Yamaha AVR owners thread

This was to happen sooner than later. Google copy/pasters eventually get caught, YES there is no ESCAPING!!!

As it is the whole purpose of this thread has been pointlessly diverted by this 'guru'

Request Mods to take action when such things happen :mad:
Gotcha...:ohyeah: Guruji is exposed.

Why he should be totally disregarded? He simply copy pastes articles and posts written by somebody else in some other site: It is shocking to copy paste others work and give an impression that he is writing all these and thereby trying to prove he is knowledgeable:

Have a look at this site

The above post from guruji is a nothing but a collage of various posts in a particular thread in audiokarma.org.

Guruji, google is your best friend but also your first enemy as it will faithfully display where from you copy paste all your stuff (read 1 year research). :clapping:

Yes, i did copy it, but whats wrong in that???

We are not talking about patent wars here.

If you memorize a definition and sit in an exam, and if you completed remember it, will you write that or write your own version?

I had to get to office quick, had no time in hand and those descriptions are in toe-toe with my view. So whats wrong in that?

Have you understood what in written in that post? This is more important than where the source came from.

And lastly do you think a person have same names in all forums?

I am truly hurt now. I tried to provide something to this forum my posting reviews of my Norge 1000, the yamaha amps may be for more than 8 hours of work for each review, and in return all i get is flak.

I try to put some lines which enlightens my thoughts and all i get is flak.

I repeatedly say these are my thoughts, and you are free to think your own view, and all i get is flak.

Now somebody will come and say my other reviews a copied too.

It seems in this forum I am banned to provide my thoughts.

HiFiVision administrators kindly reply.
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Yes, i did copy it, but whats wrong in that???

We are not talking about patent wars here.

If you memorize a definition and sit in an exam, and if you completed remember it, will you write that or write your own version?

I had to get to office quick, had no time in hand and those descriptions are in toe-toe with my view. So whats wrong in that?

Have you understood what in written in that post? This is more important than where the source came from.

And lastly do you think a person have same names in all forums?

???????? ??????? ?? ???? ???? ? ??? ??? ........

Loosely translated .....

Ashamed of your shamelessness!!!
This was to happen sooner than later. Google copy/pasters eventually get caught, YES there is no ESCAPING!!!:

Sometimes I now feel some of the members of this forum were desperately copy pasting my written contents in Google search as if they can find any reference any were else in the web, so they can pin me down.

Unfortunately for them it took then over one year & 263 posts that they can find some reference in other forum.

I have nothing to say. You can all pin me as much as you want now.
Sometimes I now feel some of the members of this forum were desperately copy pasting my written contents in Google search as if they can find any reference any were else in the web, so they can pin me down.

Unfortunately for them it took then over one year & 263 posts that they can find some reference in other forum.

I have nothing to say. You can all pin me as much as you want now.

That only shows most of the members tolerance ........but never take anyones patience granted....Beware the fury of a patient man.( Statement by - John Dryden NOT MY OWN _ GIVING HIM CREDIT!)
Sometimes I now feel some of the members of this forum were desperately copy pasting my written contents in Google search as if they can find any reference any were else in the web, so they can pin me down.

Unfortunately for them it took then over one year & 263 posts that they can find some reference in other forum.

Someone need not have to be Ph.D. to understand that your content was copy pasted. Suddenly your language and style changed in the last post which raised immediate doubts about its veracity. There was an evident discontinuity between the paragraphs in your post.

One line from your post from you which goes like this:
In the US acording to the Amplifier Rule CFR 16 Part 432 (39 FR 15387) was instated by the Federal Trade Commission (FTC)
Do you think it will be too difficult for us to figure it out that you have not written this? :ohyeah: I just copy pasted a string of words from your post only to know where from you have copy pasted. Not to find counter arguments to debate against your failed logics.

Nothing wrong in referring to other sources, but posting them without a quote or a link, as if you have written them is ridiculous. It ofcourse deserves action. What you are doing is known as 'plagiarism'. Infact it is comparable to stealing.

I, for that matter everyone at some point of time, do refer google. That is to learn things and know facts. Not to copy paste (ir) relevant posts here as if I have written and claim that I am knowledgeable.

