The Movies I Liked


FBI agent Jennifer Marsh is tasked with hunting down a seemingly untraceable serial killer who posts live videos of his victims on the Internet. As time runs out, the cat and mouse chase becomes more personal.

Untraceable (2008) - IMDb


Nice movie + Alyssa Milano :licklips:
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Jason Statham Movie :yahoo: with a bonus of :licklips: Mini Anden in a bit role but awesome scenes involving here nonetheless :licklips: what more can 1 ask for;) Enjoyed it thoroughly.

Another bonus is that the Mechanic (Jason Statham) in the movie enjoys a vinyl rig, can anyone guess which TT with Cart + Tube Amp + Speakers are featured in it??? Would highly appreciate the details on the same:) Too bad about the end though:rolleyes:

Will now watch the original The Mechanic The Mechanic (1972) - IMDb with Charles Bronson, will post review later.

Just finished watching the original '72 (The Mechanic) & surprised that Venkat was also watching it almost simultaneously :D
Agree with Venkat on the movie not having that much magic near to the Death Wish Series, but any movie with Charles Bronson is a must watch none the less. One of my favourite actors he is & he does justice in the Mechanic too. Yes it is on a slower pace than the new version, also bit more narrative & the audience is made to understand the plot bit by bit. Jan-Michael Vincent plays his part as the apprentice well but nothing extraordinary. Ben Foster's role as the apprentice in the new version is more on the edge & psychotic.

Now for the comparo to see whether the Jason Statham Version cuts ice vs the Charles Bronson one. My take is that both should be watched, as nothing besides a few things are common between the 2 of them. The Jason Staham one is more slick & well it should be as it is based on the present(read 2011) while the Charles Bronson version is based in the 1970's(which was when it was made & understand the limitations in sophistication of gadgets & such), so one has to take that into consideration. Sad that the original version showed Charles Bronson listen to music on a piddly built in tape deck & nothing as fancy as that shown in the new version with jason statham. Would have loved to see a good TT & Tube Amp Combo:p

Tell you what, I liked both & won't mind watching either of them again in a theatre especially certain scenes for the full effects :D (as for which scenes, the smart ones will figure them out ;))

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What a coincidence! I just finished seeing the original Mechanic with Charles Bronson and Jan-Michael Vincent. In this movie, Charles Bronson, as Arthur Bishop, listens to music using a 'old' cassette player that is housed in a wooden case.

I will wait for you to write a review. All I will say is, though it was made by the same Director who made the Death Wish series, it did not have the magic that Death Wish movies had. A very good movie nevertheless.

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Sad that the original version showed Charles Bronson listen to music on a piddly built in tape deck & nothing as fancy as that shown in the new version with jason statham. Would have loved to see a good TT & Tube Amp Combo:p

Actually Charles Bronson lives in a huge house, and I am sure could easily have afforded an expensive system. Maybe Michael Winner was not an audiophile, or at least did not know how to act as one.:)

Actually Charles Bronson lives in a huge house, and I am sure could easily have afforded an expensive system. Maybe Michael Winner was not an audiophile, or at least did not know how to act as one.:)


Very true, the fact that Charles Bronson is shown living in a fantastic pad with all sorts of expensive items does show poorly on the audio part:ohyeah: much like a glaring mistake!!! totally out of place.

Been reading the reviews on both the versions on imdb & liked what one reviewer has written.

Quoting from his review:
The main reason I wanted to see this remake is because I liked the unique ending in the 1972 version, so I wanted to know how it's going to be in this version. Some elements of this 2011 "The Mechanic" I liked more than 1972 version, especially since this version has more hits. The reason why the hit-man gets a apprentice sort of makes sense this time around compared to the original, since the bond between the hit-man Arthur Bishop and Harry McKenna at least has a reason although very slight. Some character motivations and scenarios has been changed but I personally liked Charles Bronson's portrayal of the character, it was more cold blooded and intimidating. And for a hit-man this makes sense, in this version it tries to make the hit-man likable to the mass audience by giving him compassion. There is some recognizable plot holes and mistakes in this movie, so it's best to just throw realism out for this one. And for a movie like this, it doesn't really make a difference. The 1972 version has more tension, but this has better action and flare to it. But since tension is more difficult direction I am going to give credit to the 1972 version a bit more.

