The Movies I Liked



After seven years in solitary, Jake Green is released from prison. In the next two years, he amasses a lot of money by gambling. He's ready to seek his revenge on Dorothy (Mr. D) Macha, a violence-prone casino owner who sent Jake to prison. He humiliates Macha in front of Macha's lieutenants, leaves, and keels over. Doctors tell him he has a rare disease and will die in three days; Macha also puts a hit out on him. Loan sharks, Zack and Avi, demand Jake's cash and complete fealty in return for protection. Jake complies, and through narration and flashbacks, we watch him through at least three days of schemes, danger, and redemption. Who is his greatest enemy?

Revolver (2005) - IMDb


Had lot of expectations but didn't live up to it. Could have been a real tight thriller.

YouTube - Devil - Official Trailer [HD]


After being abandoned for eight straight years in boarding school, Rohan returns to the small industrial town of Jamshedpur and finds himself closeted with an authoritarian father and a younger half brother who he didn't even know existed. Forced to work in his father's steel factory and study engineering against his wishes, he strives to forge his own life out of his given circumstances and pursue his dream of being a writer.

Udaan (2010) - IMDb

~~~ Sam's Movie Share ~~~

Will start of with couple of movie that I saw this month ......

My first Offering ....



The movie is about a mentally challenged person who thinks its his duty to eradicate crime from this world and the only way he can do this is by becoming a super Hero. The subject is not absolutely novel, but the presentation is spot on!

Of course with a sensible direction, this one does not disappoint in any aspect. A truly heart warming performance by the protagonist.
Senti dudes are gonna shed a tear when the credits roll.

Sam's Rating: 6.8/10
Genre : Drama
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Re: ~~~ Sam's Movie Share ~~~

EXPENDABLES :::: Well the only problem that happened was that I had too much high expectations from this movie, and so i was wee bit unsatisfied ....... never the less its a powerful action packed movie, but mainly the last 20 minutes, which really brings the worth out of this movie ...... Watching such a huge action star cast is a pleasure as well. Sly is getting better and better with each direction ...... RAMBO 2009 simply kicked ass and this one also has some quality action, though I'd still put RAMBO ahead of this one ........ sly is good in directing some quality action .... News is RAMBO 2009 sequel is under development ... eagerly waiting for it


SAM's Rating :6.5/10 for this
Genre : Action
Re: ~~~ Sam's Movie Share ~~~

Kick Ass :::: .... Ok finally got the chance to see Kick Ass as the BluRay got released and I must say per expectations turned out to be a truly entertaining movie ..... last 20 minutes or so were exhilarating...... how ever on a serious note and more close to realism I'd say Defendor was better, may be a wee bit less on entertainment part, but definitely better on realism with the kind of same theme.


SAM's Rating : 6.5/10
Genre : Action/Fiction
Movie : Kick Ass
Re: ~~~ Sam's Movie Share ~~~

Closer :::: what a bad insight of complicated couple relations involving Sex, Deception, Trust, Breach and what not ...... its purely 18+ material which need a very mature head to digest the exploding explicit arguments of the couples involved ...... People interested in some hard hitting dry emotional drama, just watch this.


SAM's Rating : 6.8/10 - not for kids please
Genre : Drama
Movie : CLOSER
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Re: ~~~ Sam's Movie Share ~~~

L.A Confidential :::: ..... just when I though there was a dearth of movies that can cross my 7/10 scale ... comes this AWSOME movie ..... which was probably left off by me for some god damm reason (as its a 1997 flick) ......... This is by far one of my best investigative movies I have seen since Zodiac ...... The plot Initially starts off pretty dry, but I give you my word (if as a movie gore that means something to you) by the time you cross off to the second half it becomes so convoluted you will have hard time following it ....... right till the point when the bloody solid "right off the bat straight to your face" twist appears which leaves you shocked and gasping for air.

As I said starts off dry but that is essential to the plot as, this is one of the best (if not THE best) characterization I have seen in a movie ..... till the time the end comes you are like clinching your fist to save your character ..... and when the credits rolls you would be exhausted with the phenomenal ride this movie brings ...... seriously after a LONG time ... I think the last time it was the Usual Suspect that brought the same shock out of me and The life of David gale I dont know which one of it I saw first .......

Anyway serious quality movie goers .. just get this one and watch it,,,lights off, alone with no disturbance.


SAM's Rating : 7.3/10
Genre : Thriller/Fiction
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Re: ~~~ Sam's Movie Share ~~~

Predators......After a much hype finally got the chance to view this one .... virdect mix feelings ..... If you compare it with the original .... comparision at all.... ... as a stand alone movie .... I'd say better than AVP2 but not in action and gore but the presentation ...... I'd say an OK attempt ..... It did not make me glue to the seat ... if I may put it that way .........6.5/10 ... BTW I recently again watched Arnie classic original Predator on Bluray (courtesy Idlebrain) and I must say even today and after 4 viewings I still was able to feel the tention that movie creates ... truly classic .....


Sam's Rating : 6.5/10
Genre : Action/Fiction/Adventure
Movie : Predators
Re: ~~~ Sam's Movie Share ~~~