You have hijacked this thread by claiming that 667 can deliver only 20W by your flawed theory of looking at size/ weight and calculating output power. Sorry to say nobody here is ready to buy your theory. You should have first come and experienced the performance of this '20W' AVR in reality. Though 663 may be better (I don't know for sure), Rx-667 is one of the best mid-range AVRs out there in the market and offers true VFM.
Sometimes I now feel some of the members of this forum were desperately copy pasting my written contents in Google search as if they can find any reference any were else in the web, so they can pin me down.

Unfortunately for them it took then over one year & 263 posts that they can find some reference in other forum.

I have nothing to say. You can all pin me as much as you want now.

Rishi, you have to understand that by just copy / pasting & in doing so sounding as if its your words/knowledge, you are not going to gain anything. What Santy has said is very true & its sad if you do not realise this. No one is interested in 'pinning you' but yourself. Your thought process of evaluating all & sundry by weight, size, number of posts, etc is not at all warranted. Please try to bear this in mind.
We are all here to learn, not to 'boast' of our knowledge. Trust you take this positively rather than negatively.

Kindly also post in context to the topic of the thread rather than going OT, as doing so the purpose of the thread is lost, hope you realise this.

Just because the moderators here are lenient does not mean you go crazy & do as you please.
Someone need not have to be Ph.D. to understand that your content was copy pasted. Suddenly your language and style changed in the last post which raised immediate doubts about its veracity.

I know that too. If i am a real copy pastier & a stealer of others views, I would have carefully selected the content, changed the words & other stuff.

But I did not do so.

I just copy pasted that post so that my views are expressed. Since I had to go to office i had no time to reply prankey.

Do I say i know everything regarding amps? Never. Actually prankey may know a lot more technical stuff than me. Same goes for Audiodoc & many others.

I always say, i am in the learning phase, and always thank others when they raise a new point & correct me if i am wrong.

What I provide are my views & thoughts and I admit I am not of the GENERAL type:

"I have X amp and I mated with Y speakers and got Z sound."

Though these comments are very useful.

You should have first come and experienced the performance of this '20W' AVR in reality. Though 663 may be better (I don't know for sure), Rx-667 is one of the best mid-range AVRs out there in the market and offers true VFM.

Santy you are doing a huge mistake. I am taking about continuous power and not RMS power. The RMS power of the 667 is 90 watts per channel as quoted but according to me they are not continuous power.

And continuous power is not RMS power.
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Your thought process of evaluating all & sundry by weight, size, number of posts, etc is not at all warranted. Please try to bear this in mind.

I know that. That's is the reason why I always say these are my views. And i always repeat that the others may follow with their own views.

Now if you say altogether that me as member should stop providing my views & thoughts then what is the need of being a member of this forum?

???????? ??????? ?? ???? ???? ? ??? ??? ........

I write stuff related to DSP technology in Yamaha DSP-A2070 thread and hemantwaghe comes in and comments that i am advertising my amp. This really hurts you know.

And then he starts to give me "gyaan" regarding cars with zero knowledge. He got slapped in his own face by his own hands and hence is in "vengeance mood' tracking my every post and posting his worthless comments. This vengeance have caused so much fury in him, that he is currently lost of words and using "hindi" as a mode of communication.

I try to be polite with him, and then he writes poems regarding me with desperation.

I just don't know what to say. Some time I feel it is good to be total noob in this forum. You have more respect in that way.

We are all here to learn, not to 'boast' of our knowledge. Trust you take this positively rather than negatively.

I take this positively.
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Glad to hear that Rishi :)

Remember, no one here is wanting to fight with fellow members. You were better off when you yourself dissected various components & gave all here a pre-view into the innards of the dissected gear & gyaan on them. If you remember, I even encouraged you to continue doing so. I think you should continue doing these 'dissections' though for that you need to get hold of more equipments :D Continually only blowing trumpet on how good your Yamaha 2070 is, is of no value & becomes detrimental to your efforts & undoes all your good work. PLEASE be objective & neutral!!!

For arm chair critiquing, we should avoid using the forum & its precious bandwidth.

We can take this matter on another thread or by PM as we have all gone OT quite a bit & hence should respect the actual purpose of this thread to remain relevant. Request Mods to please delete all unrelated posts to this thread & take similar action on other threads having OT matters too. Thanks!

