With respect to your comments, true in part but also do not forget that sly doing all this at his age does not suit him at all! I mean just look at his face

It looks horribly disfigured:sad:
The thing that is more disappointing is that the movie fails due to its poor script, lack of any connection of the story in between scenes & just a waste of 'past their prime' action hero's filled in by the collective pounds of their weight! I mean take a look at Jet Li's role, made him look like a fool

who can't fight for his life! Dolph again totally wasted in his 'wasted' role portrayal! Mickey Rourke doing a bit role

with no conviction or any action, eric roberts yet again portraying evil in a bit role, kinda lifeless, David Zayas doing a wicked role without any conviction... the list goes on....
The bottom line is that when you assemble such a 'deadly' star cast you would definitely expect more from the movie & that is exactly where it FAILS!!!
PS: First Blood was a classic(Watch it & then The Expendables, like 'Then & Now' of VH1)

What a depressing feeling will be created by doing so