Toshiba U79 and U80 Owners Discussion And Review !!

Techiebeez and VMone
I liked the 2 of them initially but Techiebeez is basically Rtings to Hindi convertor. To appear credible, she just removes all the measured numbers and only mentions them if its provided by the manufacturer. And look at her reviews of an rtings reviewed TV vs an India only model. The Indian only model reviews of the models always lack depth.
The only time I saw her showing a calibration tool was when she was showing a VU presentation where the VU guy was using a tool to measure peak brightness :D :D

VMone on the other hand is kinda weird. Said in a video that I don't recommend this Samsung because it doesn't have apps and then put a VU or something over it because its android. Like seriously bro? :/ And again, uses very generic terms. He is authentic but he really needs to up his reviewing skills. He reviewed the Toshiba U50 using checkerboard and other demo videos. But didn't explain it well. "This demo video is a great stress test for the TV. As you can see, the black levels and the colors are great on this" Compared to what? And why does it matter to an average viewer?

The only TV reviewer I find good is the Digit guy. He is not using tools but atleast he uses samples from real movies/shows and games to test it out. And uses definite terms to talk about his findings. And its fine because even we are gonna perceive it that way. Too bad that its a corporate job for him since Digit will never allow him to be too real.

As for no one mentioning Toshiba is Hisense, well, it'll be like shooting themselves in the foot. If they mention it, it means they do care about a TV being Chinese and it would alienate these companies from them. No more review units (not just for TV but all products). Also will drive away audiences who have strong political beliefs. Even the best of reviewers have to keep a good relation with the popular brands/audience. Once you put your name and face out there, same rules apply as the real world. Youtubers aren't as independent anymore.

You can only be truly authentic only if you don't want to earn money/fame. And while you are doing it, wear a deadpool mask over your face :p
And before anyone comes at me for liking Quantum TV; I am not saying he is right, I am just saying he is authentic. He'd definitely tell you that Toshiba is Hisense - right at the start of the video if its important to him.
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Give it few days.
My tv had uneven illumination (DSE) on the top part out of the box. It vanished after nearly 4 hours of operation.
Pretty happy with the screen uniformity.
Although there is vignetting on the extreme corners, which I had noticed in H8F reviews.
Same, vignetting is present but that is an issue on most Direct lit panels. I never notice it except when in the Xbox menus's which has a 5-10% gray background.
Idiots like GeekyRanjit and TechnicalGuruji have gained a massive following with pretty low quality content, so I'm assuming you would have an even faster growth.
TG got famous because of giveaways but I'd respectfully disagree about GeekyRanjit man. He didn't get overnight success and has reviewed phones quiet well over the years. His phone reviews sometimes go upto 20 mins and are packed with insights. When it comes to other products, he atleast has the self awareness to call it an impressions video. He's been recently trying to review computers and yeah, it shows he's struggling. But reviewers from when he started have all faded away now. He is still here. And another thing, if not for him, no one would have the balls to even consider being a tech youtuber today. He started during early 2010s when YT worldwide was not a place for making a career. In a way, he has set the path for all the young and upcoming ones.
TG got famous because of giveaways but I'd respectfully disagree about GeekyRanjit man. He didn't get overnight success and has reviewed phones quiet well over the years. His phone reviews sometimes go upto 20 mins and are packed with insights. When it comes to other products, he atleast has the self awareness to call it an impressions video. He's been recently trying to review computers and yeah, it shows he's struggling. But reviewers from when he started have all faded away now. He is still here. And another thing, if not for him, no one would have the balls to even consider being a tech youtuber today. He started during early 2010s when YT worldwide was not a place for making a career. In a way, he has set the path for all the young and upcoming ones.
I do remember GeekyRanjit from that time His videos were very good back then, but now his reviews feel like he hates doing it. Like there is no passion and he just reads off of a script. Granted I only watched his TV reviews, but hey were very bad in terms of information and depth. I think Unbox Therapy falls in the same league too but atleast he is passionate about what he does.
IYou'll need either a high quality IPS panel or OLED to not get any vignetting or dirty screen effect.
can you share a link for this.i thought DSE happens across all the panels.VA,IPS,OLEDs etc.For OLEDs due to self emitting nature.Its advisiable to wait for few days.

