Jason Statham Movie :yahoo: with a bonus of :licklips: Mini Anden in a bit role but awesome scenes involving here nonetheless :licklips: what more can 1 ask for

Enjoyed it thoroughly.
Another bonus is that the Mechanic (Jason Statham) in the movie enjoys a vinyl rig, can anyone guess which TT with Cart + Tube Amp + Speakers are featured in it??? Would highly appreciate the details on the same

Too bad about the end though
Will now watch the original The Mechanic
The Mechanic (1972) - IMDb with Charles Bronson, will post review later.
Just finished watching the original '72 (The Mechanic) & surprised that Venkat was also watching it almost simultaneously

Agree with Venkat on the movie not having that much magic near to the Death Wish Series, but any movie with Charles Bronson is a must watch none the less. One of my favourite actors he is & he does justice in the Mechanic too. Yes it is on a slower pace than the new version, also bit more narrative & the audience is made to understand the plot bit by bit. Jan-Michael Vincent plays his part as the apprentice well but nothing extraordinary. Ben Foster's role as the apprentice in the new version is more on the edge & psychotic.
Now for the comparo to see whether the Jason Statham Version cuts ice vs the Charles Bronson one. My take is that both should be watched, as nothing besides a few things are common between the 2 of them. The Jason Staham one is more slick & well it should be as it is based on the present(read 2011) while the Charles Bronson version is based in the 1970's(which was when it was made & understand the limitations in sophistication of gadgets & such), so one has to take that into consideration. Sad that the original version showed Charles Bronson listen to music on a piddly built in tape deck & nothing as fancy as that shown in the new version with jason statham. Would have loved to see a good TT & Tube Amp Combo
Tell you what, I liked both & won't mind watching either of them again in a theatre especially certain scenes for the full effects

(as for which scenes, the smart ones will figure them out
