To give you perspective of black change I was mentioning earlier, do the below.
Keep the TV in PC mode or display a black image and enter the service menu.
In service menu, press 1 two times to select the white-balance adjustment, the TV loses some black in this section due to some post processing.
From this point, if you move back and forth using 1 & 2 keys, you can see the difference.
This is the amount change I was talking about. It may matter to you or it may not.
I just tried it out Blasto. When you land at the white-balance adjustment menu, the TV loses some black as you mentioned, but when you move to a different adjustment menu (like the contrast one) it goes back to the same black level that we get while displaying a black image.
Maybe I am missing something here, but from what I understand this test is only proving that the best black level is what we already have and that is at +12 (+15 brightness for some of you).
Please clarify. Thanks.
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