The Movies I Liked


1)Apocalypse Now Redux (2001): Lengthy movie ( 3h:16min), impressive cast, well directed by F.Ford Copolla

2)7 Days: Doctor takes revenge by kidnapping, torturing the man who murdered his young daughter.Thoughtful and interesting movie
Se7ven,Shawsank Redemption,Hotel Rawanda,Raktha Charithra - 1,7 SAMURAI,Naan Kadavul,Pulp Fiction,inception,fight club,Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind (2004)
,The Good, the Bad and the Ugly (1966),The Dark Knight (2008),The Departed (2006)
....7 pounds...many more...
A clutch of movies last week:

Inside (2007)

Anybody familiar with slasher movies would not find it difficult to figure out what comes next. Barring the first few scenes, the entire movies happens within a house. Despite all these odds that point towards cliche' and yet another waste of screen time, 'Inside' scores by stepping up the 'blood and gore index' a notch. First off, the protagonist happens to be a pregnant lady who's about to deliver her child the next day (a Christmas night). If that is not enough for you, the on screen blood might ;). I've been watching plenty of horror and slasher/gore films of late, Inside and Martyrs stand out among the rest.

Among others, Ils, while not a bloody movie by any means, was a bit more realistic. It is said to be based on a true story and a sort of a decent movie.

Cannibal Holocaust (1980)

No wonder the director was tried for making a snuff movie. 30 years after it was made, CH still made me sick. The real animal killings (would not want to watch the turtle scene again, please), hyper-realistic brutality (using pig interior parts to create realistic effects), brutality, the general sickness of it was let's mildly say, not nice. Oh! I can stand lot of on-screen violence and I completed CH in one sitting without breaking for puke. But, the movie is so well made in a sick way (mondo style, says wikipedia), that the chances of me watching it again or any other cannibal title are very less.

Suspiria (1977)

Why this film is classified as Horror, I don't know. This was not about scare at all. It is a visual feast (that is if you like it. If you're past the first 15, chances are it's ok for you) where each scene is carefully crafted with camera angles, excellent use of lighting and color. That eerie and loud background score is nice in a way. Very atmospheric film with plenty of color and nice looking sets.

Faust (1926)

F.W. Murnau has impressed me a lot. I've watched three films of his and they all have a special place in my list of best silent movies. While I like 'Sunrise: A song of two humans' better, 'Faust' is no slouch. Much like 'Nosferatu' from 1922, 'Faust' is loaded with special effects, great use of lighting (with use of shadows, darkness and light to great effect). There's one particular scene I liked where there's a huge shadow cast with two horns and a little later, Faust emerges from the shadow. I thankfully watched the 1997 restored version, which clocks close to 2 hours. The first hour is full of special effects, while the second hour is all about Faust and Gretchen. Sure some of the special effects could be dated, but if you remind yourself that it was made 85 years ago, it is amazing.

Gotta watch Metropolis someday.

City of God (2002)

With tons of real life characters, non-linear and at the same time not confusing way of story telling, this portrayal of Brazilian gangster wars was a breeze to watch. It took me so long to get to this film because I imagined it to be very different from how it is. Glad I finally watched it.
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Primary Colors [1998][Bluray]

Primary Colors (1998) - IMDb

A very good Drama/Family movie about the contemporary American politics. Very good performance by John Travolta, Kathy Bates and Emma Thompson. The story is very serious throughout and ending is good.

I am going to try something different (Sunday - Saturday): 7 days, 7 movies, 7 languages

So far Movie (Language, Year of Release, Country):

  1. Black Swan (English, 2010, US)
  2. Amores Perros (Spanish, 2000, Mexico)
  3. Battleship Potemkin (Silent / Russian, 1925, Soviet Union)
  4. Man Bites Dog (French, 1992, Belgium)

Barring unforeseen circumstances, I plan to watch any three of (in no particular order)

  • Chungking Express / In the Mood for Love (Cantonese, 1994 / 2000, Hongkong)
  • 3-Iron / Spring, Summer... (Korean, 2003 / 2004, South Korea)
  • Any one of Masaki Kobayashi Films (Human Condition I / Kwaidan / Samurai Rebellion / Harakiri) (Japanese, varies, Japan)
  • Umberto D (Italian, 1952, Italy)

I'll cover all of them in a small update later.
I am going to try something different (Sunday - Saturday): 7 days, 7 movies, 7 languages

So far Movie (Language, Year of Release, Country):

  1. Black Swan (English, 2010, US)
  2. Amores Perros (Spanish, 2000, Mexico)
  3. Battleship Potemkin (Silent / Russian, 1925, Soviet Union)
  4. Man Bites Dog (French, 1992, Belgium)

Barring unforeseen circumstances, I plan to watch any three of (in no particular order)

  • Chungking Express / In the Mood for Love (Cantonese, 1994 / 2000, Hongkong)
  • 3-Iron / Spring, Summer... (Korean, 2003 / 2004, South Korea)
  • Any one of Masaki Kobayashi Films (Human Condition I / Kwaidan / Samurai Rebellion / Harakiri) (Japanese, varies, Japan)
  • Umberto D (Italian, 1952, Italy)

I'll cover all of them in a small update later.

Those are some interesting bunch of movies. They are good movies no doubt but some of them are too depressing to watch them consecutively for each day.
Anyways all the best...hope you come out well at the end of week:D
^ Thanks. Hopeful of that.

Watching all three parts of "Human Condition" is pending for a long time. But with them clocking a combined 579 mins, I need to spare time on three consecutive Sundays. Has not happened so far :(. In the mean time, have watched "In the Mood for Love". Will soon be watching "3-Iron" or "Spring, Summer...". One more day and my task should be complete :)
Finished watching the series

When we left earth (2008): wow! simply great

A series about NASA missions to moon/space right from the beginning to Neil Armstrong then to Kalpana Chawla

The whole six episodes are so informative, full of thrill and excitement.

Watch it on a big screen.Not to be missed.

Highly recommended and Stars:all the stars in the universe:)
Revolutionary Road [2008][Bluray]

Revolutionary Road (2008) - IMDb

A very good Drama/Romance movie between 2 happy couple but crippled by their own self-consciousness. Very good performance by Leonardo DiCaprio and Kate Winslet. The story is slow and long but very emotionally driven throughout. A must watch movie for all.

I watched Mars need moms 3D yesterday. I like this movie very much. This is an animations movie and the production team of this movie did a very good job.
Recently watched

Apollo 13- Must see if u have every followed space exploration and travle
Burried- Good Movie- Whole movie shot in a coffin, still thrills u
Forest Gump- A great acting showcase from Tom Hanks
Moon- Please watch it once and u ll be gutted
Tanu weds Manu- Nice but nothing great
Apocalypse Now- really a setback for me not liked it very much
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