I have been quoted Rs. 102,000 for P50V20D, Rs. 68,000 for P42V20 and Rs. 66,000 for P50U20D from the Panasonic Brand Shop in Pune (Baner Road). Blacks in V models are definitely superior. TataSky HD looks at par on V and U models.
The Samsung Brand shop had only one model to display, a 42". I think it was C450 as that salesman said that it was not Full-HD. I asked the salesman about Series 5, 6, 7, etc. He said, "Series 5, 6, 7 applies to LCD/LED only and not to plasma". What a moron!
I have not been able to decide as yet.
I paid 59k in feb this year for pany 42v20d without any exchange,
No doubt the price quoted for u is high.