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Glad to hear that Rishi :)

Remember, no one here is wanting to fight with fellow members. You were better off when you yourself dissected various components & gave all here a pre-view into the innards of the dissected gear & gyaan on them. If you remember, I even encouraged you to continue doing so. I think you should continue doing these 'dissections' though for that you need to get hold of more equipments :D

Why should I?

Look in this thread : http://www.hifivision.com/newreply.php?do=newreply&p=313701

It seems from hematwage's comments, from henceforth one line comments are suited best in this forum.

We are all avidly waiting for the denzongs Yamaha AS500 review.

Hope denzong listens us.:)


waiting for visiting Denzong's place tolisten with some good "EXPEREINCE ENHACERS"
Also waiting denzong to visit my ( and dave's ) place as we want to review certain "enhancers" maybe a "shootout" between enhancers made in Scotland Vs made in Tenessy. ( to untrained eyes these "liquid enhancers" look like bottle) with good music of course!!


Guruji the threads purpose is to get answer


Denzong do not waste time ,when we can "sit" at my place ---saala noone has time for crap?


Reviews are regarded crap here. They are regarding as a waste of time.

So why waste countless hours in writing review stuffs to enrich the visions of newbies regarding audio?

Better stay back, google and learn. Enrich yours. And give a shit to the forum & newbies.

These is what i make out of this above comments.

Continually only blowing trumpet on how good your Yamaha 2070 is, is of no value & becomes detrimental to your efforts & undoes all your good work. PLEASE be objective & neutral!!!

denom please take this positively, but when do defining what DSP technology is becomes like blowing trumpet of my amp as how good it is?

On the other side think so many members came to know that there is a DSP technology.

For arm chair critiquing, we should avoid using the forum & its precious bandwidth.

I accept that.

We can take this matter on another thread or by PM as we have all gone OT quite a bit & hence should respect the actual purpose of this thread to remain relevant. Request Mods to please delete all unrelated posts to this thread & take similar action on other threads having OT matters too. Thanks!


+1 from me.
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Well I admit real musical waveforms are quite complex, rich in harmonics & broad in bandwidth, and completely rife with transients. The brute-force amplification of sine waves into a dummy (resistive) load, while quite objective and reproducible does not necessarily give a good representation of the real-world performance into a real world load since speaker with frequency-dependent overall impedance, capacitive and inductive reluctance.

I believe plenty of equipment will easily meet it's advertised power rating, then trip out on its thermal capability of heat dissipation after a few minute's. Guess there's a reason for the buying big buck product's.

Unfortunately, real-world performance may be very difficult to measure in an objective and "portable" way say, can you and I be on different continents, using different equipment, but measuring the same thing?. I don't think so.

Given all of this - it seems power ratings are not terribly useful at all if you ask me and all in general; one is better off to trust one's ears.

I have local made amps deliver approximately 25 watts per channel at something like 5% THD. They sound very good with my speakers in my room listening to the kinds of music I like.:lol:

In common use, the terms "RMS power" or "watts RMS" are erroneously used to describe average power. A 100 "watt RMS" amplifier can produce a sine-wave of 100 watt average into its load. With music, the total actual power would be less. With a square-wave, it would be more.

In the US acording to the Amplifier Rule CFR 16 Part 432 (39 FR 15387) was instated by the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) requiring audio power and distortion ratings for home entertainment equipment to be measured in a defined manner with power stated in RMS terms. The erroneous term "watts RMS" is actually used in CE regulations.

In any alternating current waveform (which an audio signal is), the voltage measured in RMS times the current measured in RMS is the AVERAGE power. The use of root-mean-square to measure voltage and current was developed decades before the phrase "high fidelity" was coined, specifically so that when the two are multiplied together, the result is average power.

Here's the details of how RMS voltage and current are used for average electrical power:

Root mean square - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

This was apparently misunderstood by those making the 1960 to 1970's standard. With the wrong thinking that "RMS times RMS must equal RMS," and since this is a legal ruling about marketing audio amplifiers in the US, they have been rated in "RMS watts" ever since.

Actually thinking about the RMS rating is seems pretty good as basically a rounded AC equivalent of constant DC. Like anything, rating's are easily fudged here, too.

Responses cut short of 1kHz rating's at most cases. At most cases an amp rated at 200 watts could produce a 1 kHz test signal without running out of headroom, change the scenario to full 20Hz~20kHz range and let's see what happens. You will be terrified to see the results, it may even come down to 120 watts.