We even have a C9 unifority issue thread on this forum.
I liked the 2 of them initially but Techiebeez is basically Rtings to Hindi convertor. To appear credible, she just removes all the measured numbers and only mentions them if its provided by the manufacturer. And look at her reviews of an rtings reviewed TV vs an India only model. The Indian only model reviews of the models always lack depth.
The only time I saw her showing a calibration tool was when she was showing a VU presentation where the VU guy was using a tool to measure peak brightness :D :D

VMone on the other hand is kinda weird. Said in a video that I don't recommend this Samsung because it doesn't have apps and then put a VU or something over it because its android. Like seriously bro? :/ And again, uses very generic terms. He is authentic but he really needs to up his reviewing skills. He reviewed the Toshiba U50 using checkerboard and other demo videos. But didn't explain it well. "This demo video is a great stress test for the TV. As you can see, the black levels and the colors are great on this" Compared to what? And why does it matter to an average viewer?

The only TV reviewer I find good is the Digit guy. He is not using tools but atleast he uses samples from real movies/shows and games to test it out. And uses definite terms to talk about his findings. And its fine because even we are gonna perceive it that way. Too bad that its a corporate job for him since Digit will never allow him to be too real.

As for no one mentioning Toshiba is Hisense, well, it'll be like shooting themselves in the foot. If they mention it, it means they do care about a TV being Chinese and it would alienate these companies from them. No more review units (not just for TV but all products). Also will drive away audiences who have strong political beliefs. Even the best of reviewers have to keep a good relation with the popular brands/audience. Once you put your name and face out there, same rules apply as the real world. Youtubers aren't as independent anymore.

You can only be truly authentic only if you don't want to earn money/fame. And while you are doing it, wear a deadpool mask over your face :p
And before anyone comes at me for liking Quantum TV; I am not saying he is right, I am just saying he is authentic. He'd definitely tell you that Toshiba is Hisense - right at the start of the video if its important to him.
Yes I get you but VMone himself in other videos gives details like panel made by x and used by y...he also had a mystery tv comparison where he compared some new tv to kodak and said they are maufactured in the same factory in Gurgaon or Noida..also flipkart having the rights for nokia...etc etc. If he could tell then he could definitely say it now also... I do believe more people need to be aware that it's a Chinese TV in essence....since he had a video of hisense vs toshiba where people bashed him for a paid review for suggesting toshiba over hisense.....he made a video after that where he could have destroyed those lads...
I do remember GeekyRanjit from that time His videos were very good back then, but now his reviews feel like he hates doing it. Like there is no passion and he just reads off of a script. Granted I only watched his TV reviews, but hey were very bad in terms of information and depth. I think Unbox Therapy falls in the same league too but atleast he is passionate about what he does.
I think he lost the zest after expressing anger in a couple of videos about the nature of one Plus and how these companies sell the latest buzzwords and how people keep chasing after this...I remember he had a problem with 120hz... And poor ultra wide and macro cameras...but his frustration was apparent when people went for 4 cameras instead of good dual setup..
It's not that I haven't considered it, and I even had a tech blog 5 years ago(which is now deleted since there was some issue with monetization with it). A few of my friends also stated the same that they got more from me than a review. However, it's not so easy:

  • I have a cushy, very high paying job which requires a good amount of participation during all weekdays (8-10 hours per day). Also, I love my job a lot so leaving it is not an option. It only leaves me with weekends to do longer format content creation like a blog or article or YT video. And we all like to enjoy our weekends, so laziness plays a role here.
  • Unless you have all the time in the world, a single person operating a Youtube channel is hard work.
  • Getting review units will be a challenge, if not impossible as a small site/channel.
  • I neither have the video equipment nor the testing equipment to create the content I myself would watch. Also, I'm at my parents home till the pandemic blows over which doesn't have much space to create videos (but when I move back in 6 months this won't be an issue)
Honestly, if it was a zero money investment (just investing my time and effort), I'd have started it. And I am contemplating ideas on how to start up in a cost effective way. I don't want to spend 2+ lacs on equipment and then gain nothing back. Even if I was to make no money for 1-2 years it would be fine since I'm passionate about it, but I seriously don't want to invest a lot of money upon starting it since I'm not going to be doing it full time.

