Panasonic plasma 42 inch GT20 Vs ST30

Well! Until now the best deal I have got on a 42GT20 is 49.9K with 2 glasses and other festival offers (Scratch card + Keyboard).

I will most probably be nailing the deal in a day or two, along with a friend who is decided on the 42GT20 - Only problem is that I am a bit confused :indifferent14:

If anyone wants to join, we could do a simple group buy.

I think the price is pretty much rock-bottom, but we could negotiate a Tata Sky HD, in addition!

PM me if interested.
Have to really check if he is willing to ship outside. He informed me just a few mins ago that GT20 stocks have depleted on Saturday, and is now pushing me to buy the ST30 :rolleyes:

As a last resort, he promised to check if he can source some sets.
I'm not sure if he is being honest, but have no way to find out that :)

For me, it looks like at 49.9, the GT20 makes a terrific value buy (in spite of fewer USB formats, slightly thicker bezel, slightly more power consumption @40w and an year in the docks!), what with the ST30 retailing at 70k and only one pair of glasses!

EDIT: He says, the UT30 is a good substitute for the GT20!!!! Now, that is being super cheeky!!!!
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Pannags, if you think its a good price buy immediately .

Also unilet store has some more 50VT20D tvs available for 75k.
Pannags, if you think its a good price buy immediately .

Also unilet store has some more 50VT20D tvs available for 75k.

Thanks Kittu. Will do just that as soon as he calls me with a confirmation.

And for those who expressed interested, I'll PM immediately, if he has managed to source any additional stocks :)
Re: 42GT20

Yesterday, i went in for 42GT20 but came out with 50V20 for a lip smacking price!! :yahoo: All along on the way, i had made up my mind on 42GT20 and got 48K confirmed for a single piece. Once in the showroom, folks saw the 50V20 and i don't know what happened in the next 30 mins, we were on our way out with 50V20. Anyways.

I thank all here for the advice and suggestions.
Re: 42GT20

Yesterday, i went in for 42GT20 but came out with 50V20 for a lip smacking price!! :yahoo: All along on the way, i had made up my mind on 42GT20 and got 48K confirmed for a single piece. Once in the showroom, folks saw the 50V20 and i don't know what happened in the next 30 mins, we were on our way out with 50V20. Anyways.

I thank all here for the advice and suggestions.

what is price of 50v20
hey guys
little off topic here.How long do plasma tv last? do they have panel failures like lcd tvs?? i am asking because my friend wants to buy a new tv. he previously owned a sony 40 inch tv,about 2years old.but the panel failed and the replacement was a bomb! so he is wondering if a plasma will have any problem like this? i checked the net but found people foolishly saying that because of extra heat in plasma tv they are more prone to failures than lcd!!

just need your experinces and opinions which will reassure him and me too1:D
sorry for going of topic!!:o

hey guys
little off topic here.How long do plasma tv last? do they have panel failures like lcd tvs?? i am asking because my friend wants to buy a new tv. he previously owned a sony 40 inch tv,about 2years old.but the panel failed and the replacement was a bomb! so he is wondering if a plasma will have any problem like this? i checked the net but found people foolishly saying that because of extra heat in plasma tv they are more prone to failures than lcd!!

just need your experinces and opinions which will reassure him and me too1:D
sorry for going of topic!!:o


Buying a plasma makes more of a VFM deal. LED/LCD in my humble opinion are overpriced.

For example LG passive 3D LED Tv's are way overpriced.

Don't worry about warranty Panasonic provides 3 year warranty on its PLAMSA'S
Re: Panasonic plasma 42 inch GT20?

And hey ... this issue is not noticed in the **20 series of 2010, though floating blacks are a known issue, but not sure if it is profound.

Dear pannags,

thanks buddy

Don't u think Panasonic is messing things up.
One don't expect such things such as floating blacks, MLL, Fluctuating brightness year after year. All this is making me paranoid.
Earlier it used to be burn-in and now these. I am delaying again my purchase.In fact i'm starting to have little to no faith on the reliability aspect of plasma's.
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