I liked the 2 of them initially but Techiebeez is basically Rtings to Hindi convertor. To appear credible, she just removes all the measured numbers and only mentions them if its provided by the manufacturer. And look at her reviews of an rtings reviewed TV vs an India only model. The Indian only model reviews of the models always lack depth.Techiebeez and VMone
The only time I saw her showing a calibration tool was when she was showing a VU presentation where the VU guy was using a tool to measure peak brightness

VMone on the other hand is kinda weird. Said in a video that I don't recommend this Samsung because it doesn't have apps and then put a VU or something over it because its android. Like seriously bro? :/ And again, uses very generic terms. He is authentic but he really needs to up his reviewing skills. He reviewed the Toshiba U50 using checkerboard and other demo videos. But didn't explain it well. "This demo video is a great stress test for the TV. As you can see, the black levels and the colors are great on this" Compared to what? And why does it matter to an average viewer?
The only TV reviewer I find good is the Digit guy. He is not using tools but atleast he uses samples from real movies/shows and games to test it out. And uses definite terms to talk about his findings. And its fine because even we are gonna perceive it that way. Too bad that its a corporate job for him since Digit will never allow him to be too real.
As for no one mentioning Toshiba is Hisense, well, it'll be like shooting themselves in the foot. If they mention it, it means they do care about a TV being Chinese and it would alienate these companies from them. No more review units (not just for TV but all products). Also will drive away audiences who have strong political beliefs. Even the best of reviewers have to keep a good relation with the popular brands/audience. Once you put your name and face out there, same rules apply as the real world. Youtubers aren't as independent anymore.
You can only be truly authentic only if you don't want to earn money/fame. And while you are doing it, wear a deadpool mask over your face

And before anyone comes at me for liking Quantum TV; I am not saying he is right, I am just saying he is authentic. He'd definitely tell you that Toshiba is Hisense - right at the start of the video if its important to him.
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