look at his face:o It looks horribly disfigured:sad:

The thing that is more disappointing is that the movie fails due to its poor script, lack of any connection of the story in between scenes & just a waste of 'past their prime' action hero's filled in by the collective pounds of their weight! I mean take a look at Jet Li's role, made him look like a fool:mad: who can't fight for his life! Dolph again totally wasted in his 'wasted' role portrayal! Mickey Rourke doing a bit role:mad: with no conviction or any action, eric roberts yet again portraying evil in a bit role, kinda lifeless, David Zayas doing a wicked role without any conviction... the list goes on....

The bottom line is that when you assemble such a 'deadly' star cast you would definitely expect more from the movie & that is exactly where it FAILS!!!

PS: First Blood was a classic(Watch it & then The Expendables, like 'Then & Now' of VH1) :D What a depressing feeling will be created by doing so :(

Hey don't be mad at me bro..I haven't seen the movie yet..I respect your opinion..and yes Sly does look ugly..but I seriously doubt he would have accepted a role of an old guy for character roles.
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The Road

Based on the novel by same name by Cormack MacCarthy (No Country For Old Men). Amazing. Made me read the book (just like NCFOM). Post Apocalyptic scene where a father and son struggle to survive. Must watch.

Silence of the Lambs
Revisited this after a long time, a masterpiece truly. Chiller thriller.

The Primer
Sci Fi drama made by a physicist on an extremely low budget of 7000$ but never looks it. Head struggles to figure out what's happening (and loses). Could've been better but is still good.
Hey don't be mad at me bro..I haven't seen the movie yet..I respect your opinion..and yes Sly does look ugly..but I seriously doubt he would have accepted a role of an old guy for character roles.

Am not at all mad at you brother! Just that I really get frustrated when these movies promise so much & deliver so little :mad:
After all these actors have been my idols when growing up:clapping:
Black Orpheus [1959][DVD]

Black Orpheus (1959)

A nice Brazilian Drama/Romance movie with some mixed comedy.
What grabs our attention as the movie starts is the sound of the music playing underneath it, a guitar softly strumming the chords of the film's main musical theme.

Good movie.

Watched and liked the Lord of War (2005)

Especially topical as the original Lord of War on whom this movie was based got an extradition order from Thailand to be tried in the US for selling arms to conflict zones.

+1 to Udaan, nice sensitive movie, although a trifle too long.

88 Minutes (2007)
The movie can definitely go into the category of could have been better. Buts its not too bad. Al Pacino sleepwalks into a role he may have done a zillion times. But the twists and turns in the plot keep you on the edge of your seats for the whole time.
2:22 (2008)

For most including me ,this title may be unheard ,just took a chance and rented this DVD

this is awesome stuff ,will take you to the edge of your seat and put u on a nail bitting mode

Do give the movie about 10-15 mins to pick up

definetly needs a higher rating than imdb
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Children of Men


Its an amazing movie. When you get involved in the concept, it gets more interesting. There are certain scenes very disturbing. Good watch.
If there are many horror fans out there, this one is a must watch:

The Others (2001)


Its not scary but a very creepy movie. Towards the end, it gets more interesting and the movie ends in an unexpected way. It has one of the best climax I have ever enjoyed.
Predators [2010][Theaterical]

Predators (2010)

A one time watchable Action movie. Story is really bad, very bad performance by Laurence Fishburne. The only thing good in the movie is SQ and cinematography.

9th Company [2005][DVD]

9th Company (2005)

A very good War/History. Based on true story. Different from other war movies, with some good acting and a different setting.Probably the most realistic war film about the Russian Occupation of Afghanistan.

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