Here are the ideas I've considered:
  • Create a tech consulting website with another equally passionate person. I am a software engineer so creating a site won't be an issue. I can handle all the content and SEO and that person handles the operations (getting review units or loaners from stores, new ideas etc).

    The website will take your requirements and have an algorithm to suggest the best products for your needs. I have good knowledge of phones, PCs, tablets and TVs so can start from there. There will also be a (paid) personal consultation option.
  • Create a YT channel after the pandemic blows over. Start myself with just a phone and a basic mic (blue yeti), go to stores and ask for loaners for a couple of hours (share some profit on video with them). Eventually will start to get review units from brands as the channel grows. Can also start more sophisticated testing from there by buying equipment from the earnings.
  • Get a part-time job at a tech website/YT channel and get recognition from there. Leave in a few months and start my own thing/get equity there (least preferred option).
It's hard to start up something part time, especially alone. I'm trying to find something equally passionate about tech. He doesn't need to know as much, just be super passionate about everything tech and willing to do part-time work for some time and grow and have the same knack for perfection and be better than generic tech blogs/reviewers.
I myself would have been interested but I have my upsc it makes it quite difficult. One could also contact rtings and tell them about Indian market...and the regional language appeal..and start a kind of rtings India..with hindi content and subs in regional languages... Rtings India also makes sense..since we have a different market,products and consumer behaviour.
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New member here. Have been a long time lurker.

I bought the 65u7980 on 21st and had it delivered day before yesterday and got it installed yesterday. Did some calibration as per rtings calibration for h8f, it improved PQ a bit.

I have a fire tv pendant ( 2017 us variant ), unfortunately it doesn't support Dolby vision, and I am at unease knowing the Dolby vision playback issue through external devices, has anyone tried an external device to playback Dolby vision through say firetv 4k or nvidea shield.

Also the video looked wierd specially when I played mad max Bluray remux via my Plex server , that's when I realized I forgot to change the bit settings on my firetv, upping that from 8bit to 10bit solved the issue. Bluray remux look insane on the tv, Dunkirk specially.

The inbuilt plex app is not that good, I ended up switching mostly to the firetv Plex app.

Here's some issue though, when I put on a totally white screen, there's a bit of shadow at the corner, like some shadow effect is this normal?

Apart from that, if I turn off local dimming completely and have a black image, at night the screen look somewhat dirty will attach pics soon.
The Fire TV stick 4K support dolby vision on this TV. I have tested it. The moment you connect, you get a dolby vision logo on the top right.
Also, have played DV videos on Netflix.
Okay guys, first impressions time. The TV is bright but not that much. I have backlight at 75 for SDR and 100 for HDR mode and it looks good. I never watch SDR in dark so 75 backlight is good.

Couldn't get the white balance right. Warm seemed a bit too warm around 6200K, standard seemed a bit too cool at about 7200K. Now, I'm not a purist for accurate 6500K whites and prefer mine a bit too cool(6700-6800K). So I went with standard and dialed a -3 offset on blues. Seems right now.

Local dimming is set to high but still see a bit of blooming. Blacks look really good when local dimming is high, pretty terrible when set to low or off.

Saturation at 47, contrast 40, brightness at 50(don't mess with this), backlight at 75, local dimming at high, white balance standard with -5 to blue, motion with it set to 3 on both as per @fragpic (will adjust further), colour gamut to native, HDMI to enhanced.

Edit: changed de judder to 6. Judder is still present until 5. Don't see much soap because the response time of this TV is super high.