Most better amp's have lot's of short term power abilities, sometimes two times. Then there's availible output heat sink cooling area.

Ultimately it all boils down to what i said before, it is the sound that ultimately matters.
Please expand what you were trying to communicate through this post. I don't understand the GIST of this post. You have written what I was TRYING to educate to you and I appreciate that.

I write stuff related to DSP technology in Yamaha DSP-A2070 thread
PROBABLY, another learning for you - DSP is just another way of signal processing. Its a CLOSED LOOP (usually) signal processing where the signals (any reference signal for that matter) are finitely sampled and processed also monitoring the output stages. Earlier Microcontrollers were used for the same purpose. Before them, complex analog circuits were used, which were noisy (adding noise while passing through various analog stages of processing), bulky and much less accurate or efficient.

DSP is a modern way of signal processing and is deployed on ALL AVRs since inception (AFAIK). And it only modify the audio signals during the initial (preamp) stages (usually used for effects processing - bypassed in "Pure Direct" or equivalent modes). What were you trying to prove there (curious to know)?

Ensure that you do not copy and paste info here from other sites without referring them. Its against forum rules and you will be banned if you do not learn from your mistakes.
Ensure that you do not copy and paste info here from other sites without referring them. Its against forum rules and you will be banned if you do not learn from your mistakes.

I am extremly sorry prankey. It was an impulsive decision to provide an answer to your post before going to my office.

I promise this will never happen again.

Thanks for sharing your views & comments. I highly appreciate your views.

I thing our discussion have deviated quite a lot from the original discusion of this thread. Ley us end this & if possible start an new thread.

Thanking you, Rishiguru.
Hi thejas23

I have got energy rc-micro 5.0 in US and waiting for it to come down to India. Wanted to know about your impressions of yamaha 571 with ETC. I am also contemplating my rc-micro with 571. Do let me know the price of receiver along with the listening impressions..

it goes gr8 with ETC , i never auditioned any combo till now , just blindly on the basis of reviews i got it and yes i am satisfied its gr8 its a all rounder . i paid total 28 for AVR
yes i paid 28k with bill and dealer warranty , it is 110v , As i bought AVR+ ETC got a decent deal , Free shipping and converter
Hi all,

I have got a rxv-671 with a psw505 woofer. I am using my old sony hifi speakers with this (mhc-rv555). My brother got me this when he was visiting home and he forgot the mic and the remote :(.

I am able to play with it using the controls on the receiver, but I have to increase the volume high to start hearing anything from the speakers. I guess I have to increase the gain (not sure if the term I used is correct/apt as I am a novice in this field) on the front speaker channels. Also the surround speakers that I had with the sony which is connected to the avr does not produce any sound. So I guess all this means I need to configure the speaker setup. Is it possible to do without the remote from the avr controls ?

I tried with my friends (yamaha rx-v5* i guess) remote which was only working for the volume up and down and a few other irrelevant controls. I had a harmony 680 lying and tried configuring that also and everything was perfect configuring, but same as the other remote, only few controls work. Menu works, but cannot navigate to speaker setup etc. Have anyone tried with a harmony remote and got it working ?

I don't want to waste money as my brother when gets back will send me the remote and mic that came with the receiver, hence ruled out buying another remote, unless the new remote is less than 1k !
Hi, I have got a yamaha rxv671 from us and my brother forgot to take the remote and the mic that came with it. it will be a month before I get it after he reach back. I have got a psw505 and speakers from my old sony hifi (mhc-rv555) connected to it and right now, I need to increase the volume considerably to start hear anything from the speakers. I guess I need to increase the gain on these front channels (Pardon me if I had the wrong technical terms, me being a novice in this area) and the surround speakers that came with the sony hifi connected to the surround channels of the avr does not produce any sound. I guess all this means I need to setup the speakers in the avr.

Can anyone tell me if I can do all these without a remote and using the controls on the avr itself ? I also tried with a friends remote (she has a rxv5*, I guess) and only volume and a few other controls worked. I had a harmony 680 lying around and tried configuring it and same thing with it. I can get to the menu but the navigation or select keys dont work on harmony remote. Has anyone got the rxv6* working with the harmony remote ? Is there any other way I can get the speakers setup done on the receiver ?

Many thanks in advance,
A beautiful, well-constructed speaker with class-leading soundstage, imaging and bass that is fast, deep, and precise.