Is E6 the best LED that Panasonic has ever produced?

1. It would be worth it.
2. Very few models are available.
3. May be in April or May.
Just checked the Panasonic showroom in koramangla bangalore. He had only 42 inch model available and asking 60k for it. The. 2014 models as you said are expected in April/May.
@kkdeep: They will add new features to ensure that the price comes in the range of 65K. You won't get much discount too. I got a price quote of 57500 at my place. @rockfella got a price quote of 52000 at his place. If it's not urgent for you and is ready to pay extra you can wait for the new models. Also you need to wait for the reviews as well.
Sorry to diver from the topic on E6. But I disagree with this statement, TS or Airtel does not have better PQ than D2h. PQ of all the 3 are the same, i have watched TS HD for over 2 years and still own one connection, also have d2h HD. PQ is same no difference at all, only advantage is D2h is cheaper and does not burn a hole in your pocket like TS HD. It will cost a bomb to watch the 24 hd channels on TS. on d2h i pay Rs 170 for watching over 21 HD channels. The HD access fee of TS is a killer and inflates the pricing for all channels.

I also had this misconception that TS HD has better PQ, post moving to D2h 3 months back i must admit TS having better PQ is a myth, D2H has the same PQ and there is no difference at all.

Sorry for the off topic post again but i don't agree with you, Airel & TS PQ is better than Videocon PQ and its not a myth :lol:
Its not just me saying it.. i was checking DTH Forums lately and most of the people who switched from D2H to Airtel have blown away by Aitel PQ.

Yes D2H is definitely better than my old hathway stb :ohyeah: but they can never come closer to TS or Airtel. Most of the showrooms have TS or Airtel Installed and i don't think we know more than them.

D2H has good PQ and they offer more no. of channels.. their packages are very affordable.

May be you need to compare D2H with Airtel's PQ coz Airtel is better than TS.. but Airtel service sucks.:sad:

That's my personal opinion, No offense :)
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Correction: I got a quote of 53k. I took a demo of Panny L42ET60D and bought it yesterday. After the demo I didnot feel like demoing Sony at all. Bought for 64k in New Delhi. PQ is stunning, I get 3D and IPS panel for extra 11k. Though the black levels on VA panels are better, I found VA panels to be too sharp, IPS look more balanced/softer and blacks on the ET60D are great if not the best. Got 2 3D glasses as well. Now waiting to get 3D collection from a friend. Have to buy 2/3TB hdd soon :yahoo:
@kkdeep: They will add new features to ensure that the price comes in the range of 65K. You won't get much discount too. I got a price quote of 57500 at my place. @rockfella got a price quote of 52000 at his place. If it's not urgent for you and is ready to pay extra you can wait for the new models. Also you need to wait for the reviews as well.
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Correction: I got a quote of 53k. I took a demo of Panny L42ET60D and bought it yesterday. After the demo I didnot feel like demoing Sony at all. Bought for 64k in New Delhi. PQ is stunning, I get 3D and IPS panel for extra 11k. Though the black levels on VA panels are better, I found VA panels to be too sharp, IPS look more balanced/softer and blacks on the ET60D are great if not the best. Got 2 3D glasses as well. Now waiting to get 3D collection from a friend. Have to buy 2/3TB hdd soon :yahoo:

You bought the extended warranty? If so is it valid on the panel and board?
Demoed Sony W700B today. It was good. Got a price quote of 62K. But there was no L42E6D to go for a side by side demo. Will go to more shops this week end. Got bad reviews on Panasonic after-sales service and support from the shop. May be they are trying to push Sony.
Demoed Sony W700B today. It was good. Got a price quote of 62K. But there was no L42E6D to go for a side by side demo. Will go to more shops this week end. Got bad reviews on Panasonic after-sales service and support from the shop. May be they are trying to push Sony.

No dealer in my area was willing to go below 64.9 for the w700b.
67900 is the MRP set by Sony. Since it's a new TV dealers can give you a maximum discount of 8%. The discounted price comes to Rs. 62468. It was rounded off to Rs. 62000. They will try to sell at 8% discount all the time. But if we negotiate we can get it for 12% discount. Since this is a new launch it's very difficult to get the TV at 12% discount.

I've tried to get L42E6D at Snapdeal price. But nobody is reducing the price here. :(
For E6D they quoted 58400 which is around 8% of 63500 (Dealer MRP). I tried for 12% of 65000 which is the original MRP set by Panasonic. Even though they didn't agree initially finally they told they can give it for 57000. Let me check whether it's possible to reduce it to 56000.
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