HDR/DV bright
white balance set to standard looks alright. Warm is way too warm (around 6000) while standard looks around 7000K. So I put a -3 offset to blue just like SDR
Backlight to 100, local dimming to high. Rest settings same as SDR

The Netflix app is good, prime video is OK (plays 4k HDR fine), Plex app is garbage (doesn't play HDR at all) but can stream high bitrate REMUX. Will have to get something done to stream my PC library over network with HDR.

Sound output is decent for a TV, but mids seem suppressed. I can wait till Diwali for some discounts on soundbar. This will do till then. I'm not very picky about sound anyway since my hearing isn't that great.

EDIT: Changed some settings as I'm still optimising it.
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Hi all, I am new to this forum. I found this thread via google while searching for reviews of U79. This thread proved very helpful.

Anyways, I got my 55" U7980 delivered and installed today. I have attached the packed box pics as I remember someone asking about it. The box need to be turned upside down to get the TV out and also added detailed specifications I found in the manual.

Initial impressions with consideration that I am no expert -

- Since the inbuilt OS is lacking few apps and I have firestick 4K, I plan to use that most of the time.
- By default Firestick 4k connects at 1080p and 8bit display unlike my previous VU Premium android 50" which used to connect at 4k and 10 bit by default. (Video Resolution set to "Auto" under display setting of Firestick 4k)
- The Firestick 4k UI looks more crisp and lively while inbuilt OS menus and text look kind of blurred / faded.
- Tried changing color depth to 12bits and forced resolution to 4k, that made videos choppy on Netflix. Turned on the Enhanced HDMI from TV's menu and that seems to solve the issue. Netflix got upscaled to 4k with this setting (I have Full HD plan of Netflix as of now, will go for Ultra HD soon)
- Best experience till now was on Amazon Prime Video (both Video and Audio). Even though when Firestick 4k was in auto Full HD mode, playing "The Boys" made the video auto turn to Ultra HDR with a boosted heavy sound. That kind of experience is lacking in both inbuilt and Firestick Netflix.
- Couldn't find anything with HDR or Dolby Vision either on inbuilt OS and Firestick 4k's Netflix. All videos on Netflix say HD.
- Sound varies a lot depending on source, app and OS.

If anyone is using Firestick 4k or MI box 4k on U79 then let us now how was your experience with HDR and Dolby vision on Netflix and other apps.


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The Fire TV stick 4K support dolby vision on this TV. I have tested it. The moment you connect, you get a dolby vision logo on the top right.
Also, have played DV videos on Netflix.

Did you change any settings in Firestick 4k or TV for that....And which HDMI port did you connect Firestick to ? My Firestick connects at 1080p, 8bit by default and Netflix has HD contents only. Prime Video does play Ultra HDR.


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Did you change any settings in Firestick 4k or TV for that....And which HDMI port did you connect Firestick to ? My Firestick connects at 1080p, 8bit by default and Netflix has HD contents only. Prime Video does play Ultra HDR.
Dolby Vision and HDR is only for UHD content, so you will need to upgrade you Netflix plan for that.
Dolby Vision and HDR is only for UHD content, so you will need to upgrade you Netflix plan for that.
Oh, Okay. I was not expecting 4k but HDR or at least Dolby vision with Full HD plan. Netflix doesn't specifically mentions that. Thanks for the info, I will upgrade my plan and check.
Oh, Okay. I was not expecting 4k but HDR or at least Dolby vision with Full HD plan. Netflix doesn't specifically mentions that. Thanks for the info, I will upgrade my plan and check.
I don't think any streaming service provide HDR for 1080p content. HDR (and Dolby Vision, by extension) is only for UHD content.
Okay guys, first impressions time. The TV is bright but not that much. I have backlight at 75 for SDR and 100 for HDR mode and it looks good. I never watch SDR in dark so 75 backlight is good.

