I have finally got the confirmation after several phone calls today that it is shipped in the afternoon. Still waiting for the Docket number of the courier. I am told that I will get it by 8:30PM today.Hi Prankey,
Did you get the courier details?
I believe MRP is 4900 (might have increased recently). Its non rechargable Bluetooth glasses.Congrats on getting the glasses. Is that the rechargeable one at mrp5900?
I was told glasses for the samsung will cost 3100 here for additional pieces, don't know which model no.
Price of Rs.3100 is VERY GOOD and we should utilize the source as the least I have got is Rs.4000 only.
If we also include the MRP of the glasses this TV is costing us only Rs.58k! So going for X30 in lieu of this will be a CRAZY DECISION.