Hot tub time machine.... well if you ask me too much of sex comedy ruines the movie (even if its of standard) and that is what happened with HTTM. While reading reviews at IMDB, it was said that this movie is another "Hangover" but it far from it AFAIMC ...... Hangover was class...... this on the other hand had few funny moments, but the comic sex part was ... I dont know .... not funny!


Sam's Rating : 6/10
Genre : Comedy
Re: ~~~ Sam's Movie Share ~~~

The Karate Kid 2010 .... This is such a beautifull movie ... guys .....THIS is what the original Karete kid should have been .... I dont how on this mother earth was that movie considered some classic .... I was laughing out loud in that movie most of the time ... this one on the other hand is a very well directed, ofcourse predictable as it flows in an exact copy as the original ...... Jaden Smith knows how to act, few instances here and there he seems raw but will grow with time.......he portrays believable emotions and delivers fast fight sequences .... over all an entertaining movie.


SAM's Rating : 6.8/10
Genre : Action / Drama
Movie : THE KARATE KID 2010
Re: ~~~ Sam's Movie Share ~~~

A Simple Plan its an intricate story well dealt by the director about a a bunch of friends who find a huge amount of money and the consequences with their course of actions henceforth, it starts of with a simple motive but get really complicated by the end.

Movie very aptly deals with Human emotions that challenges your conscious between the right and the wrong. This film depicts how far even simple people can go if greed, desperation, frailty creeps in. It takes a simple common mans's hope of "and then it will all be all right" ..... and shows us how horribly things can go wrong by this approach ...........Couple of situations I was not fully satisfied with, but still a recommended movie.


SAM's Rating : 6.8/10
Genre : Fiction/Drama
Re: ~~~ Sam's Movie Share ~~~

The Orphan ......The title is totally misleading BTW ....... well with such a high rating on IMDB I was expecting something out of ordinary .... but least to say was dissappointed ........ mainly because

1. If any one has seen Macaulay Culkin's The Good Son, already knows the plot ...... so did I ..... its about a psychopath kid, creating havoc in the family .....

2. The scare was repetitive, the sudden moves, using the sounds of the ambiance to create an eerie atmosphere etc etc are all so repetitive. .... ...

Some people might find it worth though, specially because of the acting of the kid, that was well performed.

I would rate The good son over this


SAM's Rating : 6.0/10
Genre : Crime/Thriller
Movie : The Orphan
Re: ~~~ Sam's Movie Share ~~~

Predators......After a much hype finally got the chance to view this one .... virdect mix feelings ..... If you compare it with the original .... comparision at all.... ... as a stand alone movie .... I'd say better than AVP2 but not in action and gore but the presentation ...... I'd say an OK attempt ..... It did not make me glue to the seat ... if I may put it that way .........6.5/10 ... BTW I recently again watched Arnie classic original Predator on Bluray (courtesy Idlebrain) and I must say even today and after 4 viewings I still was able to feel the tention that movie creates ... truly classic .....


Sam's Rating : 6.5/10
Genre : Action/Fiction/Adventure
Movie : Predators

In my opinion I dont think Adrian Brody is cut out for such type of roles..and watching him playing the stud was a big turn off for me...they could have made Fishburne the hero!!
Re: ~~~ Sam's Movie Share ~~~

The Karate Kid 2010 .... This is such a beautifull movie ... guys .....THIS is what the original Karete kid should have been .... I dont how on this mother earth was that movie considered some classic .... I was laughing out loud in that movie most of the time ... this one on the other hand is a very well directed, ofcourse predictable as it flows in an exact copy as the original ...... Jaden Smith knows how to act, few instances here and there he seems raw but will grow with time.......he portrays believable emotions and delivers fast fight sequences .... over all an entertaining movie.


SAM's Rating : 6.8/10
Genre : Action / Drama
Movie : THE KARATE KID 2010

The original KARATE KID in my opinion far better than the new one.It was made during the early 80s and during then this was a fresh idea.Also it was more realistic coz the AGE factor..Jaden's character is too young to have such serious issues whereas the original character was in his mid or late teens and the incidents are justifiable(Ego clashes of this kind wont happen with younger kids)....
Re: ~~~ Sam's Movie Share ~~~

PS: I would rate 'Expendables' 1/10. Horrible movie, ruined my whole day. :sad:

If you dont take into account the HYPE the movie is a decent above average Action flick.Its true that the movie hasnt done justice to its stunning star cast but its better than many action movies of today.
Re: ~~~ Sam's Movie Share ~~~

The Accused ....... I saw this movie what i was a kid, late teens to be exact, it left me depressed I remember at that time ....
Today I saw it again and I must say its a POWER HOUSE of a movie ........ hits you right between the eyes ...... I am sure I didnt have the maturity to appreciate this kind of movie at that time, but it totally blew me off today. To start the movie follows a Rape victom (beautifully portrayed by Jodie Foster) and his attorney trying to prosecute the ones who did and also the ones who solicited it.

Everything about this movie is top notch, the plot, the performances (Jodie will leave you gasping with her performance), the direction, background score (done by legendary Briad Feidel - The Terminator fame) and the emotional quotient. As I said the movie is a power house. The court room drama is so convincing that at no point of time you feel the move pro protagnonist. The last 15-20 minutes takes your breath away (provided you get the uncut version). This one is a rare movie that touches my 8 point scale ........
absolute worth watch ........ not for age < 21 though ......


SAM's Rating : 8/10
Genre : Drama
Movie : The Accused
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