Completely agree with it!
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That is a hat trick! Three HFVers watching the same movie, and that too a 1972 movie at that, on the same evening! What are the chances of that?

Maybe our brain cells are all getting linked as they show in some movies. Next time I sit down to watch a movie, I shall send out a general ESP to all HFV members!!

I have not seen the Jason Statham version and I shall do that as early as possible. In the Charles Bronson version, what pushes Arthur Bishop to look for an 'associate' is the he starts to feel his age and lose his concentration. In addition, a chance meeting Steve McKenna where he watches the boy cold bloodedly allowing a woman to nearly commit suicide, convinces him that Steve has the necessary mental make up to be a killer.

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Just finished seeing what I thought was very moving movie.

Called Pan's Labyrinth, this is a Spanish movie written and directed by Guillermo del Toro. Taken in 1944 during the end of the Fascism and WWII, the movie portrays multiple lives at the same time. At the centre is Captain Vidal superbly acted by Sergei Lpez. Vidal is a ruthless man trying desperately to keep the last remnants of Fascism alive. He rules a small outpost surrounded by freedom fighters. He also wants to become a father and literally kidnaps a pregnant woman and her daughter.

The daughter, Ofelia (Played by Ivana Baquero), is a small child who is frightened by what is happening in the outpost. She escapes into a world of her own where she dreams of fairies, and she herself being the reincarnation of a dead princess.

Within the outpost is a servant called Mercedes who starts looking after Ofelia. She is also the sister of the leader of a gang of freedom fighters.

The movie brings all these varied lives into a believable finale.

The movie has mostly been shot in the dark, so the video is nothing much to speak about. I was impressed with the sound effects created, and the subtle music that is meshed into a lullaby Mercedes hums for Ofelia. The movie is in Spanish with English subtitles.

Certainly worth a watch.

Venkat, where are the movie posters in my thread nos 1962 & 1963??? they have suddenly disappeared!!!
Saw a few animations (all in the name of my son)
The story of two villains

Despicable Me (2010) - IMDb

Great animations, very nice audio. The story is engaging as its very different from the regular animation movie. The central plot is of a villain who wants to be the greatest villain and how he has a change of heart.

Megamind (2010) - IMDb

Superman re-visited but from a villains side. How a super-villain matches up with super-hero. Not as good in my opinion as Despicable but still quite good.
Despicable Me is really a good, funny and hearty movie, specially the Minions.
like every bit of it even when i m watching it quite often with my son who is crazy abt the Minions.
Check your browser/computer settings. I can see them clearly.


lol, nothing wrong with my browser/settings, maybe the others can reply if they can see the posters... just posted another movie poster which I can see (at least for now) dunno if that too disappears later:rolleyes:
The Mechanic [2011][DVD]

The Mechanic (2011) - IMDb

An entertaining Action/Drama movie. It's got the typical Jason Statham touch to the action scenes. Nice twist in the story and the ending is good. Good cinematography.

The Dilemma [2011][Bluray]

The Dilemma (2011) - IMDb

A timepass Comedy/Drama movie. Story is not so bad, but very slow. One time watchable.

A Shine of Rainbows [2009][Bluray]

A Shine of Rainbows (2009) - IMDb

A very good Family/Drama movie. Nice emotions brought about in the story/characters. Good performance by John Bell.




In Mount Holliston, snowboarders Dan Walker, his girlfriend Parker O'Neil and his best friend Joe Lynch don't have enough money to buy cable car tickets. Parker bribes Jason, an employee of the skiing station, with one hundred dollars. When the system is nearing closure, they force Jason to let them have the last pass. However, Jason needs to resolve a problem and his colleague misunderstands his instructions and stops the cable car, and the trio of snowboarders gets stranded on the chairlift on the top of the mountain. When they see that the lights of the ski resort had been turned off, they need to make a choice: leave the chairlift or freeze to death.

Frozen (2010) - IMDb

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