I have just bought Yamaha rx 479. Wanted to know which 5,1 speakers systems to go for. My room size is 20x12 (L shaped open) and viewing distance is 17 ft. My requirement will be 95% movies and cable tv. Will be watching mainly downloaded english drama movies so need strong centre speaker which can give me good vocals.
Budget is about 35k, and stretching it to 50k
I have demoed the following:
Polk 6750 at Profx, kurla
Morel at M Z Audio, Bandra
Boston S at Viola, Andheri
Paradigm (don't remember model) at Final Touch, Santacruz
Klipsh and Jamo 360 35s at Cinebels, Bandra
Jamo 360 25s at Beats 99, Ghatkopar
Elac at Kripa Electronics, Santacruz (with the guy from Final Touch)
From the above, I didn't like Polk, Paradigm, Morel or Klipsh. Liked the Boston which was well within my budget but am told Boston has stopped supplying to India so no stocks available. Sort of liked Elac but loved the Jamo 360 35s. But unfortunately its way too expensive for me at 67k. The Jamo 360 25s is still affordable but I think the sub is slightly underpowered for my room size. Though when I heard it at Beats99 I liked it since I think the owner showed it to me with a bigger sub. Mr. Vikas at Cinebels which is the official distributer for Jamo told me he would never suggest the 360 25s to me as it would not suit my needs. A very helpful, knowledgeable and straightforward guy indeed.
So now I am back to square one and after all these auditions I do not know where else to go. Most places have only one model for demos and most often its not one you are interested in. Can anyone give me suggestions based on the above as to which speakers I should look for and where in Mumbai can I find them for demo.
There's Taga Harmony inMove at Hifi mart, Monoprice 10565 and Bic America 32 and Energy take classic at Avenue Sound. Not very sure about any of these.
I think with my needs I will have to go for the top end of my budget as only that may give my a more powerful sub. If only Jamo was a little cheaper :-(
Please give me suggestions.