Couldn't get the white balance right. Warm seemed a bit too warm around 6200K, standard seemed a bit too cool at about 7200K. Now, I'm not a purist for accurate 6500K whites and prefer mine a bit too cool(6700-6800K). So I went with standard and dialed a -3 offset on blues. Seems right now.

Local dimming is set to high but still see a bit of blooming. Blacks look really good when local dimming is high, pretty terrible when set to low or off.

Saturation at 47, contrast 40, brightness at 50(don't mess with this), backlight at 75, local dimming at high, white balance standard with -5 to blue, motion with it set to 3 on both as per @fragpic (will adjust further), colour gamut to native, HDMI to enhanced.

Edit: changed de judder to 6. Judder is still present until 5. Don't see much soap because the response time of this TV is super high.

HDR/DV bright
white balance set to standard looks alright. Warm is way too warm (around 6000) while standard looks around 7000K. So I put a -3 offset to blue just like SDR
Backlight to 100, local dimming to high. Rest settings same as SDR

The Netflix app is good, prime video is OK (plays 4k HDR fine), Plex app is garbage (doesn't play HDR at all) but can stream high bitrate REMUX. Will have to get something done to stream my PC library over network with HDR.

Sound output is decent for a TV, but mids seem suppressed. I can wait till Diwali for some discounts on soundbar. This will do till then. I'm not very picky about sound anyway since my hearing isn't that great.

EDIT: Changed some settings as I'm still optimising it.
good points u pointed out
please share your complete recommended settings like rting does
and also your gadget recommendation website is a cool idea i think it will def work in our country India
thers already one headphone recommendation site from DMS and Zeos which use automation algorithms
Few more info for
Hi all, I am new to this forum. I found this thread via google while searching for reviews of U79. This thread proved very helpful.

Anyways, I got my 55" U7980 delivered and installed today. I have attached the packed box pics as I remember someone asking about it. The box need to be turned upside down to get the TV out and also added detailed specifications I found in the manual.

Initial impressions with consideration that I am no expert -

- Since the inbuilt OS is lacking few apps and I have firestick 4K, I plan to use that most of the time.
- By default Firestick 4k connects at 1080p and 8bit display unlike my previous VU Premium android 50" which used to connect at 4k and 10 bit by default. (Video Resolution set to "Auto" under display setting of Firestick 4k)
- The Firestick 4k UI looks more crisp and lively while inbuilt OS menus and text look kind of blurred / faded.
- Tried changing color depth to 12bits and forced resolution to 4k, that made videos choppy on Netflix. Turned on the Enhanced HDMI from TV's menu and that seems to solve the issue. Netflix got upscaled to 4k with this setting (I have Full HD plan of Netflix as of now, will go for Ultra HD soon)
- Best experience till now was on Amazon Prime Video (both Video and Audio). Even though when Firestick 4k was in auto Full HD mode, playing "The Boys" made the video auto turn to Ultra HDR with a boosted heavy sound. That kind of experience is lacking in both inbuilt and Firestick Netflix.
- Couldn't find anything with HDR or Dolby Vision either on inbuilt OS and Firestick 4k's Netflix. All videos on Netflix say HD.
- Sound varies a lot depending on source, app and OS.

If anyone is using Firestick 4k or MI box 4k on U79 then let us now how was your experience with HDR and Dolby vision on Netflix and other apps.

Adding more to this, Good quality elongated wall mount was included in the box. 5 expansion bolts were there for it. The Installation guy skipped the center one and drilled holes for rest 4 (2 on left and 2 on right). Once installed, The TV can be shifted left or right by 5-6 inches by lifting it slightly and sliding and then secured with screws.

Firestick can be controlled via the TV remote but I found the response very laggy. Hisense written all over the Box, Packaging. People may have doubt they brought Hisense or Toshiba.


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Netflix on mobile and Youtube does do 1080p HDR, but you need to have 4k plan on Netflix for it. YouTube does HDR fine for everything as long as your device supports it.
yes youtube supports even on 144p.BTW does the native youtube app on vidaa supports HDR.It was not supported on android at least till last year
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